Letter discovered in Alexandria Archive 57, concerning Subject Khalidah
I greet you, fellow follower of the true way, with all the respect entitled to you and your line, wishing you the greatest of success in your endeavours and praying that God see fit to grant you continual life through the gift of his divine blood. I greet you a second time as my mentor, to whom I owe a debt of enlightenment and education, and I only hope that the fruits of your labour, my success, pleases you. I greet you a third time, finally as your admirer and lover: who sees your face as I lie in dreamless torment during the light, who ardently desires your presence and attention as I walk alone through the sand and loneliness of the world.
My ventures into the spiritual abyss between you and our spiritual home have not been entirely useless: there is none of our kind forthcoming in these wastes, only innumerable fools using their religion as a shield and sword against the others. This place is as beautiful as it is dangerous: pitfalls of the pretender faiths lay tempting traps for the weak of mind and those not strong in their faith. There are those whom think me a convert to their flimsy belief: let me assure you, any rumours of such changes in my faith are merely the fruits of my deception. I shudder, with satisfaction more than anything, to imagine the look on your face should you hear I now believe in Christ.
In my efforts I have nearly died twice: both times at the hand of a Banu Haqim armed with crossbow bolts and poison. Thanks to my perseverance, I have successively secured a life boon from one Qabilat al-Khayal,
Magdalena, who is here in Jerusalem for reasons pertaining to undermining her own clan. It would seem the Qabilat al-Khayal, who so tightly grip the throat of the Catholic Church, have competition from the Bay't Mushakis. Arguably, a push at the right time could bring the entirety of their network down around them. Alternatively, I may leave them to their own devices, allowing their foolishness to destroy them and then showing them the true light.
I am working towards placating my Sire and Ma’atkare with sorcery; I am laying the foundations for others of our clan to move into the area. How I am to placate you and your ilk, I am unsure: you will certainly have something in your mind, and your nest will surely have more…twisted notions. Be warned; I do not fear my Sire, and I certainly do not fear you. I welcome your advances, if you think you can truly best me.
The distance between us only seems to deepen as the nights draw on; I consider the irony of our situation and cannot help but smile as I give daily reverence to the Dark One. I whisper your name as I bring him into myself, laughing my prayer as I understand we can never truly be together, at least not this side of the river. Not completely, and not truly: you will almost certainly consume me with your desires. I welcome them, so long as they spring truthfully from within you.
The truth cannot be denied
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni
I have arrived in the East, the food stinks and the people are even worse, I can not abide them. However I am here now and I must persist. The first thing that struck me upon arriving off the coast of Syria was the aura that surrounded Acre. It was immense. It started out as a throbbing in the back of my mind, but grew increasingly to a fear, so great that it encompassed my entire being. Only be exertion of my will could I have remained at the railing of the ship. The sensation was incredible. It reminded me much of the sensation of walking upon hallowed ground or facing a true believer in the Lord, but on a scale that could hardly be conceived of. I have heard rumours that Acre may very well possess some relic from the times of Jesus. This prevents the local kindred community from actually residing in the city itself, and as such they live among the manors of Haifa, below the shade of Mt. Carmel. This effect merits further investigation once my initial plans are concluded, assuming that I can get anywhere near the city. I have also heard from some of the Ashirra in Egypt that a similar effect can be found if one travels through the land of Arabia, something concerning their acred stone in Mecca. Possibly these two are linked.
March 29th 1185
Charter concerning Subject Godwin et al.
Here in the presence of God and witnesses the following terms were agreed between the people of the city of Venice and Godwin of Bath, lord of Bait Nuba and Jacobs Ford. Lord Godwin has promised to grant to the people of city of Venice, for now and all time, one third of the revenues of all the villages subject to the fief of Jacobs Ford, and a permission to establish a house there for the purposes of commerce. The people of Venice promise to pay a stipend of 500 bezants to the lord Jacobs Ford, currently Lord Godwin, in perpetuity so long as their above rights and privileges are maintained.
