Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Photographic Reference - Florence II

The Roof of the Baptistery 

Giovanni Boccaccio

Geoffrey Chaucer

Sir John Hawkwood

Florence 15th Century

A 14th Century wedding party

Palazzo Vecchio

The Baptistery 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Photographic Reference - Florence I

Coat of Arms of Florence

Ponte Vecchio over the River Arno

Florence, Cthedral (Duomo) on the rights, Palazzo Vecchio on the Left.

Front of the Cathedral

The Cathedral

A gold Florin

Northern Italy 1400-1500

Gathering Wool - Florence Spring-Summer 1378

Extracts 66-92 concerning Gaius Menias Pelagius

June  1355

Last night was perhaps one of the most momentous nights in my damned existence. There are perhaps only two other nights in my long existence as a Cainite that equals it: The night that I first met my companions some one hundred and fifty one years ago and the night some two hundred and nineteen years ago that I met my sire, Celsus. Last night Narses of Venice, Arch-Bishop of the Church of the Third Caine and heretic met final death at my fangs. An event that has been one and a half centuries in the work, a momentous night! I almost cannot believe it. This electrifying feeling of having finally accomplished what I set out to do all those nights hence. I swore upon the ashes of the Michael, Gesu, the Dream, of the Obertus and of Constantinople that I would avenge their destruction. An oath sealed with the death of Alfonso by my own hands. It has been a long road to that moment and the new found power I can feel surging in my veins. When I first watched his decrepit old form crumble to dust I laughed for some twenty minutes straight in sheer amazement and happiness. Those who destroyed my beloved Constantinople have been destroyed and rightful rulers have been placed upon the Patriarchs throne. I had to twist every favour and strike many dark deals to achieve this goal and I worry for the state of my immortal soul with the number of amaranths that I have committed to strengthen myself for this moment. The weight of my sins falls hard upon my shoulders, but I completing this I feel some sense of absolution.
I awoke and watched the moon rise this night and while I still buzz with the feel of this great victory, I have come to a realisation. This is not enough. This is not the end of my journey, while I now stride into the night having undergone the next stage of my transformation; I now walk among the ranks of the Ancillae. There is still much more that I mean to accomplish in the coming nights and God has greater purposes for me still. I am not yet ready to settle down in the sedentary life, I must continue to test and refine myself in the coming years so that I might prepare for the days where I plan to carve out a territory for myself. I look forward to the challenges that await me.
I am Gaius Obertus. 

 Ser Caius,

I write to bring you wondrous news. Our combined endeavour of this last century has been completed and justice has finally been brought for the treachery of centuries past. A small handful of days ago battle was met against the traitor and conspirator known as Narses of Venice and his influences within the city, putting down his attempt to create an uprising through the local doge and seize power from the deserving families of Venice. However, this victory was not without costs. It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that many of our most dedicated knights and soldiers fell within those bloody streets, their names are contained within this missive so that you might memorialise them. There are of course the matters of several major favours that need to be repaid in the coming years and I would like to ask your assistance within this matter. The presence of our military order has been noticed and we have been tasked with assisting the King of Cyprus in his war against Alexandria, I have decided that I will follow the men to the battlefield and give what assistance I can but I would like you to accompany me on this campaign. I bow to your superior experience with military matters and would seek your council and instruction. I have a small number of tasks for you should you decide to assist me in this matter, in particular I would wish you to help raise the necessary additional supplies, funds, equipment and to step up recruitment. We will need to recruit a greater body of soldiers and knights, as well as induct more brothers through the sanguine and osseous rites. I would also like to ask you to recruit as many of the local cainites or if necessary induct brothers through the night rite to fill out our numbers. I will meet you in Cyprus where we will be massing with our elder and brother orders.
God bless and keep you safe,
Your Sire,
Gaius Obertus,
Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Gesu
January, 1356

21st of September 1356

This evening I bid goodbye to one of my longest serving companions, whom has walked this path with me for nearly two centuries, when we first met in Constantinople I knew that we were kindred souls. I speak of course of my faithful falcon Zozemous. He has always travelled with me in my journeys, a boon companion and faithful servant for all these years. However, he has now lived two extended life spans with the gift of my blood and is growing decrepit. I have come to the realisation that I cannot keep resorting to the black magics of necromancy to grant him new life and as much as it pains me I’ve made the decision to allow him to rest. I cannot watch him decay however and I fear what his blood lust will cause him to do continue his life, so I took him on one last hunt and then I drew him close, hugged him one last time before sinking my fangs deep into his neck and draining his life. The tears are still flowing at the moment and have been for the last three nights. I have arranged for him to be placed within his own ossuary at my Abbey in Paris.

I am as one might guess, still somewhat distraught over it all. It is as if another link to my previous life has been severed. But I entirely agree with Khalidah, it needed to be done eventually. In part I believe it’s because we are all somewhat afraid of what we have created through our adventures. That it no longer responded to the use of animalism showed that Zozemous was no longer exactly an animal and while he was most likely now an abomination, he was my abomination and my friend. His long decades of service will be remembered.
Gaius Obertus

12th of August  1365

I awoke sometime after the sun had slipped beneath the horizon and night had spread across the land, this evening I spent some time contemplating the roof above my head and the nature of darkness. In my mortal years I was often fearful of the night because of the darkness that came with it, even in the bustling streets of Constantinople my fanciful imagination would always create things inhabiting the long shadows cast by the flickering light.  In the two centuries following my embrace I’ve adapted to a life away from the Sun and the light of Gods magnificence, there have been times where I have struggled against the day sleep so that I might feel its touch upon one of my outstretched hands or I have attempted to watch the sun rise only to fall into day sleep or retreat into safety. I have two other reasons for no longer fearing the dark: I was taught by Minage how to pierce the darkness with eyes sharper than any mortals which has saved me a great deal of money in candles and proved exceedingly useful to allow me to witness the true beauty of God’s creation at night. Secondly is my exposure to powers wielded by our Lasombra cousins who can create darkness like no other I have ever experienced, blacker than the blackest nights, a darkness so thick that it feels like water or heavy fog pressing against ones skin, a child cold beyond any other that saps the strength and will. The reputation of the magisters is surely justified by the very existence of this power and that’s ignoring their personalities, temperaments and attitudes which are matched only by the more unsavoury members of my own Clan and surpassed only by the accursed bloodlines of the Tremere and the children of Baal. Still, Magisters make excellent if not completely trust worthy allies.
The Order has been gathering in Cyprus over the last few weeks, while our numbers are relatively meagre in comparison to our comrades in the Hospitallers and the Teutonic Knights, still it feels me with pride to see how much we have grown in numbers over the last century. There is something awe inspiring about being surrounded by a force of Christian warriors dedicated to the cause of God, even if there are many more unsavoury individuals amongst us or those who have ulterior motives for taking part in this crusade. I look forward to the coming challenge and test of my skills in full battle, as well as fighting side by side with the brothers of the order. This should prove an excellent testing ground for the recruitment of new retainers, vassals and future childer. Hopefully God should look favourably upon us in the coming months or years of campaign.
Gaius Obertus

