Extracts from MS Palermo 45.33.212. Reporting to be a lost continuation of the work of William Archbishop of Tyre. Here after referred to as MS Palermo.On the fourth day before the calends of February this year there arrived in the city of Jerusalem new pilgrim, come to worship at the places sanctified by the presence of our Lord. The King, ailing from leprosy, a curse sent to him by God for the sins of his people, was weakening increasingly from this pestilence. Thus he felt compelled to hand over the reigns of government to a new Baillie, for this position he chose that most excellent of magnates Raymond Count of Tripoli. This man was to act as regent in the Kings name. It was decided that the castle of Jacobs Ford should be rebuilt having been destroyed by that enemy of Christ Saladin in 1179. The castle was too important to ignore and the crucial entry into our lands could no longer go unguarded. For this task was chosen Godwin, an English Knight and the master of Bait Nuba.
At this same time a leader of these Pilgrims, who had come early in the season, braving the perils of the winter sea for the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, had gathered in the vicinity of the Church of St Anne. There their leader, a Breton by the name of Guibert, a monk, did preach before his assembled brethren and the people of the city. Extolling, that they should not suffer the presence of the infidel on the city sanctified by the passion of our Lord, that they should be driven out never to return to despoil these most holy of places. A great tumult was caused between this Breton and his followers with the Saracens and Jews of the city that reside in or close by to the Church of St Anne, so that they feared to leave their homes lest harm be done to them.
Also at this time an emissary of the Sultan of Babylon, Imad al Din Isfahani arrived in the city bearing a message to the King. The treaty with the Saracens was to be renewed for another five years, much to the annoyance of some, notably the Patriarch Heraclaius. Having agreed to the terms of the treaty the emissaries left the city returning to their own lands.
In this month also the Bishop of Nazareth died.
Letter 49 of Subject Lucius Trebius Rufus.Lucius, by the grace of God Prince of Jerusalem and Lord of the Kingdom of Jerusalem to his most beloved vassals Conrad Prince of Tyre, Ettiene Prince of Acre, Etheria Prince of Bethlehem and Taurus Prince of Jaffa.
My dearest friends I hope this letter finds you well and at peace. I bid thee to come to Elysium in Jerusalem within the next week; it is to be held in the Tower of David. Ambassadors from the Sultan Saladin have been received here and I would discuss with you my high court what is to be done in regards to the renewal of the peace treaty of 1183. I know that Archbishop Paliuro is most certainly not in favour of it, nor any deal with the infidel. He is however not Prince here and I rule by your advice and consent. For the good of all I would have you hear before Paliuro's poisoned words should wrought any more damage. Boniface is in the city and I fear that his hatred for the Archbishop will soon come to blows.
Your Friend in Christ
January 24th 1185.
Extracts from MS PalermoThe Old Man of the Mountain, envying the peace and prosperity that he saw in the city of Jerusalem sent forth his minions to sew discord amongst the Christians. The commander of St Stephens gate, a William de Neuville and his guards were slaughtered whilst they slept by the evil and cowardly whiles of these assassins, so that their brethren might gain access to the city by the now deserted gate way. Slipping through the gate they dispersed amongst the citizens of the city. Godfrey Lord of Bait Nuba was dispatched by the Ballie to catch these infidels and thus save the city from their malicious presence. However before justice could be brought down upon these assassins they did kill many a Christian. City guards were slain in the street, and the nobility attacked. Guilber the Breton was killed upon his podium whilst preaching before the assembled masses. Struck in the neck by a cross bow fired from a rooftop across the square near to the Church of St Anne. Incensed by these attacks the righteous amongst his flock did wantonly attack and slay the Muslims and Jews there about, for fear that they were in league with the enemy.