Godwin of Bath
Marcus Musa Giovanni
Witnessed by
Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem
Viccilin, Knight of Jerusaelm
March 31st 1185
Charter for the Greek Orthodox Church concerning Subjects Etheria and Boniface et al.
I Lucius, kindred Prince of Jerusalem and lord of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, do declare illegal the seizures and taking of land, properties and chattels from the Syrian and Greek Churches though out my demesnes and fiefs, and the rest of the Kingdom, as perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church, by the manipulation of other kindred. These lands and chattels are to be returned immediately to their rightful owners and the Greek right to be restored to them and the Greek right to be practiced in them. All seizues that have taken place since the beginning of the year 1182 are to be returned immediately. All those who do not comply with this order and resist the rule of law shall be declared out law, their fiefs to be removed and their goods confiscated.
Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem
Etheria, Prince of Bethlehem
Boniface, Priest of St. Ekatrin
Viccilin, Kinght of Jerusalem.
X (Signature of Xavier)
March 31st 1185.
Extract from MS Palermo
The city of Jerusalem was filled with people in the kalends of April. The city was swollen with pilgrims, here to visit the holy sites, having come on the spring passage from the cities of France and Italy. There were also many preparations being made for the coronation of the young prince Baldwin. At this time Reynald de Chatillion was in Acre for he was still at odds with the King. Guy de Lusignan and Joscelin, Seneschal of the Kingdom and Lord of Edessa, went there to try and make peace with him to bring harmony between him and the King once more.
The master of the Temple also gave orders at this time that the brother knights were to seize lands and possessions of the heretic churches of the Greeks in the land, for fear that they were in league with Saladin and storing provisions in their monasteries to aid in his attacks upon the land of the Christians. The Hospitallers, raised a voice against the action but no agreement in the High Court could be made, it was decided to wait till the return of the Patriarch Heraclaius from across the sea, and for him to call a council of prelates.
The Archbishop of Tyre did set up his inquisition into the errors of the faith amongst the clergy in Jerusalem. Canons of the Sepulcher and many other monks and priests from institutions across the region were brought before it to give evidence and denounce the heretics amongst them. A group of Cathars was discovered amongst the pilgrims in the city and they too were cast into prison, and thence given the chance for repentance. Psalms were sung in the city and services of thanksgiving were held.
Bandits on the Damascus road attacked a procession of royal knights, killing them and Gerard Le Puy, a Templar commander, and took from them the money which they were escorting to the Sultan Saladin. These 30,000 bezants were reparations for the rioting and killing of Muslims across the city in the previous months. Fortunately the money was recovered by agents of the crown. The money had been taken by the bandits to Nablus by Italian merchants, who planned to transport it in casks of wine.
Extract from MS Palermo
So it came to pass to the month of April. The Skies opened and the heavens gave forth their water to irrigate the land of God once more. Like the rains and in as great a number, pilgrims from the lands of Europe came, setting foot in Christ’s Patrimony. There to follow in his and his Apostle’s footsteps, to repent their sins and achieve salvation.
As had been heralded the coronation of the young Prince Baldwin took place. Joscius, Archbishop of Tyre, anointed the young boy, crowning him as he sat alongside his leprous uncle. There was much rejoicing in the city, the streets were giving over to feasting and much merry making. A holiday was declared and glad times were enjoyed by all.
Like wolves stealing into a flock of sheep, those perfidious Greeks came from across the sea, envious of the prosperity and piety of our land; they wished to bring us down. They snuck inside the city walls, murdering guards in their sleep and replacing them on the walls and gates. The tried to gain entrance to the palace but and abduct the young Baldwin form his bed, to speed him off to their city of vice and corruption. These vipers were stopped. The actions of the Hospitallers, and other brave and loyal knights of the realm, such as Sir Godwin of Bath, put a stop to their nefarious plans.
