Extract from MS PalermoOn the 16th day of May in MCLXXXV since the incarnation of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, our King Baldwin, IV of that name and VI King of Jerusalem died from the disease of leprosy, a disease which he had been afflicted with since childhood, cursed by God as punishment for the many sins of the land. He died aged 23. There was much grief in the realm at his death, for though he had been cursed by God for the people’s sins, he was a beloved ruler.
His nephew the young price Baldwin succeeded him. As he was under the age of maturity it was he was left in the care of his mother Sibylla, the leper’s sister, and her husband Guy de Lusignan. Joscelin lord of Edessa having recovered from his wounds carried the boy into the city of Jerusalem in his arms whilst riding on horseback. There were great celebrations and much shouting and applauding from the burgesses of the city who saw the little king go by. Raymond the Count of Tripoli had retired to Tiberias, where his wife Eschiva ruled. He was worried about what people would say if he were to remain as Baillie and the young king were to die. Thus he stayed away and left the main share of administering the Kingdom of Lord Joscelin.
It was also said at this time that upon the old King’s death lightning did strike the scriptorium of the Hospital of St John in the city, causing the wall to give way and collapse and for many manuscript to be lost. It was rumored that members of the Order had blasphemed against the Lord and cursed the memory of the late King Baldwin. As punishment God sent a bolt of lightning from the heavens and the errant brothers were suitably chastised for their wicked ways.
The body of a man was also discovered before the Church of St Martin had been so brutally killed and repositioned that he resembled a doll that a child might have. He was taken away and buried outside the city. None knew who he was but many suspected it to be the work of the Old Man of the Mountain.
Letter 4 between Subject Jared and Subject Lucius.Most Glorious Prince,
I must complain most heartily about the events that occurred within the wall of the House of St John this past evening. Upon going about my rounds as is the custom of my position within the Order I discovered Sir Godwin of Bath, covered in night soil and reeking of the latrine, sneeking about areas of the Hospital which are off limits to visitors. I questioned him as to his purpose in the area and his current state, but he proved most rude and fled the hospital without giving any suitable answer. As Prince and a member of his clan I ask you therefore to discover what exactly is going on and whether or not Sir Godwin had anything to do with the vandalism and attack upon the Order’s Scriptorium that night
Kindest Regards
Brother Jared, Knight of the Order of St. John.
May 20th 1185
Proclamation 89 by Subject Lucius.To all brothers and sisters currently residing with in the city and lands of Jerusalem, I hear by as Prince decree that Hakkon, a member of the Gangrel lineage is to be the new Sheriff. He is to administer Justice throughout the lands with my authority. Anyone who raises a hand against him raises it against me. If there is a complaint against him then it must be brought before me.
May 21st 1185
Proclamation 90 by Subject Lucius.Let be known throughout all the lands that, the Toreador known as Elsh, who currently resides within the city of Caesarea by the Sea is to be Blood Hunted. Any who grant assistance or aid this individual will themselves be subject to the Blood Hunt. Upon his capture the victor has the right to commit Amaranth if they so wish. No dishonour shall fall upon them.
Also subject to this Ezio Auditore is given special dispensation to hunt down and exterminate the villain Elsh.
May 22nd 1185.
Extract from MS Palermo.The Holy City of Jerusalem where our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and died for our sins only to be resurrected was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy. Fires were lit in the streets and mummers performed their shows, songs were sung and music floated across the city. Celebrations over the ascension of the young King Baldwin, the VIIth King of Jerusalem were taking places.
After much disruption the people of Nazareth finally accepted the rule of their Archbishop. Returning to his cathedral from the city of Nablus he at once took up his role in the city and began to administer to the needs of his flock. Those who had been the most vocal amongst the cannons and burgesses to defy him, and who would not now seek peace with this man of God were duly excommunicated.
Construction work was commanded to begin upon the ruined Templar fortress of Vadum Jakob, which had been destroyed in the past by the nefarious Saladin. Stone was quarried from the nearby hills of Galilee and taken to the site. However bandits, under one called the Desert Judge were known to be operation in the realm. His men were seen on the roads near Nablus, Jericho, Tiberias, Nazareth and Tyre. Pilgrims and merchants were stopped by roadblocks and relived of ther goods and chattels. Neither the knights of the king nor the Templars could discover the whereabouts of these perfidious villains.
Letter 5 between Subject Lucius and Subject Jared.
Salutations Jared.
I hope this missive finds you well. I wish to assuage any fears that you have concerning the surprise revelation of the presence of Narum ben Enosh. I wish to assure you that his obfuscation and chicanery were no doubt justified in his mind for fears of his own safety. He wished to ‘retire’ from our society. I myself had believed him dead and gone for these past two centuries. He is however a most skilled scholar and an excellent physician, very skilled in that most noble of arts. He will continue to be an excellent servant of the needy and unfortunate. Assisted by him and Brother Bernardus I am sure you will be most efficient in duties. He is of course concerned about Elsh, and with good cause I might add. I have taken steps to ensure that he does not flee or go into hiding again.
May 26th 1185.