It occurred also at this time that the work of Satan was felt upon these lands. Truly the fallen one does make every attempt to spite the land of God and destroy all this is pure and holy. He caused vile thoughts in the minds of men so that they would dishonour and remove the dead from their graves in which they had lain for years. Jew, Muslim and Christian alike were taken from their final rest and spirited away before dawns light appeared. Every night for a week this devilry was repeated and attempts by the clergy and others were fruitless in their ability to stop it.
Letter 31 of Subject PaliuroTo my most beloved Prince Lucius
It is with great sadness that I have received the news of the unlawful torporing of my dearest Kindred Magdalena. I am to understand that the only reason that she was spared final death was due to the intervention of one of the new arrivals to the city. The headstrong and willful girl Khalidah. To her must go my thanks. I hope your decision in sending Godwin upon this task of dealing with the Assamites was wise, he has yet to prove himself and this charge will surely delay him in the reconstruction work of Vadum Jakob. I shall inform Magdalena's sire of these heinous events and I am sure his prayers like my own will be with her. I would like to offer my own heartfelt sorrow at the news of the loss of your own men. I shall use what meager resources I have available to me to help bring about the destruction of these heathens and their polluting of our most holy of cities.
I was approached by Khalida and her associates, the monk Xavier and others recently concerning permitting the Lepers a chance to worship in our Lords Sepulchre. Normally the cannons would not permit such a thing, but God loves all his children and after some discussion I have convinced them that such an opportunity is long overdue for our ailing brothers in Christ. I shall forthwith arrange for them to attend mass in the Sepulchre and receive communion there.
Only one more thing concerns me my Prince and that is the matter of Boniface. His Brujah rage can not so easily be controlled, beneath that calm surface lays a fire. I would suggest that he be watched for the safety of all who attend Elysium. Word has also reached me that he and his associates intend to pervert the election of the new Bishop of Nazareth. I have therefore taken it upon myself to make sure that the election by the cannons there is fair and accordance with their rules.
Your loyal servant.
Paliuro, Archbishop.
February 8th 1185
Letter between Subject Lafruy and Subject Viccilin.It is done. Remove the all remaining traces you are aware of.
Letter 12 between Subject Boniface and Subject TaurusTaurus my dearest of brothers.
I hope that this missive finds you well and hale. I have as we discussed spoken to Sir Godwin and tried to dissuade him from this ill-conceived plan to rebuild the fortress of Vadum Jakob. A true believer in Christ I am sure he is no doubt but he has fallen prey to the honeyed lies of the Prince and Paliuro. No amount of reasoning will dissuade him from his intended task. Even now he collects the necessary funds from different sources to pay for this foolishness. In time no doubt he will venture to Acre to seek funds there. I shall try once more to change his mind, for the good of all of us. Jerusalem is becoming a dangerous place. Assamites are roaming the streets, killing kine and kindred alike. Three Templars were cut down outside the city the other day and Magdalena of the Lasombra was torpored in the street not far from the Hospital of St John. I would not advise you to travel here for the foreseeable future, the people grow restless and they would no doubt mistake your appearance for that of a Saracen. I fear all is lost there and the war that we have worked to prevent will soon be upon us, hastened by these Assamites. I suggest therefore that instead of coming to Jerusalem as was originally intended that you focus your energies elsewhere, go to our sister Etheria and ask her counsel. I shall see you again soon.
February 15th 1185
Letter 6 between Subject Lafruy and Subject Lucius.My Dearest Prince,
I must confess to you my concerns over the Nosferatu Kothar. I fear that he is working against us and plotting with the Assamites within the city. His extensive knowledge of the city defences and the catacombs are no doubt behind Godwin's inability to thus far track any of them down. Something must be done. I urge you therefore to initiate an investigation into Kothar. If he is innocent then nothing will be lost and any slight can be repaid. If he has guilt then this diseased part may be cut away from the healthy body and so spare us all.