It also occurred at this time that Count Joscelin of Edessa was banished from the city of Jerusalem to his estates about the city of Acre, by the King, for he would not yield or swear fealty to the young Baldwin as his uncle desired.
The Archbishop of Tyre also continued his inquisition into the churches and monasteries of the city at this time. There he continued to find many a heretic. Most of who were lead astray through ignorance or by the wiles of villainous men. Thos that repented and submitted to God were sent back amongst their friends. Those who stubbornly clung to their false doctrines were kept in the care of the Tower of David.
Near Ramleh there was a conflict, the household of the Barons of Bethsan, traveling from their lands about Ascalon did engage in combat with the household of the Barons of Ibelin. Six were killed in this confrontation, that angered God for Christian should not kill Christian, before they withdrew back to their own lands.
Letter 32 between Subjects Lucius and Subjects Paliuro.
My Dearest Archbishop Paliuro,
It grieves me greatly to do this considering your loyal service to the city of Jerusalem and the cause of the Holy Land over the past decades but I as of this day do declare a Blood Hunt to be in effect upon you, Pacifico you assistant and Magdalena your clan mate. This Blood Hunt is to take effect throughout the Kingdom of Jerusalem immediately. All who offer aid or shelter to you will likewise fall under this ban. I know full well that you are responsible for the attempted coup against me, that Joscelin was just your puppet. I shall not stand for such a challenge to my authority. Just as a See may only have one Bishop, a city may only have one Prince, and God has seen fit to appoint me.
Lucius Trebius Rufus
April 3rd 1185
Letter 66 between Subjects Ettiene and Subjects Lucius
Though I have put a Blood Hunt upon the Lasombra who attempted to wrest control of the city and control of the government of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from my hands, for you I offer only exile. Despite the evidence provided by Alais, Khalida and Xavier against you, which I found hard to doubt give the circumstances, it is not enough to condemn you. Know that should you set foot within the City of Jerusalem again you will be subject to Blood Hunt and if I am to learn of this then I shall appoint a Harpy to deal with said matter. The only exception to this is if I offer you safe passage. This I shall honour upon my immortal soul. Acre and Hiafa are still your domains and subject to your laws, that is your right as Prince. Know that I shall be conversing with both Etheria and Conrad soon over these most troubling matters.
April 3rd 1185
Note found appended to letter.
“If a kingdom is divided against itself, then that kingdom can not stand.”
Gospel according to Mark 3.24.
Extract from Ms Palermo.
Displeased greatly and moved by the agents of the Adversary, who is always trying to cause strife between men and tear down God’s creations, Joscelin of Courtenay, Reynald de Chatillion, Aimery de Lusignan and many other great men of the Kingdom did call together their vassals and march together to the city of Bethlehem, with the intent of making war upon the king. Raymond the Count of Tripoli at the behest of the invalided king did gather the army of the kingdom and meeting with the Ibelin family and Walter, Lord Caesarea, and proceeded to Bethlehem, arriving before the army of rebels. Camp was made there and after much negotiation and the exchange of hostages the rebels dispersed back to their own lands. The High Court was to be convened one month hence in the city of Caesarea which lies on the coast between Jaffa and Acre. There the rebels would plead their case before the king and their peers. Thus by Gods wisdom bloodshed was averted and harmony restored temporarily to the lands.
Also at this time the Archbishop of Nazareth was forced from his cathedral by an angry mob of the city. Fleeing he took refuge in Acre.
Along the roads and in the fields between the city of Jerusalem and the town of Bethany, where Lazarus was raised from the dead by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, many lions were seen, and they did attack travelers upon the road, being ferocious and unafraid of men. A knight of the Temple was killed by them, Robert de Lyons. A hunt was organized by the brethren to rid the area of these beasts, but none were found.
Also in this month, Agnes, former Queen of Jerusalem, the wife of the late King Amalric, mother to King Baldwin and Sibylla, died and was delivered unto the Lord.
Letter 18 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.
