Extract 88-92
6th May 1209
The situation in Carcassone does not bode well for my project, which is still young. Thanks to the help of Alyias (who I now owe several boons) and other individuals, I have managed to establish myself and my abbey over the last few years. However, the prospect of the coming crusade fills me with dread. I remember Constantinople half a decade ago, and I remember the destruction the crusade inflicted there. I have continued my efforts to help the local populace through contributing to local hospitals, providing care for the poor and destitute, taking in those who wish to embrace the life of the cloth and other acts of charity. The Cathar Perfecti are most fascinating in their practices, such as the idea of Consolamentum and Dualism, further their interpretations of doctrine are perhaps the most interesting of sects that I have found to date. The branding of these holy men and women, who I agree are not perfect and often naive (their attack on the practice of Eucharist is still somewhat grating), but they are not dangerous or even misguided like the church claims, these are good and holy men and women, the motivations behind this crusade is as ever greed, jealousy and the fear that such simple people make the gaudy nature of the Catholic Church look tarnished and stained in comparison.
I swear, if I find Sir Godwin is responsible I will tear his head from his body and -
Extract from MS. Bilbao 223.48 A neglected history of the Cathar Wars. Here after known as MS Bilbao.
And so the Lords of France, blessed in their mission by God gathered at the city of Avignon. There to await the day and hour whence they would set out and crush the enemies who so despise our Lord Jesus. From across Christendom LM knights and more gathered, to do God’s work and cleanse the vile taint from the lands. And so came the appointed day, trumpets sounded and the mighty host marched forth singing Te Deum and praising the Lord. Their march was to Beziers, a fortified town with many towers. This simple city was like a rotten fruit, ready to burst if squeezed with all the world vileness and corruption. The city stank with the presence of Cathar heretics and Jews. The Army of God, like a gardener had come to remove the foul fruits so as to save the orchard.
Letter from Subject Esclarmonde the Black to Subject Alexander.
Most noble friend.
I find that matters in the County of Toulouse, as no doubt you are well aware are keeping me from the activities of you court. Oh how I wish that I could attend for you and the other members of our two great clans bring such joy to my heart when reveling in festivities there. I therefore apologise most sincerely at my enforced absence. However if you would so desire my return most verily, then you have the power at your disposal to turn King Phillip and those who now make war on my people, to turn aside. I entreat you that you would do as our Lord Christ would want you. The public scourging of Count Raymond was enough for the Holy Father, must I too perform such a ceremony to prove my position?
Queen of Carcassonne,
July 6th 1209
Extract from the Journal of Xavier Hugo of Clan Cappadocian
Well. The city (if anything smaller than a country can be called a city, after Constantinople) of Carcassone is a city of Toreador, with all that implies – backbiting, pettiness, and snide arrogance abound here. Khleda fell to frenzy, as did Alais – even I was hard pressed to contain it.
Still, this place not be entirely without merit. I have met a quite interesting fellow – a Brujah, out of Spain. Though he holds some reverence for God, this does not interfere overmuch with his mind or his manners, as it does with so many – after a brief period of frenzy following an insult to his spiteful deity, he was positively apologetic, even eager to take a rational and civil discussion. Still, I shall not discount some ulterior motive – if known for one thing, it is that the faithful will stop at no line to further the purposes and plans of that towering, tottering edifice they call a church.
Neither am I alone. The lady Irenie is yet another retiring academic, content to sit in a cemetery while Elysium is held in her absence. By all accounts, however, she has a penchant for taking walking corpses as servants. I shall go forth into the night, and find her – by all accounts, she frequents a Jewish graveyard on the other side of the town.
First, however. One man (a foolish Christian knight of the Grail) has got himself cut down, cast into torpor. So I shall exercise the powers of Mortis to reawaken him, and see if any good and Christian gratitude is forthcoming. I suspect that it shall not; still perhaps others will recognise his ingratitude, and they will know I am... capable. I shall consider it an investment in... advertising.
July 7th 1209
Extract from the Journal of Subject Justinian, from Archive Vienna 3.
July 10th
So, it seems as though a new collection of country Kindred have made their home in the city. One claims kinship here, but her actions speak otherwise. They bring with them the filth of the East, one can smell the grave soil upon him. This should not complicate matters too much. Ceoris should be sending other members of the House soon. The location of what we seek will soon be known.