This evening myself and my bosom companions have arrived upon the shores of Sicily, myself and Khalidah have been called in to repay one of the favours that we owe to Gratiano for his involvement in the schemes that surrounded our activities in Rome and Venice. There are greater schemes at work this evening as it seems he has gathered a great deal of allies and influence to do battle with some of his clan-mates here in Sicily and further abroad, I for one am perfectly happy to return the favour and serve under his direction. I look forward to continuing to test my mettle against khine and cainite warriors in the following weeks; I’ve heard rumours that more Banu Haqim have been sighted arriving or targeting members of Clan Lasombra. I look forward to learning from observation the techniques and methods used by an individual chosen for embrace by Lasombra himself, an individual tested and mentored by the eldest of the magisters in the politics of our kind. It should be quite an education. I can’t quite pin down the origin of the sensation that stirs within my restless bones and blood this evening, but I believe momentous events are soon to be afoot. I have much to do to prepare myself and our company of soldiers and knights.
Gaius Menas Pelagius

March 1378

After a relatively smooth night of travel we have arrived in Florence, my presence within the city is mostly at the behest of Khalidah and Xavier, though I imagine that I will be able to find plenty of reasons to occupy myself for the coming nights. The Prince Ansistas the Golden has proved relatively magnanimous so far and my only concern with his edicts is his restriction of our dwelling place to the small more rustic portion of the city on the other side of the River, I imagine this is designed to not only allow him to keep a close eye on new arrivals but also cause them to become quickly ingratiated into the political system here due his ally Juliana < > dominion over the bridges. My personal concern however does not fall onto that section of the matter but appallingly close proximity to the local Tremere chantry, the Usurpers are here in number with five cainite members already ingratiated into the court and probably numerous of their grotesques, human servants and apprentices. Unfortunately they also happen to have the favour and ear of the prince, who has pointedly informed me should any conflict occur I will be punished over them. It is little wonder than no other members of my clan have settled here as of yet, though there are greater numbers of them travelling over from Hungary in the current years.

While I imagine that the majority of the Tremere will be content to snipe at me in Elysium and keep me under a watchful eye until they can exploit any mistakes or weaknesses for their own gain, I doubt that my old enemy Margerite will remain quite as placid, I imagine already she is plotting a revenge scheme for my devouring of her sire. Entirely understandable of course, I would do exactly the same in her position. I will need to be cautious in my activities within this city, I will negotiate for arcane defences from Xavier and his ilk to provide some protection from their magic, preach caution from my servants and gather a flock around me, it seems that I will need to reinforce relatively quickly. When the time arises I will also need to purchase and establish another set of havens elsewhere in the city should something untoward befall me, but I imagine my close proximity to Khalidah and Xavier will provide some protection given Margerites infatuation with the dour Cappadocian. Honestly I have no idea what people see in him when it comes to romance, he is… boorish at best these nights nowhere near as firey or passionate as he once was.

I have already made moves to begin establishing allies around the city and make myself useful to the establishment here. I will have to cleave closely to the rather shabby excuse for Setites that we have here, a rather oily fellow known as < > who seems to be relatively competent if a bit exuberant and to have strayed from their religious path somewhat and Tomassino a cringing shy young cainite that I believe could do with some mentoring. Bringing these gentlemen back into the fold and training them seems to be her task within the city at the moment, which she has asked me to help in. I imagine that the fair available at their pavilion will be … poor at best compared to the splendours I have seen in greater cities. However I believe that should prove to be excellent allies that should be fostered, even if I am concerned for the state of my soul given Khalidahs current pleasure at my progress upon her clans revelations and mysteries … something should be done about that me thinks. If I accidentally fell into their particular creed of damnation I would never hear the end of it I fear and I honestly get enough mistreatment from my own clan and the High Clans of Europe that I don’t particularly want to add another layer of mistreatment and manipulation on top of that. I have already began negotiations for mercenary contracting with the Dux Bellorum here in Florence, who seem open to the idea of additional mercenary forces given the presence of one of the agents of Mithras known as Xavier de Calais, a Gangrel Condoterri and his army of eight thousand English mercenaries who have been serving in the area under the employ of Florences current enemy the Papal states (directed by Gregory XI), as such I will advertise my ability to improve minions and create Szlatcha as well as some of the services provided by my Knights to the Toreador gentleman alongside contracted mercenary work. It seems two fellow Byzantines are also within the city, escaping from the advance of the Turks beneath their Othman war-leader and perhaps here to request further support as well as saving the works of our people from destruction at Turkish hands, they might make excellent allies for the future and I feel that it is my duty to see what help can be provided from Byzantium in these trying times. It appears that there is currently a conflict between Anna Comnena as head of the Ventrue and the Dracons brood over who will rule Constantinople and Thessalonica; it might be time to provide some future support to my brethren. It seems that I will have to contact the candidate, Symeon and Myca about the matter of support in Byzantium and for advice with my current situation. I will do likewise with Nikita to inform him of circumstances here in Florence and ask if there are any matters to be done to advance the cause of our clan or his own schemes further, given that I may need to cleave closely to the local Bishop of Nod contacting him for introduction may prove useful and it may be that Nikita can provide some advice or support on the matter or direct me to someone who can. I further intend to see if I can speak and spend time with the local Gangrel hunter who goes by the name of < >, it might be in hawking and hunting that we can draw some common ground and apparently he is close to the prince. Contacting the local Brujah of the city might also prove fortuitous.