Your Vassal
February 15th 1185
Extract from MS PalermoThe burghers of this city, taken aback by the murder committed in their midst did display their anger and march upon the quarter of the city where many Jews and Muslims did make their home. Here they believed that the enemies of God were being harboured and protected. Armed and filled with rage they did trawl through the streets, killing and burning all before them. One could not pass down the streets of the city without walking atop a pile of the dead. Women were raped and babies thrown into the fires. All to cleanse the city as they claimed. The Ballie, not standing for this whole sale slaughter did call out upon the city guard and backed up by a force of Templar and Hospitaller knights did suppress the rioting. Before the Church of St Anne did the crowned vent its hatred upon the Imam and Qadi of the Muslims. These men were only rescued by the timely arrival of Godwin of Bath, master of Bait Nuba and his retainers. There was there a Welsh woman, possessed of great strength that she did nearly sever the arm of a blacksmith with her bare hands. Those who had not been killed were arrested to stand trial for their crimes.
Letter 50 between Subject Lucius and Subject Lafruy.Lafruy
Concerning the events and the breach of etiquette perpetrated by you and Kothar last night in Elysium. I stand shocked and appalled by you both. Never before have I seen such a display and disregard for the Traditions. I am musing upon an appropriate penance for you as no crime can go un punished. It is fortunate that you did not kill Kothar, though I have no doubt in my mind that upon his awakening you will verily wish that you had. I will pass no comment on the matters concerning the death of the Lepers that Kothar found so dear. Nor that it may have anything to do with you delaying the command to Gerard de Ridefort to use his Templars to surprises the violence. See that such breaches as these do not happen again.
As far as the hunt for Assamites goes I am thus far pleased with the progress that Godwin and Khlidah have made. Their association with Alais the Toreador has proven most fruitful. Godwin did kill one of their number the other day in the Armenian quarter, though the other two managed to flee I am to understand that Khalidah did pursue and is currently using her contacts amongst the merchants to track them down. It will only be a matter of time now. Godwin will certainly have earnt the 10,000 bezants that I have promised him if he should rid this city of them for me.
February 17th 1185.
Letter Presented to King Baldwin IV by Imad ad-Din Isfahani, ambassador from Saladin.Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, Lord of Acre and Tyre, defender of the Holy Sepulchre.
I write to you now to express my most heartfelt sorrow and outrage at the actions that have taken place within Al Quds. The massacre of the people can not go unnoticed nor un-avenged. Though I bear you no ill will and wish for the state of peace to continue between our two realms, I know that this can not exist and would be an affront to God on most high. I therefore implore you for the love between us that you use every measure with in your power to bring to justice those responsible for perpetrating such heinous villainy with in the city of peace. If no action is to be taken on your part then I see no other alternative but to intervene on behalf of those who are not capable of defending themselves and will see redress on their behalf. In such a case as this I would consider that the truce between us to have been violated. All the might of Syria and Egypt would then be turned upon you. Think well upon this.
Yusuf Salah-adin ibn Ayyubi.
February 27th 1185.
Extract from MS PalermoThe great Sultan Saladin, enemy of God, angered by the killing of his fellows threatened to descend upon the Kingdom lest Baldwin bring to justice those responsible for the murders. Hoping to stay the infidel’s hand Baldwin agreed to the terms. The Patriarch and the Master of the Temple did make their displeasure known to the King, for no agreement with the Saracen was binding. Nevertheless the King would not be dissuaded from his course. O’ happy fool that he was! Assisses were ordered and those that had been taken during the disturbances were brought before them and judged by their peers and hanged. Troubles also manifested within the Armenian and Greek quarters of the city, for they too feared that the Latins would descend upon them and purge them for their own perfidy.
The King then announced that in one month hence his nephew, still a child, would be crowned alongside his uncle. This was the young prince Baldwin, son of William Longsword and the King’s sister Sibylla. William Longsword was the husband of Sibylla, he came to these lands in 1174 but died within a few years. Sibylla was then married to a newcomer, Guy de Lusignan.
After much deliberation the Canons of the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth did choose a new Archbishop. Anslem, one from among their number was chosen to oversee the metropolitan.
