Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Rumble in the Bucoleon - Constantinople Winter 1203/04

Extract from MS Skopje

The winter began mildly, the snowfall was light and many took this as an omen. Throughout the city of Constantinople there were reports of Angels of the Lord appearing. Many people gathered in the places where these beings had appeared and prayed, seek intervention on their behalf. The city authorities became most concerned by these sightings and the Patriarch sought to understand their meaning. As such those who had witnessed these miraculous events were brought before the Patriarch and Abbots of the city and questioned as to what they had observed. Many rumours were spread about, some saying that the Angel was that of the Archangel Michael, and that he had come to smite the city for its wickedness, others that he had come to destroy the accursed Franks.

As winter grew on the people who had lost their homes and possessions in the great fire were forced to build huts and hovels in the remains of their old houses, or take up residence in the Hippodrome. Many began to die from a lack of food, disease and the cold. At this time the Marquis of Montferrat returned to the city, leaving the Count of Flanders with the young Emperor. Messengers from the Holy Land arrived, including Simon, Count of Montfort. They sought to convince the Franks to come to Jerusalem’s aid while the weather and tides permitted them. A few nobles left with them, most stayed, for the Doge of Venice would not permit any Venetian ship to leave or carry them southwards. All were to remain on the Golden Horn.

It is said that at this time Alexius III, the former emperor of Constantinople, who had been raiding the countryside and clashing with the Franks, was found, drowned in his bath.

Letter 2 between Subject Luctia of Aragon and Subject Luis Moncada.


Things begin to move with a new and vigorous pace here. Matters are now working at a speed that will soon place them beyond the hands of any mortal. They have become trapped in the machines of their own construction. I fear that it will soon be time for me to retire from this place. Your concerns over the King of Aragon are no doubt well founded. I shall endeavour to assist you in always possible.

Your Childer


October 9th 1203

Letter 24 between Subject Vykos and Subject Gesu.

Most esteemed Grandsire,

I must petition you once again concerning our most beloved Symeon. Though I know that you have his best intentions and his welfare constantly in mind, and that you keep the love he bares close to your heart, his consistent incarceration within the walls of the Monastery I do believer are a greater hindrance to him than you might imagine. If he could but attend Elysium on a regular basis, or interact with other, not of his clan, then I am sure his condition would be much improved. I therefore implore you to release more often in to my care.

Myca Vykos

October 16th 1203.

Letter 9 between Subject Anna Comnena and Subject Magnus.

Magnus, the Ducai are preparing, violence grows in the streets, this accursed Frankish noose about our necks will soon be castoff. Perhaps it is time to pay dearest Alfonzo a visit.

Anna Comnena

October 23rd 1203

Letter from Subject Arbetorious to unnamed person in Ceoris.


I wish to inform you that all goes well, the package has been dispatched and is expected here soon enough. Hopefully it will lure that particular snake out. However other things have come to my attention. It would appear that the Venetian Lasombra are planning to make a move against the city. I am aware of the various objectives our clan currently has in that city. I therefore require clarification on what exactly is to be done. Currently favour is being shown to the native Ventrue.
Urgency is requested in this clarification. I also humbly request a reinforcement of gargoyles be sent.


October 29th 1203.

Letter 5 between Subject Malachite and Subject Petronious

Dearest friend,

I come to you with news that once again a member of your family has been observed unannounced in our territory. Blaise though not committing any unwanted acts in our realm has most certainly now caused some offence to my brethren. I beseech you one last time for an intervention, if she is observed again then I can not ensure her safety, or that some zealous neonate or ancillae might not seek redress for a perceived insult. In addition her appearance as I am sure you have noticed had taken a most perculiar turn. Perhaps she has spent too much time in the company of the Obertus?


November 8th 1203

Proclomation by Subject Natalys Syvatoslav of the Lexor Brujah.