Letter 20 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.Etheria, I must let you know that Narum has returned to the city. He was not deceased as we thought, rather he has been in hiding, in the Hospital of St John for the last LXXX years or so. I hope you will be able to restrain yourself if you should meet with him again. I have taken measures to ensure he remains resident and known with in my demesne. He will be needed in the coming struggle with his former pupil Elsh.
May 27th 1185.
Extract from MS PalermoThroughout the land no traveler was safe to walk the roads. Brigands struck fear into the hearts of pilgrims everywhere. Then one night the ruler of these ruffians did call out to Sir Godwin of Bath, Lord of Bait Nuba and Jacobs Ford. He issued to him a challenge for possession of the river crossing near to the ruined castle. They did battle and though Sir Godwin was seriously wounded and close to offering up his soul to God. Inspired with divine strength he was able to over come the villain and struck him low, thus ridding the land of a man many had come to fear. His followers were caught and hanged.
There also arrived in the city at this time Simon, Bishop of Carcassonne accompanied by Count Humbert of Aguillers and many other pilgrims from that land.
In Caesarea by the sea Lord Walter began to rebuild many of the ruins of the city that had once been glorious during the days of the Roman Empire. Stone was quarried and brought from far a field to restore the city to its once former glory. The work was expected to cost many thousands of bezants, and Lord Walter was forced to sell the rents and rights to many of his possessions to accomplish this noble task.
There was a tragic death amongst the community of Pisans and Genoese in the city. Pietro Embriaccho and Pandolfo Vincente both died from falls. One from his tower the other whilst visiting friends in the hospital. There was great sorrow at the news.
Letter 21 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.Etheria,
I know you are concerned about the return of Narum, however until the matter with Elsh is resolved I can not permit him to leave the city, lest he disappear for good this time. I ask you to remain patient. All will be resolved in due course and matters that have lain dormant these past two centuries will be put to rights.
May 31st 1185
Letter between Subject Lucius and Reynald de ChatillionLord Reynald, Prince of Antioch and Lord of Oultrejordain,
Greeting, I wish to reiterate my words to you from the previous evening. Saleh is here as an envoy from the Sultan of Damascus, he is an emir and though he is an idolater he must be treated with the appropriate respect accorded to his rank and purpose. I urge restraint. Though you may be lord in Kerak you are still subject to the King, and I know Lord Joscelin was most perturbed by your belligerent display. He has however received world from Lord Balian of Ibelin stating that he bares you no grudge concerning the remake about his wife and wished to make peace with you.
June 3rd 1185.
Extract from MS Palermo
Filled with hatred at the despoilment of God’s holy land the Provencal pilgrims did gather on street corners and in the squares of the city, determined to help cleanse the land of the perfidious taint of Greek heresy. They followed many members of the Eastern Church and did strike thme blows with feet, hands and staves. Many were severely injured. Houses and places of worship of the Greek rite were broken into and their possessions removed. Meanwhile the land was plagued with bandits who did continue to attack pilgrims and Christians no matter where they traveled.
Letter 1 between Subject Xavier and Subject Godwin.To Sir Godwin of Bath
I send to you a full set of accoutrements, with my compliments. They are appropriate apparel for a member of my clan, and should allow you to pass relatively unnoticed about the city - Sir Godwin is most recognisable by his armour, and I have come to realise that people rarely pay attention to faces when garments are such a convenient method by which to identify someone. The robs are fitted to permit you to wear your armour beneath them; I would caution, however, that your coming is quite often preceded by the step of metal boots and the scrape of plating, and would suggest you avoid wearing it more than necessary.
That said, perhaps in the nights to come, we could all do with as much protection as we can obtain.
Good fortune with your ploy.
Xavier, of Clan Capadocian"
Letter 1 between Subject Khalidah and Subject Lucius.My dearest Prince, Lucius
I must thank you wholeheartedly for your thoughtful gift, but I am afraid I cannot accept it: after our last conversation, I would not have you think that you could merely buy my acquiescence with trinkets. Though we have disagreed before, I am not sure I can so easily stomach your unwillingness to allow me to choose my own destiny. Your opinion of me must indeed by disastrously low if you thought I would trade my integrity for pretty gems.
As prince, you have the right to demand whatever it is you wish from me, and I have always given exactly as you have asked, but I cannot and will not stand by and do nothing with regards to this matter, when my intervention could mean the difference for those I care about. The idea I have had is more than enough to deal with the problem posed, and I am working on further amendments to make it even more difficult for Elsh to manoeuvre out of.
Your original idea to employ Ezio Auditore, thwarted by his abandonment of the city, may yet yield fruit. There is one final descendant of Haqim in your city, and he has promised his aid in dealing with the member of the clan of the Rose causing you such despair. I am sure you are more than aware of the many ways his particular talents can be put to good use: do you believe Sir Godwin would have thought to ask the Damascene emissary for such aid? I am not highlighting any particular fault in him, except perhaps his unwillingness to allow anyone else to partake in what must be done. Perhaps it is a flaw of your clan, to shoulder the burden and refuse to allow the rest of us to pull our weight. Needless to say, I doubt he would have faced Elsh correctly prepared in the way that the emissary can assist with.