I am also interested in seeing the development of this English Tremere by the name of Thomas Huntingford that I have met; he owes me a relatively minor boon for me escorting him safely to Elysium though had I been aware of his clan I would have charged him much more. He seemed somewhat tense around his clan mates and at least unlike them he was polite, he is the third tremere so far to apologise to me and promise that not all of his get are quite so … well, Tremere. I’ll watch him closely for the mean time. I very much doubt his statement but he might prove useful, I’ll also use Xavier and his closeness to Margerite (which I will encourage of course) to my advantage as well. It seems that there will be much to keep me busy in the following nights; like always I shall thrive under these conditions.  
Gaius Menas Pelagius 

To my old friend Rashid an’Nasib,

I hope that this missive finds you safely home in Basra, and I pray that your journey was safe and relatively uneventful. Though give our reputations I trust that Allah has kept you safe as always even should difficulties have occurred. It seems strange to no longer be travelling with you old friend, but I understand your decision to settle down for the meantime and enjoy a peaceful existence. I would like to thank you for your company over this past century, travelling with you has been an illuminating experience and the nights will be lacking without your quiet presence and sagely advice. You will certainly be missed as an ally, companion and dare I say friend in the long nights to come. I hope that despite our disagreements in the past that you will continue to think of me as a friend and ally, and that I would be welcome to visit you at some point in the future in Basra. I promise that I will not bring the entirety of our extended coterie along as often troubled times follow and I wouldn’t wish such upon you and your home. Given the unfortunate losses you suffered in Rome because of our actions within Jerusalem and Acre I’ve included with this missive some manuscripts and copies of some of your star charts that I remember as well as several astrological books that I’ve encountered in recent nights. I hope that you will find this useful as you continue your work.
Allah watch over you friend,
Gaius Obertus

I was caught entirely unprepared for the true nature of events that occurred this evening. The last few weeks and months of campaign have seen the unfolding of what appears on the surface to be a relatively mundane mortal conflict, but beneath the surface there are the sweeping currents of Cainite power stirring around this location. We have witnessed with our own eyes one of most momentous battles in Cainite history since the fall of Rome and Carthage and perhaps since the stories of ancient Nod. We have battled within the very centre of power within the ‘Sea of Shadows’ and this evening within sight of the Castle of Shadows itself, we believed at first that we were merely settling a conflict between the childer of the Magister himself. Gratiano has waxed poetic about the corruption within his clan since our first meetings, and it seems he decided that the matter needed to be dealt with and new leadership needed to be established, I assumed with the blessing or indifference of the magister itself on the matter of squabbles between his progeny. We began to suspect something else was afoot with the involvement of Assamite contractors and I had stronger suspicions this night when the Castle of Shadows itself was sieged and burned in the distance. Gratiano found us as dawn approached and announced the news: Lasombra is dead. I can say that for once in my relatively short life that I was speechless… that one of the fabled antediluvians, grandchilder of Caine himself could be destroyed seems almost impossible even with the news of Saulot within my life time, I couldn’t quite believe it. That two such ancient beings and founders of clans have fallen in the last three centuries is seemingly impossible. Surely it could not be? But it has been and that I have been at least tangentially involved fills me with pride and fear in equal measure. I’m sure that it shall be the subject of nightmares for many years to come.
However, perhaps its unsurprising given what I have seen fall to ashes even in the early years of my undead life. Kingdoms centuries extant have fell beneath the reapers scythe, in my first three decades as a Cainite I saw the death of Michael, Gesu, Caius and innumerable other powerful cainites of Constantinople. I have with my fangs drained the life of Narses of Venice. It seems this is the age of possibilities. We are caught within the swelling tide of change, buoyed along by this squall, I sense a greater storm is coming and there will be greater changes ahead.
Gaius Menas Pelagius

Dearest Khalidah,

I hope that since our parting that Andreas and Christiano have been treating you well and that you are in good health and spirits. Know that my prayers go with you and you are not far from my heart in these nights, though I find myself at the moment focusing most of my attention upon my current regnant and love, Enrico. It has been some time since I have felt such exquisite joy in the presence of another, even if it is enforced with blood I find that I am losing myself to passions once again and his absence when he travels for business or spends time away from me is a keener pain than any sword.  I had heard that you were travelling to see Lothar again at the moment and I ask that you give him greetings from myself though I doubt he remembers me given the differences in station in those heady times in Carcassone.
Matters when it comes to our shared interests are continuing as usual, I am keeping a careful eye upon developments within Italy at the moment and preparing for the upcoming campaigns within the Holy Land as promised to Andreas. I look forward to seeing the works of Valdevar tested in battle, his much vaunted ‘Battle Sharks’ better prove useful. When you next return to Venice I have taken the liberty of acquiring some gifts for you to replace those destroyed in Rome, which of course includes another triptych, some devotional pieces and other such decorations that I have been working from ivory which proves as easily shapeable as bone to my hands. I find that I am quickly becoming more puissant with my clans gifts in these nights, I’ll discuss the details with you in person, but I think I have overcome a barrier that has been presented to me for some time in my improvements. I think I’ll be able to replicate the creation of your manticore companion Lambert with a little effort should be needed, though combining multiple subjects still eludes me for the moment.
I’d heard you’d been intending to travel to your homeland again? I was wondering if you would mind brining me along once again so that I might enjoy the hospitality of your Clan once more, it has been far too long since I have spent time in the company of Mara and I was thinking that we should  bring our beloved Giovanni friends with us. I think that Mara would most appreciate the company of other blood sorcerous as something different and exotic; it also might present your clan with the opportunities for further ins with the growing fortunes of the family. I honestly don’t understand why Xavier doesn’t spend more time with them, while some are rather loathsome; I’ve found my domitor absolutely delightful company. They seem to be of a much more similar mind set to him than his other Cappadocian brothers, given his focus on sorcery over theology and esoteric study I think spending time with people of similar interests and slightly shallower or more specific focuses might be good for him. I doubt Xavier will ever really be a philosopher to be honest; he’s far too grounded. Still he has his uses and his ingenious moments, I also think the Giovanni genius at banking and business might rub off on him if he spends more time with them, which would pay enormous dividends for our future endevours. I have made no progress in wooing Enrico, sadly he’s all business. Ah, well that will be a commiseration for another night.
I look forward to seeing you again some future night,
My prayers remain with you
Stay safe, and don’t do anything I would do.
Gaius Menas Pelagius

Extract from MS Vatican 37, here after referred to MS Vatican

War loomed over Florence in these days. The great pestilence had ravaged the land greatly and many sections of the city had yet to recover in the decades since it had come. In the year 1375 the great poet Giovanni Boccaccio had died and the city still mourned his loss, another great light had departed, never to be relit. The War of the Eight Saints continued to be wages against the Papacy and its interference in Tuscan affairs. To this end in a great stroke of fortune, the commander of the Papal armies, and Englishman by the name of Sir John Hawkwood was convinced to desert the See of Rome and take up the banner of the Republic. He came to Florence with 3000 men and began serving most faithfully. Soon great praise and riches were placed upon him and his men. With hime he brough many cannon and these were demonstrated to the people of the city in the fields beyond the walls. The in the March of 1378, not long before Easter the great adversary of the Republic of Florence, the Pope, passed away and a new conclave was called. Cardinals from across Christendom began to flock to Rome to choose a successor. The Republic prayed that the new pontiff would end the war and see reason where his predecessor had failed. At this time the condottieri continued to plague the lands of Italy. Fighting, burning and doing untold destruction to the poor farmers and people of the countryside wherever they roamed. It was the English and the French who were the worst offenders, for the fighting in France had grown quiet and they were now bored.