It also occurred at this time that many a shade and apparition was seen wandering the streets of the city and interacting in their former homes as they had done in life. Clearly the hand of the Adversary was at work here. For as quickly as they were seen they disappeared again.
Letter 51 between Subject Lucius and Subject LafruyMy dearest of brothers Lafruy.
It has come to my attention that the body of Kothar has disappeared from the resting place assigned to him with in the Tower of David, till he should wake up from his enforced slumber. The guards posted were aware of nothing and saw nobody enter or leave. While it is entirely possible that members of his clan have made an attempt to retrieve his body, I know for certain that Ephraim is in the city, doubt still remains. I can of course be assured as ever of you love and devotion towards me. For that reason as the love I bear you I would warn you to watch your step and increase your guards, lest the unhappy clan make an attempt on your existence.
Lucius, Prince.
March 1st, 1185.
Journal Extract from Subject Gerard de PuyMarch 4th 1185
I had been ordered by his grace the Prince of the Holy City to rid the streets of the taint of Assamites. Their reign of fear and murder was to be brought to a swift and merciless end. To achieve this I was commissioned to work alongside Godwin of Bath, a noble Kindred from England resident now in this land. Setting out across the city to the Muslim quarter, where according to the Saracen girl Khalidah the Assamites could be found, we rode in the company of Hakkon and 30 members of the Order of the Temple. Godwin entered the Church of St. Mary Magdalene there, but on investigating discovered that any presence that the Assamites may have once had in this house of God was now old. Through the assistance of Khlidah and Alais, we tracked the through swine through the city. Hakkon was dispatched to the Church of St Stephen with 20 men, for rumours indicated activity there. Godwin, myself and a monk by the name of Amine, a Nosferatu I am given to understand, proceeded to a weavers shop where other information pointed to our quarry being present. Our presence was detected and a battle ensued. Godwin was torpored in the conflict but not before smiting down one of the fiends with the assistance of Amine. I too then was brought low but not after first dispatching from this world the Assamite before me. The final infidel, injured by Godwin an Amine was brought low by the Templars accompanying us. I shall not speak of my confinement in the state of unwanted sleep, but I am to be thankful to the Lord and to a Cappadocian by the name of Cristobel de Lisbon who awakened me from that place. As too she awakened Godwin and Magdalena. From the 10 remaining brothers 2 were killed before bringing the creature down. They shall be in my prayers this night.
Extract from MS PalermoThere was at this time a great disturbance in the city of Nazareth. There a canon by the name of Anslem had been elected Bishop of that city. Due to his wickedness and foul nature resentment rose against him and claims of the falsification and corruption were laid against him. A group of canons from the church broke away and elected their own Bishop, a man by the name of Gautier. The city was then split for two Bishops may not occupy one see. Fighting broke out in the streets between the followers of these two. Much damage was done and many were killed.
The King convened the Haute Cour in the Tower of David in Jerusalem. There he named Walter lord of Caesarea as Constable of the Kingdom f Jerusalem. To his uncle, Joscelin lord of Edessa he gave the position of Seneschal. Thus alongside Raymond Count of Tripoli and lord of Tiberias, they were to administer to the needs of the Kingdom in the King’s name. The merriment that followed this joyful announcement was not to last however. Rumours had been circulating that Reynald de Chatillion, lord of Kerak and Oultrejordain had attempted to break the most recently established peace by attacking caravans of Saracens that did pass near to his territory.
Reynald presented himself before the Haute Cour, where he was accused of these crimes, which he most vehemently denied. Asked to swear upon the gospel he appeared initially reluctant but finally did. When the King asked him to give the kiss of peace he refused. Stating he no longer had a taste for the inequity of the court and its dealing with the infidel. Thus he left and many departed with him. These included the Master of the Temple, The Patriarch and many other nobles, clergy and Templars. Gathering his men Reynald returned to Kerak.