Letter between Subject Gullieme and Subject Marianne.
I suggest you watch the new arrivals, the Brujah’s inability to follow polite etiquette will not be tolerated by me for long. Victor has already spoken to me on the matter. You may recall the one known as Khalidah, she has returned along with the prodigal daughter it seems. The blood of course must be kept pure.
July 11th 1209
Letter between Subject Joachim and an unknown recipient.
The case has been laid before them as you so intended my lord. As you suspected, Esclarmonde will not acquiesce. Force it seems will be needed. The Cathars infest the areas here about. They swarm like locusts on a crop. There will be much work to do yet.
July 14th 1209
Extract from MS Bilbao
So the army of God came upon a den of those little foxes that ran through the vineyard of the Lord. Outside the city of Beziers in the county of Toulouse they set camp and did lay siege to the city. All the heretic Cathars of the land did flee before the glorious host of Christ and retire behind the walls of this city. There were some XM defenders in the city, garrisoning its walls and manning its mangonels. The Abbot of Citeaux held council with the other leaders of the army, including the Lord Simon de Montfort. They sent messengers out to the city to ask it to come to terms, the heretic ribalds who had come to the city mocked the delegation and called them many foul things. Thus rebuffed the army of God attacked, laying many ladders against the walls. Fire poured down from the towers and many were slain on both sides. Many siege machines were created and hurled mighty stones against the wall. Cut off from outside help the people of the city began to starve, great was their woe, for they had rebelled against the teachings of the Prince of Peace, and He now turned his face away.
The Viscount Raymond Roger assembled in the city of Carcassone a great host, who intended to come to the aid of Beziers. He rode out with some CCC knights and raided the area about the encamped army, but due to the faith of the host they could not come near. After a week they retreated back to Carcasonne.
Extract from the Journal of Subject Justinian, from Archive Vienna 3.
It would appear that matters here continue at a celeritous pace. An envoy from Mithras and Baronies of Avalon has arrived in the city; he hopes to place a Plantagenet in Toulouse I shouldn’t wonder. Henri d’Evreux, a lap dog of Alexander, or is it Geoffrey has also come from Paris. I fear that Esclarmonde’s appeals may be falling on deaf ears. Matters continue, Margaritte has made some interesting in roads. Though I can not fathom why she focuses upon that Grave Robber Xavier.
July 18th 1209
Letter 2 between Subject Gullieme and Subject Marianne.
That Brujah whelp has once again defied the laws that the Queen has laid down. If he should break them once more then I may take the dispensing of punishment into my own hands. The laws must be obeyed, I will not permit the usurpation of the Courts rights or allow anyone to destabalise Esclarmonde’s reign here. We have enough enemies already. I do not trust the Henri d’Evreux, he stinks of Ettiene of Poitou and his machinations.
July 21st 1209
Letter 2 from Subject Esclarmonde the Black to Subject Alexander.
Most noble of friends, though for how much longer I may call you that I know not.
Your subjects have assembled armies and have besieged the cities of my land. I am torn between my love and loyalty to you, and the responsibilities that I owe to my people. I am placed in a situation that none may envy. I therefore appeal to you one last time to call off this venture. Cease this war so that no more innocent blood may be shed. If you are truly concerned over the fate of the lost souls of the heretics, then there are other courses that might be tried.
Queen of Carcasonne
July 26th 1209
Letter 4 between Subject Luctia of Aragon and Subject Luis Moncada.
Sire, I have safely arrived in the city of Carcasonne and established amicable relations with the ruling house here. I not a few old faces are here too, though I doubt that they shall prove to be a threat of any serious nature. I work towards the aims that you have laid upon me. Esclarmonde it seems is in some trouble. She is beset upon all sides by numerous factions and seeks assistance against the army of God who has marched into her lands. Her pleas fall on deaf ears in the Great Court of Paris. She as you suspect has many enemies there. There is much to be gained here as you suspected. If the army proceeds further then she will become desperate. I have contacted the Bishop of Narbonne, he has various tastes that must be suitably catered for.
Lucita of Aragon
July 30th 1209