As trusting in the wisdom and benevolence of the Lord God as I am and I know you equally to be, I do not hold much faith in the acts of men, who are made fallible and weak. What more need I say, your faith that has been placed in the hands of the rebels in unwise. A meeting of the Haute Cour has been called but they shall not abide by its rules, and no doubt shall endeavour to sway its decision through intimidation and blackmail. The pockets of the Lasombra are deep. This is an issue that will not easily pass. I hope you are ready to deal with the consequences. Paliuro is not a man to back down and from what Alais, Khalidah and Xavier saw in the encampment, his hold over many of the barons remains strong. Alternative methods may be required to cut out the festering flesh of his wound, so as to save the body.
Prince of Bethlehem
April 11th 1185
Charter of Subject Lucius concerning Subjects Godwin et al.
I Lucius, by God’s grace, Prince of the city of Jerusalem and its environs, do hearby grant the quarter of the city of Jerusalem that lies between Spanish Street, Jehosaphat Street and the city’s walls to the following. They are to enjoy the freedom of that quarter. There they may enjoy the rights of domain and feeding within these bounds. In return they are to ensure the duties of shepherding the flock and maintaining the Sixth Tradition, the Silence of the Blood. This charter is to last until such a time as either it is revoked by the Prince, or the below mentioned have been gone from the city for more than five years, lest they be on an errand of the Prince.
Sir Godwin of Bath
Father Amine
Etzio Auditore
Sealed by Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem
April 12th 1185
Letter between the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre and Raymond III Count of Tripoli.
Most noble Count of Tripoli
We the brothers and members of the community of the Holy Sepulchre do write to you to inform you and lay bear our worries and misgivings concerning recent actions by the heretical churches of the perfidious Greeks and effeminate Syrians. The Latin right has now been stopped in many different houses of the lord and the guardianship of their relics handed over to these tainted and untrustworthy hands. As ballie of the Kingdom it is to you who we must plead. Do not bring down God’s wrath upon the Kingdom by allowing such actions to continue. There is only one way to salvation and that is through the Lord Jesus. No god shall come of the dispossessions of the Latin clergy and those heretics now in charge will corrupt, despoil and profane the holiest of places. We implore you therefore to return all the lands and churches of the realm to those who will honour the Lord God best.
April 14th 1185
Letter discovered Alexandria Archive 57 between Subject Khalidah and Guy de Lusignan Count of Jaffa.
My most Noble Count
It is with wholehearted sincerity that I thank you for the hospitality you graced me with a few days ago. Please allow me to express my pleasure and gratitude for your gracious invitation, and assure you of the enjoyment both I and my chaperone received from your company that night.
Permit me in response to offer you a similar invitation to dine at my table at your next convenience: though I cannot match the rich variety of your household, I can promise you honest fare and pleasant company, should this arrangement be to your liking.
Furthermore, I’d like to thank you for your generous gift, although I have to confess, I rarely find Frankish fashion to my taste, I must commend your exquisite eye. Though I doubt I can match you a familiar gift, still being unfamiliar with your intimate character, I still hope that in time I will be able to grant you such an appropriate token.
Until then, please accept my prayers for your continued good health, and that of your family and the kingdom.
Your devoted servant
K. i. B
April 14th 1185.
Extract from MS Palermo
Easter was celebrated throughout the land. Countless numbers of pilgrims filled our land, coming in numberless ships from across the sea. Tens of thousands did proceed down to the banks of the River Jordan, protected by the brethren of the Temple, and there were baptized. The trees of the region were stripped bear for their palm leaves were needed for the processions. The Archbishops of Tyre and Caesarea lead the host about the city, many barefoot, until at last they came to the Sepulcher of our Lord. Amongst the Pilgrims were many great nobles and magnates from the Kingdoms of France, England and the Empire of the Germans. They were feasted by Raymond, Count of Tripoli, the Baillie, in the palace of the King.