Rumours spread about the city at this time of a demonic beast, an Incubus if the tales are to be believed. This foul creature of Hellspawn waited in the shadows at night, following young women home and would there seduce them, defile them and do all manner of unspeakable and unholy things to them. In return for this he would grant them eternal youth and beauty. Many a weak soul was corrupted by such promises and their souls were condemned to perfidy as a result. If a man were to stumble across such a creature at its work it would attack most violently, for such beast only desire the flesh of young maidens who are chaste and innocent. This beast would rend man limb from limb and take their heads as trophies of its foul sport. Several deaths were blamed upon this creature and various high ranking citizens claim to have seen it moving about the streets in search of its prey. Armed with their faith in God it did not come closer, sensing their pure and faithful souls which are anathema to it, for its powers effect only the weak of heart and poor of morals.

Edict by Prince Ancius the Golden

To all Cainites of the City and Republic of Florence, your presence is required upon the North Western Walls thisevening near the gate of St. John. This gate and the walls about it are decalred Elysium. We look forward to your attendance; there is much to be seen this night.

Prince Ancius the Golden

March 13th 1378

Letter between Subject Ancius the Golden and Subject Antonio di Penefia.

Dearest Seneschal and cousin, the current situation in the city with the Hawkwood and the sudden arrival of this Xavier de Calais causes us some alarm. I can rely upon you as always to ensure that the security and the Integrity of the Republic remain intact as always. We have enough enemies within, let alone dealing with those beyond. Mithras has long arms and his reach is great, we must be sure that these gentlemen bear us and our Republic no harm. The war in France is stagnant and his rivalries with the Courts of Love have been good business for us in the past, we should not want him to reject out friendship. See to it.


March 15th 1378

Letter between Subejct Antonio de Penefia and subject Ancius the Golden.

My Prince, I have wondered this myself, I shall see to it immediately. I have the very servants you require in mind for such a civic role.

Sneschal Antonio

March 16th 1378

Letter between Subject Marcus Carteno and Xavier de Calais.

Good Sir,

I find it hard to believe that you put so much faith in these cannon. They may very well be of some use in the Kingdom of France or Englanf but this Sir is Italy and here in Florence I do not think they will stick. They are far too lound and cumbersome to be of any great use. One cn not possess enough of them in any great quantity for such a cost would bankrupt even the most wealthy of states. The skill and expertise required is greater than any mortal man can truly master and their rate of fire should be rated in the days rather than minutes or hours. You may have confidence in their application but I Sir do not. They remain a novelty and nothing more. I assure you they will not catch on. In warfare one must rely on what one can carry in ones own hand, and those are not cannons.

Marcus Carteno

Gonfalionere of Florence

Marsh 20th 1378

Edict by Prince Ancius the Golden

To all Cainites of the City and Republic of Florence, News has come to me that concerns us greatly. Rumours persist of a beast that has been taking women from the streets and corrupting them. To what end we do not know. Likewise such beasts have taken the heads of many a young noble. We trust in our citizens of the night and of course cast out any notion from our mind that a Cainite is behind these phenomena. Justice of course will be done to any perpetrator of these crimes should they be caught. Yet we know and love our children dearly, surely they are beyond such things.

Prince Ancius

March 26th 1378     

Edict by Prince Ancius the Golden.

To all Cainites of the City and Republic of Florence. As is traditional in these matters to celebrate the end of Easter and the conclusion of Lent a hunt will be held in the woods North of the City. The Farm of Michaletto Veruti has been declared Elysium. All who are interested in participating in the thrills of the chase should meet there. A prize shall br granted to whoever bags the biggest kill of the evening, that being beasts of course.

Prince Ancius.

March 30th 1378

Letter between Subject Carolo and Subject Tommasino.

I Like Her Not!

March 30th 1378

Letter between Subjects Gilberti Frestucci and Alphonso Frescobaldi.

Dear Sir,

It would seem that the Prince has bagged himself quite the prize. A Villa from the ancient world, shinning with the glories of ancient Rome, that had for all this time been located under our very noses. He shall become quite insufferable after this. It would seem that he has ideas of a public display of the works discovered there to be made. He wishes to remind us all of his good fortune and our position within this city. He has already contacted my guildsmen about setting to work on preparing a stag and hall for the display. No doubt Lorenzo and Bertrand will be chomping at the bit over this one. It is at time such as these that one considers the words that Bandecca Manetti and his ruffians shout in the street, demagogues and malcontents that they are. I find it very strange of course that out dearest Romanos did not know of such a place, considering all the time he spends on his little sojourns in the woodlands here about. Perhaps it had slipped his mind, or perhaps the new arrivals to the city were simply very fortunate to have been sent in such a direction. Trails can be laid after all.  

Your friend as always

Gilberti Frestucci

April 2nd 1378

Letter between Subject Romanos and Subject Ruffario.

It seems that you had a successful hunt old friend. Though claiming a snake as a trophy, and one so small and young was never going to raise your profile in the eyes of the Prince or any of the other magnates of this city. If you must hunt men as your prey, be so sure as to hunt men worthy of it.


April 2nd 1378.

Letter between Subject Paolo Giovanni and Subject Christiano Giovanni.

Cousin, I know that matters currently haunt your mind and that not a moments rest has found you sine the night I forced you from Mistress. Never fear and remain strong in the faith. I shall resolve this matter accordingly. The Jews present a problem and your Mistress a solution.


April 3rd 1378

From the Journal of Gaius Menas Pelagius

Most beloved sire,
I hope that you are in good health out in the Balkans, I’ve heard that there is a great deal of turmoil going through the clan at the moment, especially given that we are engaged in political conflict with the Antoine Ventrue and other remaining factions from the Dream within the homeland.  Do you have any news on the intentions of our esteemed leaders upon the matter of the Turks? Should their assaults upon Greece succeeds they will certainly delay or even halt the reconstruction of our glorious dream. Though perhaps should the worst happen and the infidel claims our homeland we should consider rebuilding the dream elsewhere? How fairs Nilus and my other brood siblings in these nights? I trust that there are being kept busy with their tasks and worship. I apologise for being an unending disappointment when it came to the matter of serving within the holiest of orders, It seems that Gods desire was not for me to wear habit after all, I’m sure however that your later experiments upon the matter will prove you and your beliefs to be well founded without the bitter tears of failure that I am accustomed to. I am currently within the fair city state of Florence, matters here are most interesting these nights and a great deal of intrigue continues to stir within the homeland of the papacy. There are certainly many plots and schemes, the major players of the European continent and their influence can be felt even here, especially that of the lord of Avalon who has agents within the city. The Cainite Heresy dwells here as well and I continue to masquerade as a member of the faithful, my connections with its leadership are too useful to forsake now, though I believe that they are becoming increasingly destabilised as of late with the successful removal of the traitor Narses. One matter of import that I would speak to you on is our discovery of an unintentional infernalist amongst the Setites of the city; it seems someone has lured him into practicing the heretical techniques taught within the annotations of various Setite works. He has been brought to justice for these crimes and others, and now has been rendered into final death. Other than that all matters continue well enough for the meantime, business continues to be prosperous for the Order and for the Company. It seems that we will be doing a spate of contracts in France and England at some point soon, so should anyone have matters that need to be dealt with I will be willing to represent their interests in exchange for future favours.
Your loyal Childe,
Gaius Menas Pelagius

Letter between Subject Alphonso Frescobaldi and Subject Luctretia Ambretti.