Cherished brothers and sisters of this glorious city, friends and strangers alike, hear what I have to say. In honour of our most esteemed Patriarch and guardian father Michael, and to praise his trusted lieutenant Caius who rules with a wise and calm hand in his stead, to glorify the queen of cities our Constantinople. Know that we, of the Lexor Brujah with the assistance of the Muse Gregorious Dimites, intend to hold a revel of truly magnificent proportions in the coming Advent. All shall assemble at the amphitheatre for a night to be well remembered. The rules and protocols of Elysium will be in effect. We do look forward to your patronage and attendance.

November 15th 1203.

Extract from MS Skopje

As the close of the year approached and the city became increasingly covered with snow, many unfortunates, left homeless were forced to endure the cold as no shelter could be found for them. The accursed Franks continued to plague the city, attacking villages and town in the region, looting and burning with wild abandon. Yet the Emperor Alexius IV did nothing, he continued his feasts and drinking, despite the pleas of his people and the church.

The Doge of Venice along with many other great magnates from the Kingdom of France to the Hagia Sophia and after worshipping there consulted with the Emperor and all the great men of Constantinople. There they demanded the payments and promises that had been made to them be fulfilled. The Emperor Alexius scorned them, declaring that he no longer required their services. Turning in rage to the young man, the elderly Doge declared that it had been by his hands that he had been brought up from the filth, and it would by be these hands that he would be put back. From this moment on Greeks and Franks were at war. In the month of December there were two attempts by the Generals Alexius Doukas and Theodore Lasciartes to burn the Venetian ships at anchor in the Golden Horn. Fire ships were dispatched loaded with combustible material. The winds were not in the favour of the Greeks though and the Venetians managed to escape both times from the danger, with only losing some 25 ships.

Letter 3 between Subject Luctia of Aragon and Subject Luis Moncada.

Sire, it would appear that there is nothing more to be done here. I have settled all accounts as best I can. All lose ends have been tied up. Assamites are active in the region and exacerbate matters in the way they only know how. I have gained passage away from the city before the fire consumes us all; Gabriella of Genoa was most helpful in this matter. I shall write again as soon as I have made landfall.

Your Childer


December 1st 1203

Letter 10 between Subject Anna Comnena and Subject Magnus

Magnus, the offensive did not go as planned. A minor set back, other more direct measures are being taken. Remain on your current course, the winds are most definitely changing.

Anna Comnena

19th December 1203

Letter 1 between Subject Jules Talbot and Subject Natalys Svytoslav

Domina, Fair as thou art wise, I wish to convey my most eternal and deep-felt admiration and pleasure at the display of entertainment felicitated by yourself and your clan this past week. It was a marvelous sight and will be hard to match. I am certain that my sire Serrasine was delighted to be elected Lord of Misrule. I do but hope that I am resident in this city long enough to partake of your hospitality once again.

Jules Talbot

December 28th 1203

Letter 25 between Subject Gesu and Subject Vykos

Myca, I shall not issue this edict again, my will is to be obeyed. Symeon will stay where it is safe. His health as always is on my mind. I will not tolerate any further insubordination. It ends here.


January 8th 1204

Letter 7 between Subject Thomas Feroux and Subject Malachite

Malachite, the situation grows darker, the nightmare is beginning, and plans must proceed at a greater rate. I have contacted the others. See to it that all is done.

Baron Thomas Feroux

January 15th 1204

Letter from Subject Arbetorious to unnamed person in Ceoris.

The ruse I fear has failed, the bat did not lure the intended target out. Though Theresa and various cronies did make themselves know. I am afraid that she escaped. But not before some of their circle could be cut down. Research indicates a definite connection to the Obertsu Tzimice. Fletcher has proved himself useful enough, but I am sure there may be consequences for our House here in Constantinople. I shall send the cargo back as soon as the winds and ships permit.


January 24th 1204

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

Constancia has most certainly left by now and reside on Mt Eryices. Alexia has returned to her haven. The search continues, no doubt Xavier is close on her…..my heels. He shall not have it, cur.

January 28th 1204.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Photographic Reference Constantinople II

The Bucouleon Palace, Hippodrome, site of Elysium and centre of Cainite Politics.

Area damaged by fire of August 18-20th

The Outskirts of the City, Vykos's Mansion and city wall.

The Hagia Sophia

Greek Fire

The City of Constantinople