Though it was the time of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, his holy patrimony was not at peace. Unfamiliar with the laws and customs of Outremer many a pilgrim did cause offence or insult a burgher of the city. Fights and arguments were frequent and occasionally came to serious injury and harm.
Charter between Subject Lucius and Subject Marcus, Venetian Privileges.
I Lucius, by the grace of God, Prince of Jerusalem and the lands across the Sea, do hereby grant to the Giovanni Family of Venice and their representatives, for now and for the rest of time, certain privileges within the walls of the City of Jerusalem and its Kingdom. These are here recorded in writing and witnessed so that none may argue as to what is right and so that no privileges may be lost or broken in the course of time.
I. Four houses and a place in the market are to be given to the Giovanni family, merchants of Venice, within the city of Jerusaelm
II. There they shall inherit property as per the statues of the law.
III. The houses shall be subject to royal tax as they lie within the royal demesne
IV. The market stalls and the goods of the Giovanni sold there shall be exempt from all taxes
V. At Tel Dair Alla they shall have be granted a further 4 houses, for which they shall pay all owed taxes and rents.
VI. At Tel Dair Alla they are granted the right to build a mill for the production of sugar. The export of this shall be exempt from taxes and customs
VII. In return for the above the representatives of the Giovanni family shall provide for one knight, three horses and two sergeants to serve when called by the king.
VIII. The Giovanni also recognize the rights and position of Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem as legitimate lord of the kingdom, set above all others, and will endeavor to assist in the upholding of the peace and customs of the kingdom and its lord.
Signed and Sealed by
Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem
Marcus Musa Giovanni
Viccilin of Marseilles
Boniface, a priest of Nablus.
At the Tower of David April 19th 1185
Letter from Venetian archive: Giovanni 7
Letter 219
My Lord,
It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that my mission here in Outremer has been successful. I have acquired for the family trading rights and property in the city of Jerusalem itself and the neighbouring countryside. I have appended a copy of the charter for you perusal. I hope that this will please you and that in time a fruitful return will be received from the investment.
Whilst attending the court of Prince Lucius it has become apparent to me that he is greatly concerned about his position as lord of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Presently he is locked in a struggle against the faction of lords lead by Clan Lasombra, and has been weakened by a number of disappearances of close friends and clan mates. Certainly he has received little if no help from the low clans of the city. He is however supported by the Brujah, who have a deep hatred for the Lasombra here, or so I have learnt. Perhaps greater footholds and privileges may be gained in return for greater support and assistance to the Prince. A meeting of the High Court is to be convened in Caesarea soon to decide upon various matters that have split and divided the Kingdom in recent months.
It must also be noted that the Tremere are active here in the city and it was only through Gods’ intervention that I managed secure the rights that I did, stealing them away and relieving the prince from the Usurpers honeyed words. There is, as far as I know, only one present in the Kingdom and she is resident in Haifa at the court of Prince Etienne, though she surrounds herself with loyal ghouls. It seems the Tremere have wrought their way into the Malatesta family.
I shall do my utmost to discover more, until I receive word back from you.
Humbly your servant
Marcus Musa Giovanni
April 20th 1185
Letter between Umberto Malatesta and Subject Mara
My Lady,
I am afraid that I was not able to secure what you asked. Those vile gutter rats of ill bred Giovanni have used their poisoned words and cunning tricks to undo me. They stole what was almost within my grasp and now Prince Lucius has agreed a charter with them. I beg your forgiveness in failing you. I shall accept whatever punishment you deem necessary.
Umberto Malatesta
April 20th 1185
Reply to Letter from Subject Mara
Dearest Umberto,
Fear not, for I know you have worked you hardest upon the matters assigned to you and that you have done all that was within your power. Indeed you would be no match for a kindred negotiator like Marcus Giovanni. Things have progressed well here in Acre and success has also been achieved in Tyre and Beirut. The Giovanni may have their brief victory, for now remain at the side of the Prince and assure him of the clans support and trust in him.