Good lady, word has come to my ears from various sources informing me that a certain young gentleman of the Medici family, by the name of Giovanni, was set upon in the streets by some ruffians most recently. Rumour also suggests that they were in the pay of the Strozzi. Fortunately it seems that some passersby came to his assistance and rendered him aide before any harm could be done. His pride might have been wounded but not his body. I would suggest that you keep a much closer watch on your assets in the future lest ill fortune strike again. Most recently have I heard from a little bird that Abbess Piruli has lost a pet of which she was most enamored. She kept it in a little cell at the convent of ST. Mary Magdalen just beyond the city, and not it seems that it has not only escaped its cage, but disappeared entirely.

Yours as always

Alphonso Frecobaldi

April 6th 1378

Letter between Subject Lucretia Ambretti and Subject Alphonso Fresobaldi.

Dear Sir, I praise you for your diligence in keeping abreast of such recent news. Surely you will have much conversation and delight at the next Elysium. I was aware yes and I would not be surprised to learn that such actions were over the sale of some artifacts from the region of the Nile that have been the centre of some dispute. Of course the items were sold accordingly and payment was received in full. Young Giovanni fares well and has recently hosted a small feast to thank his saviours in an appropriate manner. The Chancellor Coluccio Salutati himself was present at the affair and gave a new reading from his works on the nature of Tyranny. A pity that you could not be there, I know how much you desire to understand such matters in greater earnest.

Lucretia Ambretti

April 7th 1478

Letter between Subject Gaius Menas Pelagius and Subject Andreas of Alexandria.

Dear Andreas,

I hope that this message has found you promptly and that your business in the nights since our last meeting has been prosperous. I am aware that we are not usually within contact given that usually we are somewhat distant associates, but I write to you to discuss a matter of some importance to the both of us concerning my companion and your wife. While I am sure that this topic is a matter of some worry to you, understand that I have no desire to see harm come to your wife and my ally, she is one of the few people that in the long nights since my embrace I have come to depend upon to any degree. You have known her far longer than I and I am sure that the two of you have come to some understanding over the matter of her romantic dalliances, the nature of relationships and marriage within the Followers of Set is something that I am relatively familiar with given that you draw from entirely different traditions that are not as tainted by the associations with the Aeons. I am however growing increasingly concerned with her behaviour and the nature of the trysts that she’s involved with, I am beginning to worry about her state of mind and the danger that she is frequently putting herself in with her choice in romantic partners. In particular I am worried that this will begin to spiral further and create for her more enemies than she already has, they are after all somewhat numerous as it is without adding a new list of jilted former paramours. Her mental and emotional wellbeing are a major concern of mine at the moment, in particular her current relationship with Christiano Giovanni has led to rather erratic behaviour on her part which has ended in the death of a mortal guest in our house and a personal possession of a local cainite. This has made relationships between our coterie mates somewhat strained as of late, I have already spoke with her on the matter, and I would ask that you would come here to Florence to talk to her further about the matter and provide some of the stability that she needs.

Your old associate,
Gaius Menas Pelagius

p.s. don’t mention to her that I have contacted you on this matter.

Letter between Subject Wolfran von Heidlen and Subject Margerite.

I desire you to keep an eye upon the Englishman, I have sent to Vienna for further details upon him. There is something about him that I distrust. Only most recently did I spy him reading through some of the alchemical tomes in the library, a most unusual habit, your own research not included of course. I trust all is well with Xavier Hugo and that there is no need for an intervention on behalf of the House to resolve matters.

April 8th 1378

Letter between Subject Lucretia Ambretti and Subject Tommasion.

I advise you to ensure that your lascivious kin of limited means and wit remove herself from the presence of Giovanni Bicci de Medici, unless unpleasantness soon occurs.

Luctretia Ambretti

April 10th 1378

Edict by Prince Anicius the Golden.

Be it know that in the case of Abbess Francesca Piruli against Konstantin Mokeic the accused if found to be guilty and is such sentenced to pay LM florins to the Abbess for reparations of the loss of property by here. This sum is to be paid within the by All Saints Day at the latest.

Anicius the Golden

Prince of Florence

April 12th 1378

Edict by the Prince Anicius the Golden.

I Prince Anicius the Golden of Florence, do hereby in accordance with the Traditions sentence the Cainite Carvolo to death for the crimes of infernalism within the demesne of Florence. His other crimes, particularly against the Frescobalid family and the abomination he created within his lair are many, but for this crime there can only be one fate. As such I do give his brethren of the blood, Khalidah, move to reclaim that blood as she sees fit.

Anicius the Golden

Prince of Florence

April 14th 1378

Edict by Prince Anicius the Golden

In accordance with the death sentence of Carvolo, it having been carried out, this matter is never again to be spoken of in the presence of the young Tommasino. Failure to comply with this edict will result in a similar fate.

Anicius the Golden
Prince of Florence

April 14th 1378

Letter between Subject Gaius Menas Pelagius and Subject Myca Vykos.

My Lord Vykos and dearest Great-Grandsire,
I hope that this missive finds you well and your work continues to be fruitful. As you have heard previously I am currently within the city state of Florence, which continues to be prosperous despite the difficult times within Italy at the moment, though from what I can tell this country has always been fractious as the rest of the Mediterranean unlike the Greeks fails to possess the wisdom to temper their hot blooded and passionate ways. I write to inform you of matters that might catch your interest, and to act as your arm should you wish to become involved in matters.