Letter discovered Venice relating to Subject Paliuro.To Archbishop Alfonzo of Constantinople.
Your last missive was received with much consternation here in the city. If matters are as you say so out of hand then I suggest you send all valuable assets away, those that can be lost with out much cost may continue as best they can, their fates are of little consequence now. From Magdalena I have come to know that your friend and brother Paliuro has secured some position with in Jerusalem. I would therefore recommend that the fleet be directed there for the next season. The Tremere are infiltrating that safe harbour as well and their presence will not be tolerated. Control must be maintained. All necessary arrangements here are already being made.
Narses, Archbishop, Prince of Venice.
March 7th 1185.
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 1.
Letter 216To my loyal and beloved nephew Marcus Musa Giovanni,
I hope this letter finds you hale and well in these dark nights. I send word from your mother, for she is well and looks forward to seeing you once more. It has been far too long since you and her were in Venice last. No doubt you have heard of the events that have transpired in Constantinople. My information in Erycies has indicated that this may very well be the work of Trebonius and his Brujah rabble. Matters will bet taken in hand accordingly to reverse the current situation. What concerns our family now are our possessions along the Levantine coast. It has come to our attention that the usurping Tremere have made inroads in these cities. I therefore require you to proceed immediately to our houses there and ensure all is secure. There are elder members of our clan there but I doubt that they should be of any interest to you or take any in your work. One thing you must note though is the peculiar case of Acre. A most disturbing and painful aura surrounds this city. Few Kindred are capable of entering the city of staying nearby it. I would recommend that you arrive via another port and use intermediaries when needs be.
May God protect you in your travels.
Augustus Giovanni
March 8th 1185.
Letter discovered in Rome, from Patriarch Heraclaius to Pope Urban IIIMost Holy Father,
The position of the Christians in the Holy land becomes increasingly untenable day by day. The King is weak and ailing, cursed by God for his sins and the sins of the unrighteous of Outremer. Raymond, Count of Tripoli is one of the foremost sinners and apostates of the land. He consorts with Jews and infidels and accepts them into his home. He feasts upon their lies and has now been made Baillie by Baldwin. The young prince, son of Sibylla and William Longsword, is a weak and feeble child and will not gain his majority for many years, years which the current king does not have I fear. Upon the Kings death the realm may be split between the fiend Raymond, who will no doubt sell us all into perdition, and the supporters of the lawful heir, young prince Baldwin. The realm can not survive such a civil war, with the enemy of Christendom Saladin waiting nearby. I along with the Masters of the Temple and Hospital, intend to travel the courts of Christendom to find a suitable new King for Outremer. King’s Henry of England, Phillip of France and Frederick of Germany will be our initial prospects.
Your son and servant in Christ,
Heraclaius, Patriarch of Jerusalem
March 10th 1185.
Letter 44 between Subject Conrad of Tyre and Subject LuciusMy Prince,
The ties of blood and friendship are not easily overcome. Know that I stand by you now, as before.
March 11th 1185.
Extract from MS PalermoIn the Month of March of this year there was a great slaughter of pilgrims marching from Acre. They had come from across the sea to worship at the holy places of this land. Having left the city of Acre they marched southwards towards Mt. Carmel, where Elijah had once resided. Upon the road a band of Turks were waiting for them, hoping to do great mischief and spread terror through out the area. They fell upon these poor lambs of Christ and killed them to a man. The Count of Jaffa, Guy de Lusignan passing by and with the assistance of the Templars did avenge the murdered innocents and brought the Turks to justice.
It also circulated throughout the Holy City in this month that there were many errors and mistakes practiced by some of the Canons of the Sepulchre, this through no fault of their own, but through ignorance passed down to them by their predecessors, for time is the enemy of all mankind. The Bishop of Tyre, a man by the name of Joscius who had replaced the former Chancellor William after his death the previous year, was charged to investigate and correct these errors.