Mara of House Tremere
April 28th 1185
Extract from MS Palermo
So it came to pass that the barons and prelates of the Kingdom of Jerusalem came together in the city of Caesarea by the sea, and there in the citadel overlooking the harbour did discuss the many ills that faced the kingdom. The king, struck down by his illness remained in Jerusalem, the lord Walter of Caesarea took charge. Barons at length discussed the ballie Raymond and who should have the right to administer the realm in the event of King Baldwin’s death while his heir also named Baldwin was still a minor. After much arguing and debate it was resolved that Raymond the Count of Tripoli would remain as baillie for the King and that if he were to die whilst his heir was still a minor, then the regency would pass to the boys mother Sibylla and her husband Guy. The Count of Tripoli feared that the barons would think he would try and usurp the throne, or treat him with great suspicion if the boy were also to die whilst he was ballie. As regards to Joscelin the Count of Edessa, he was to pay reparations to the King for damages caused during his recent uprising, though it was recognized that it had occurred because of their love and loyalty to the boy Baldwin and fears for his future. However there were some loyal to Raymond, those who desired to see him set up as king, and who despised the Lord Joscelin. Hugh of Beard did attempt to kill the Count of Edessa whilst hiding in a privy. By God’s grace the blow to Joscelin did not prove fatal and the attacker was struck down by the Count’s retainers.
During the meeting Guy of Nablus surrendered his soul unto God. Having consumed too much wine, which is prone to make all men weak, he fell whilst passing by a window, he struck his head against the stones of the wall and then fell unconscious into the harbour below, drowning. Likewise Richard le Petit who also intoxicated did strike a Genoese sailor, who then proceeded to fight with him. Other sailors came to their friend’s assistance and Richard was killed.
Letter 19 between Subjects Lucius and Etheria
Etheria, be it known, Elsh has returned. The wolf is amongst the sheep.
April 30th 1185
Letter 25 between Subjects Boniface and Lucius
My Dearest Prince
I must apologize to you again with every fibre of my being for the actions of my friend and clan mate Taurus. It is most unlike him to give into the beast whilst in the confines of the designated Elysium. I assure you that there was no conspiracy on behalf of Clan Brujah involved. We are as ever loyal to your leadership and cause as ever before. I fear that the uncharacteristic behaviour of Taurus may be a ploy by the Lasombra to divide us. This can not be allowed to happen. I know Taurus, who has recently emerged from his Slumber, induced by Sir Godwin, and will write to you soon to offer any further assurances that you may require. He also wished it to be known that he holds no grudge or hate for Sir Godwin or any other who incapacitated him in Caesarea, but he does respect them and love them more for their prudence.
May 7th 1185
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni
I awoke in a house on the edge of the ity of Caesarea, not far from the old Roman walls. I had been taken there by Gregorious, a member of my clan with whom I had only the briefest contact, even though I had been seeking him out. He informed me that I had give into my inner beast and let it take control of me at Elysium and attempted to do harm to many of the other there. Whilst under the beasts control I proved most troublesome to restrain, give as my clan is for its unusual hardiness. He had removed the stake that held me in that limbo for so long. Im afraid I can recall little of what occurred after subduing the Brujah Taurus. I was not enraged or attacked as such that would normally bring the beast to the fore, all I recall is feeling drained and week and noticing a considerable sum of blood about, though that may have come from the violence of Taurus.
Having now made a greater acquaintance with the members of the clan here in the east I shall endeavour to create a better reputation for the Giovanni family. Such actions as a loss of self control are not conducive to building a good name. There is much to be done before the arrival of further family members. If only Grregorious and his associate Abraham were more forthcoming, they still shut themselves away and hide in their havens, pursuing who knows what agenda. Perhaps they could prove more informative on the matters at hand.
Also no further news on Viccilin, rumours that he may have joined with the hidden Lafruy, wherever that may be.
May 9th 1185