Firstly, I am sure you are aware that there is a strong Tremere presence within the city; I have so far witnesses five cainite members and their attendant gargoyles, numerous mortal apprentices and drudges, heavy fortifications and strong presence within the district of Sante Croche. They have the ear of the prince unfortunately, so I will be unable to make any moves to root them out due to edicts by the prince Anicius the Golden that should anything occur I will be most severely punished. So for the moment I watch and wait for a moment to undermine their position more subtly, I would appreciate advice upon the matter should you have it, I am I admit not the most subtle member of our bloodline. I believe that their primary purpose within the city is to research the relatively large population of mortal Magi within the city, in particular those of other practices beyond their hermetic cousins, indeed we have born witness to a battle between two different factions within the city that led to the deaths of many of the more traditionalist magi and the victory for their enemies. This involved overt displays of battle within the street that will be described in the attached documents, and the presence of a floating ‘sky barge’ which fired cannon onto the streets below. These cannon are also being used by the mortals within the city and apparently further west; it might be wise to consider this growing mortal trend and be prepared to institute it before our enemies. Small dossiers on the individuals involved with this chantry have been included, as well as what could be their capabilities. The youngest amongst them is a Tremere known as Thomas who it appears from my perusal of his less than well-guarded thoughts is in fact some form of charlatan, an infiltrator to the Tremere and a renegade, who is currently masquerading as another member of their order to steal their secrets. I suspect that he may be reaching the point where he might be discovered, as such, it might be prudent for me to acquire him or grant him protection for the time being, such an agent might prove useful to our intentions in the future.

Secondly, there is a revolution brewing within the city similar to that I described to you in Rome, it seems that the Brujah leaders Jovian and Bandecca Maneti are tired of the corruption of the prince, as such they seek to change the cities structure to make a greater republic. An interesting thought, but I have been asked to investigate the matter and discover their plans by the Seneschal of the city; as such I will remain sided with the current regime until I see advantage or decide whether or not I wish to detach myself.
Thirdly, there are three individuals of personal interest to you within the city who have been moving to flee the Ottoman Turks, one nosferatu scholar known as Cornelian (linage included in attached documents), a Malkavian scholar and philosopher known as Niketas and a Lexor Brujah from Russia known as Constantine. The two scholars are in possession of various books, scrolls and works rescued from Greece which include works drawn from the library of the Forgotten, I have already negotiated access from their sponsor. I have taken the Brujah has my ally for the meantime, he seems relatively young and inexperienced, therefore should prove an excellent tool or ally within the future with the appropriate mentoring of course.

Fourthly, Mageritte continues her attempts to woo Xavier Hugo of Clan Cappadocian and they are currently involved in the process of courting. I am unsure of his interest with the harridan, especially given his reluctance to be involved in any form of romantic relationship over the last two centuries, but their close proximity might be a matter of interest and concern to you personally.

Your loyal Servant,
Gaius Menas Pelagius

Letter between Subject Juliana de Patsi and Subject Alphonso Frescobaldi.

Dearest Alphonso, I am terribly sorry to hear of the poor fate that befell one of oyur young family members at the hands of that vile fiend Carvolo. However justice has now been done which I know must bring some consolation to your heart. Though I do wonder how long we must tolerate that next of vipers in our midst? Incidentally I have heard rumour that there was a break in most recently at the Strozzi palace, some items of interest, hailing from the land of Egypt and the deserts of Libya have disappeared. I don’t suppose you would have any information on that at all now would you?


April 16th 1378

Letter between Subject Jovian and Subject Rustuccio.

Majesty, matters in our great venture are progressing. It would be a wise time to begin the smuggling of contraband into the city limits and placing it accordingly for future use. I shall leave this in your hands. If more investment is required, see to the Jews, their pockets are deep.


April 17th 1378

Letter between Subject Bishop Vespasiano and Subject Cornelian.

Dearest Cronelain, Slave! I hope this letter finds you in good stead, I know you have been working hard at your many labours night after night, but yours is a noble effort. I have acquired most recently from a good friend amongst the Brujah a certain work that I fell would be wisely translated by you for the benefit of those of lesser capabilities. It is a copy of the Strategikon, annotated by the Emperor Basil II himself. No doubt there are witty references to how one should deal with Bulgars contained within. If you could find the time amongst your busy schedule to work on this I, as always, would be most appreciative of you most valiant efforts. I also assure you that the ravings and pontificating of that odious beggar Alessandro will no longer bother you and detract from your work, he has been dealt with sufficiently and will disturb you no more.

Bishop Vespasiano

April 19th 1378

Letter between Subject Gustavus Shcellin and Subject Margerite.

Margerite, the matter is most odd. This is the sixth person now discovered who has been frozen to death in the vicinity of the city. Frozen! I tell you Frozen, but the weather for this time of the year is most clement. All have victims have borne the name of Constantine, or some variation thereof. Since I am unskilled in such arts that may be useful, perhaps you could use your influence with Xavier Hugo to unravel this mystery.


April 20th 1378

Letter between Subject Margerite and Subject Gustavus Schellin.

Why Gustavus, why ever would I consider doing a thing like that? My time is precious and I have other matters to attend to. Surely a person of your means should be able to resolve such matters by yourself. Is that not what you have done before and have so thoroughly commented upon?


April 20th 1378

Letter between Subject Alphonso Frescobaldi and Subject Lucretia Ambretti.

Dearest Lucretia, I would just like to take the time to inform you of certain events that have occurred within the city most recently. I know your time is precious and that you cannot devote yourself to such trivialities when there are social engagements to plan, but for those of us who lack your lustre in such affairs allow me to explain. It seems that poor Abbess is suffering greatly; fortune does not favour her currently. Her convent has burnt to the ground no less, and if rumour be true the nuns therein have all been crucified, can you imagine such a thing. In other news there was a well-attended performance of the works of Horace held most recently, I know you were unable to attend but I’m sure the repetitive use of such language would have fatigued you greatly. It did however have a strange turn of events, early on in the performance the actors and the entire audience soon fell to acts of debauchery, writing and cavorting in a true bacchanalia. I am quite sure that this is the first time in many centuries that Horace has had such a response.

Alphonso Frescobaldi

April 23rd 1378

Letter between Subject Jovian and Subject Bandecca Manetti.

Citizen! Suitable gold and silver has been laid aside, Bribes have been made and professionals hired accordingly. Stores continue to accumulate. We have but to await a suitable situation. I know you are concerend over the presence of the presence of Konstantin, he may very well be a spy in the employ of the Prince. He has spent ,much time in the company of Bishop Vespasiano. Nothing of too great a role will be given to him until his loyalties can be assured. I shall have Ciompi keep an eye on him. I look forward to hearing your next oration to rouse the rabble of this city.


April 24th 1378

Letter between Subject Antonio de Penefia and Subject Anicius the Golden.

My Prince, agents set on investigating the English problem that currently besets us have borne some fruit. While the truest motives of Xavier de Calais must for the time being remain a mystery, it seems that the Condottieri Hawkwood is in negotiations with the Visconti Duke of Milan over a potential marriage to one of his daughters. I do not believe that this will be too unfavourable a position. Milan has become a strong centre for the Amici Noctis since the events in Venice some years ago. Connecting ourselves with Milan and perhaps supporting our brethren in Genoa in its current dispute with Venice may be to our benefit. The Giovanni are upstarts and must be contained, perhaps Hawkwood could be used to exert some pressure.

Antonio de Penefia

Seneschal of Florence

April 24th 1378

Letter between Subject Margerite and Subject Commodus.

My dearest Commodus, how I do enjoy our conversations together, they are too brief by far. I was wondering if you could o me a small favour, nothing too time consuming of course, but for the sake of our enduring friendship. It concerns the young Thomas. Do keep an eye on him and ensure that he comes to no harm. The Magi of the city are getting restless and I do worry for his safety, as does our lord Regent. Wolfran writes quite regularly to Vienna and even to Ceoris on the matter of Thomas’s future. Evidently such a prodigy should not come to harm, for all our sakes.


April 25th 1378

Letter between Subject Isiah and Subject Simon.

Brother, it seems that our deliveries to Sienna are being compromised, despite the strictest security. The information on routes has been kept secret until the last minute, but still vagabonds are accosting our men and stealing the shipments. I have dispatched Joseph to investigate the matter. I suggest we change pattern as soon as possible and switch from the Scali family to the Bardi to cover losses accordingly.


April 27th 1378

Letter between Subject Simon and Subject Isiah.

Brother, I concur with you. I have my suspicions and I would not be surprised to find that those damned Venetians are involved in this matter somewhere. They stand to make the greatest prophet from these affairs. I shall increase the number of guards on duty accordingly.


April 28th 1378

Letter between Subject Henricus Germanus and Subject Christiano Giovanni

My good Christiano, I do so greatly appreciate your family’s assistance in this matter. You and you kin will be amply rewarded in due course. I do hope that your confidence in your associates is truly justified.

Henricus Germanus

Prince of Sienna

April 28th 1378

Letter between Subject Rufario and Subject Juliana de Patsi.

Noble lady, it would appear that the nest of vipers has grown once more. A new arrival has made it into the city; he goes by the name of Andreas of Alexandria. He is well known in Venice and he is certainly turning matters around here. Young Tommasino is quite taken with him.


April 28th 1378

Letter between Subject Antonio de Penefia and Subject Anicius the Golden.

My Prince, I just wish to make you aware that the plans concerning the undesirables within the city is progressing as planned. The river shall be cut off at its source and the lands left to drought soon enough. It has also come to my attention that a new Pontiff has been elected, he has taken the name Urban VI. I do believe that this pope will be more co-operative in his dealing with our Republic than his predecessor was. There was some unfortunate incidents on the road to Rome where it seems some armed men accosted and detained a Cardinal upon his way to the Conclave, as such he missed it and was unable to vote. Such is the wheel of fortune though.

Antonio de Penefia

April 29th 1378

Edict by Prince Anicius the Golden.

What has been seen cannot be unseen. Yet Mortal eyes though gazing upon the great draconic beasts within the sky did not comprehend. Regent Wolfran informs me that this is the work of Magi in the city who are locked in a state of conflict. Since the Traditions must be preserved, the damage to the city was caused by tremors within the earth and its resultant effects upon buildings within the city. This is to be confirmed amongst all kine who may question the matter.

Anicius the Golden

Prince of Florence

April 30th 1378

Letter between Subject Jovian and Subject Bandecca Manetti.

Citizen! I have enquired after the standing of the new Setite within the city, a man by the name of Andreas. He has taken over effective control of Cavolo’s old operation at the Golden Orchid. Tommasino seems taken with him, but he has strong contacts in Venice it would seem, and what is more is married to Khalidah.I think that He, along with Konstantin will have to be kept at an arms-length for the time being. The security and integrity of our operation cannot be compromised. Since the banditry along the roads has proved troublesome as of late, new finances will have to be sought. I have made enquiries in Milan and Ferrara. Men are soon to be acquired.


May 1st 1378  

Letter between Subject Wolfran von Heidlen and Subject Gustavus Schellin.

Gustavus, I wish you to send up your notes on detailing the progress you have maid thus far into the material collected from the dragon that came down near the river. This need to be suitably compiled in due course to that Ceoris may be informed. Also have some of the apprentices prepare that Diptych by Cimabue to be brought down it seems that Margerite’s paramour Xavier Hugo requires it for some reason. She informs me that there is some matter he needs to attend to amongst his kind that can only be solved with that piece of artwork, no doubt this is something to do with that dreamer Bertrand. Xavier Hugo possesses a stone taken from a Chimera in the woods, a work relating to the current conflict between the Magi of the city. You shall acquire this in payment for the diptych.

Wolfran, Regent of Florence.

May 2nd 1378

Letter between Subject Lucretia Ambretti and Subject Alphonso Frescobaldi.

Dear Alphonso, I do hope you are well. I was talking to our dear friend Marcus Carteno the other day and it seems that yet another break in has occurred at the Strozzi palace. It would seem that this time the miscreant made off with an entire Mummy, the body bound and wrapped accordingly. I do hope the Strozzi do not treat their money or lands as carelessly as they do their other possessions. Ones often see’s the master mirrored in the actions of the servant after all. Perhaps it is because they are simply lacking in finding good and loyal retainers. What terrible times we live in.

Lucretia Ambretti

May 3rd 1378

Letter between Subject Antonio de Penefia andSubject Anicius the Golden.

My Prince, I have spoken with Regent Wolfran and he informs me that the cause of so many of these deaths by freezing may be as a result of the vile witchcraft conducted by the battling Magi that reside hereabouts. The death count now stands at some XXIII individuals. Rumours are circulating and a panic may soon grip the city. Such tales are likely to get abroad as well and we would not want such word reaching the ears of the inquisitors in Rome. Additionally sir it has come to my attention that the Count of Poggibonsi is upon his death bed at the venerable age of LXXIV. I shall dispatch agents forthwith to ensure that the present relationship between Florence and Poggibonsi is maintained. I already have an agent within the town itself, but undoubtedly that scoundrel the Prince of Sienna will try something or other to wrest it away from our control. I should also inform you sir that Bandecca Manetti has been giving numerous speeches across the city over the past several weeks, they have been quite well attended as his skill as an orator is truly enviable, a new Cicero or Themosticles if ever there was. He calls for an end to Tyranny and greater representation within the city government for the people of the Republic. The rats it seems are beginning to move. I shall endeavor to keep a few cats around.

Antonio de Penefia

Seneschal of Florence

May 5th 1378.

Letter between subject Antonio de Penefia and Subject Anicius the Golden.

My Prince, I have received news from Poggisbonsi. It seems that it was as suspected, Henricus Germanus that vile wretch who dares to presume himself a prince of Sienna has had his own agents working in the city. Three Brujah were present in the city and attempting to sway the mind of the old Count, the leader of whom was a lady Karin. These interlopers had the gall to embrace a member of the Count’s family in a crude attempt to carry the city in their cause. Our representatives were successful thin thwarting them though. They have since been disposed of and will not be troubling us any further.

Antonio de Penefia

Seneschal of Florence

May 17th 1378

Letter between subject Antonio de Penefia and Subject Anicius the Golden.

Most noble Prince, I have received a further letter from Poggisbonsi. It would appear that another creature was at work in the commune, this time as an agent of Rome. This kindred it seems was there to spread the faith and turn the Commune to the Holy See. The old Count had in his final years become increasingly enraptured by the preaching of wandering friars and other holy men. This new kindred seized upon this and lay hidden within the Basilica of San Lucchese, even having the gall to put some of the citizens and supporters of the Count to the sword to achieve his ends. Be it known that he too has now been dealt with and should not prove to be of any further distraction. As to our own agents, they have seen to the matters and ensured that all needed paperwork has been signed and all that might prove troublesome has been unfortunately lost. They have since moved on to the city of Sienna. I should not fear their ambitions or their loyalties for they have none of any real consideration.

Antonio de Penefia

Seneschal of Florence

May 20th 1378

Letter between Subject Henricus Germanus and Subject Christiano Giovanni

Dear Christiano, Your friends were truly delightful company that they should have come all the way from Florence to see us, and what a company they were. Im sure they were most exhilarated by the racing. Their horse and the jockey were most excellent, certainly the finest we have seen for some time in this city. No doubt we might see more in the future. Certainly the English Tremere will be a regular face from now on I shouldn’t wonder.

Prince Henricus Germanus

May 27th 1378

Letter between Subject Marcus Carteno and Subject Alphonso Frescobaldi

Poseat, do you imagine the city funds would permit for the purchase of creation of such cannons as displayed by Hawkwood last night? While they didn’t seem to have too much impact upon the Setite Khalidah, such weapons would prove devastating, if noisy to regular mortals of city fortifications. A meeting should be held soon where such matters will need to be discussed. Hawkwood is preparing his men to march on Arezzo and show the Papacy that matters have not changed unless they wish to reconsider their position. Xavier de Calais will be departing as well and he shall be throwing a small celebration to honour the city who has been such an obliging host. Have you received an invitation, Im sure you must have.

Marcus Carteno

May 31st 1378

Letter between Subject Marcus Carteno and Subject Antonio de Penefia

Seneschal, it is my duty to inform you as Ganfalonieri of the City that Xavier de Calais and the mercenary captain Sir John Hawkwood will be departing the boundaries of our commune shortly. Xavier de Calais it to return to France and then England on the business of Mithras and Hawkwood will escort him part of the way, at least the borders of our territory before moving off to deal with some troublesome matters in Arezzo. I have taken all necessary measure to ensure that Hawkwood remain for the time being and not avail himself of the opportunity to be kidnapped. To this end Podesta Alphonso Frescobaldi has gone with the party as an officiating member of state. I have received some news of rumblings in Sienna and also in Rome. But as yet I think it will come to nothing. There are of course other issued much closer to home for us to worry about first, the mob is becoming restless. Soon they will have their games though, perhaps that will relieve them.

Marcus Carteno

June 4th 1378

Letter between Subject Commodus and Subject Wolfram.

Regent, with the return of Thomas to the city, shall I continue the observations by the gargoyles. It seems some have taken a liking to him and have noted his absence. Perhaps replacements are required. Do you wish me to send to Ceoris for more?

June 8th 1378

Letter between Subject Wolfram and Subject Commodus

Continue the observations for now; I do not believe Thomas will a concern for us for too much longer.

Regent of Florence

June10th 1378

Letter between Subject Juliana de Patsi and Subject Anicius the Golden
Prince! What a most exhilarating match of calico fiorentino! Who would have thought that my team that has for so many decades languished in relative obscurity and mediocrity would have excelled so greatly! I am truly thankful to the Lord for his divine favour upon me and my own. Strange that so many other teams should have suffered such maladies. I heard that there was an evil dwarf! This vagabond must be sought out. I shall look into it forthwith!

Juliana di Patsi

June 14th 1378


Letter between Subject Gustavus Shcellin and Subject Margerite.

Margerite, calculations and other research have shown a significant drop off in the number of bodies frozen to death as of late, despite this great heat of the summer. A merchant was found on the roads nearby to the South West and a handful of other, but there has been nothing now for the past few weeks. I believe the Daimones that are responsible for this affray have ceased as the heavens had turned. In contrast some rumours have reached me that a kindred was seen throwing themselves into a furnace of a blacksmith, and setting themselves alight, meeting final death. I know not if these two are connected. Perhaps your questionable methods of research might offer some light here.


June 18th 1378

Letter between Subject Bandecca Manetti and Subject Jovian.

Brother, call the other to the banner of war. The hawk has been loosed and if off hunting. The torpid oppresors are distracted by their own petty squabbles. The people are ready. Now it is time to restore the republic once more. Gather the Ciompi and put me into the streets. The city shall be ours.

Bandecca Manetti

June 23rd 1378

Letter between subject Henricus Germanus and Subject Christiano Giovanni

Dearest Christiano, I do hope your brethren are safe and hale in Florence after all these days and nights of uncertainty. Who would have thought that so many would be struck down and meet their final death when the rabble finnaly took over. Anicius really should have seen this coming and taken measures to avoid it, but now he and poor Antonio de Penefia and Bishop Vespasiano are no more, along with many other kindred of the city. Fear not, I do not imagine this current system will last too long. Bandecca Manetti is charismatic for sure, but a planner for the long term and “Prince” of a city, or Republic, he is most certainly not. The loss of the Tremere was undoubtedly a key element in the initial success of the rebels, and Im sure the rebels will thank our mutual friends greatly for their assistance in that matter. While Florence has lost a chantry of the Usurping Tremere, Sienna has gained one. Though I expect this patch of weeds will be easier to maintain and prune. I look forward of course to continued business with yourself and your family and that it will be beneficial to both of us. Favours of course will not be quickly forgotten and Im sure as you now move to enjoy your unparalleled position in Florence that you will have time to reflect upon these matters.

Henricus Germanus
Prince of Sienna

July 9th 1378