I have survived assassinations, foiling attempts on the lives of others; I have also put myself in harms way to prevent coups against yourself and others: my abilities have been proven time and again. With the recent capture and return of Lafreuy, I had hoped you would consider me competent enough to deal with these issues you pass to the neonates to resolve. I would not have others call me a coward, yet by keeping me so safe, how can I avoid such accusations? How can you justify sending my friends and fellow neonates to dispatch Elsh, yet hold me back like a chastised child? I am not your childe, and it has been many years since I have been kept under the yoke of an elder kindred. I appreciate that this is an oversimplification of our relationship, but you cannot so easily expect me to surrender what was so recently attained.
You defend yourself by blaming it upon my sex: yet would you level such accusations towards Prince Etheria? I do not imagine she would react nearly as calmly as I. As I mentioned earlier in my writing, I am your obedient servant: I will obey you in all things. However, if you do truly care about me and my feelings, you would not stand in the way of my attempts to protect you and that which I know you care more about: please know that I do not do this selfishly, but out of a desire to make the world a safer place.
I do not wish to offend you: believe me when I say that I could not live with myself if I did so, and it grieves me to be apart from you for this long, or to consider the possibility of your displeasure. I want nothing more than to resolve this dispute and move forwards towards our similar goal of ending the misery Elsh is putting your court through.
Letter 29 between Patriarch Heraclaius and Subject Paliuro.My Noblest friend,
I have received a particular item from a young gentleman calling at my door, who introduced himself by the name of Elsh. He proceeded to hand me a crucifix, one of fine workmanship and exquisite beauty in its depiction of the martyrdom of our lord Christ. He asked that I should forward it to you with great haste and inform you that it was in fact a gift from him. I know not your relationship to this young man but I have sent you the gift nonetheless.
As far as my acitivites upon my recent tour of the West, I fear that good Master Roger de Moulins and I do not quite see eye to eye. I did as you suggested and offered the throne of the Kingdom to one of the sons of King Henry of England. Indeed one of his sons, John Lackland, came forward and proceeded to plead most earnestly for the honour, but his father would hear none of it and stoutly refused. The Tour remained successful though. Traveling through Rome, Paris and Aachen before arriving at London, support for Jerusalem was promised and many gifts were given. I am sure we can expect more support from our friends and kinsmen across the sea in due course.
Your friend in Christ
Heraclaius, Patriarch of Jerusalem.
June 8th 1185
Letter 57 between Subject Paliuro and Subject Pacifico.Pacifico,
Dire news my friend, it would appear that Elsh the self styled Prince of Caesarea, has murdered poor Magdalena and desecrated her body in the heinous manner that he did to Kleon. May God strike him down for such cruelties! I fear we will have little success in bringing him round to our way of thinking. Not only has he murdered but also he has stolen. He has taken the money that King Henry of England had sent for the defence of the Holy Places in this land. Fortunately the Templars have amassed enough to cover the loss, from their own funds. My sources in Jerusalem indicate that after committing the crime he paid a visit to the Patriarch. We must act carefully from here on out.
Pacifico, Archbishop
June 10th 1185.
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa GiovanniI have done as my family has commanded me. However I fear that the other members of my clan are becoming suspicious of my activities. II Pisnas, II Gonoese I Amalfian and I Messinian all dead through accident and murder are beginning to draw just a little too much attention. No fear though, soon all will be replaced by Giovanni friends and my business for the most part shall be concluded. Xavier, always watching, sitting in the corner of Elysium like a hawk, is the only one I need fear, Gregorius and Abraham are far to caught up in their own little schemings and research to pay much attention. I have yet to discover what there game is. Umberto Malatesta and that witch Mara must be dealt with as well.
June 11th 1185
Proclomation 91 by Subject Lucius.I Lucius do hear by decree that the members of my court, Varsik and Al Hakim to be traitors and banned from returning to the city. Any who should encounter them and arrest them, bringing them either to myself of Sheriff Hakkon for punishment. An appropriate reward will be given for their capture. Punishments and banishments will al be levied against any other Kindred who assists the traitor Elsh.
June 15th 1185
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Letter to Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni from Subject Xavier.Marcus Musa Giovanni.
I would much like to speak more with you on matters of our clan, and particularly the recent unusual activity. If, three nights hence, you could come to my house in the Syrian Quarter you would be made most welcome.
Xavier, of the Clan Capadocian.
June 20th 1185
Letter 1 between Subject Xavier and Subject Alais.Alais
Much as I know you must be busy in these troubled nights, I regret I must ask your assistance again, in dealing with Marcus Musa Giovanni. If you could come to my town house three nights hence, as early as is possible, I would be most grateful.
June 21st 1185
Reply to Letter 1 from Subject Alais. Xavier
Certainly, three nights hence is most agreeable. I shall endeavour to arrive as early as possible, and leave the care of any who come to my door requiring aid to my assistants.
June 22nd 1185.
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa GiovanniSo it appears that the wretch Xavier has discovered my plans. His attempts at conveying his displeasure at my activities has been made perfectly clear, fortunately I have accomplished virtually all of what my family have required of me here in Jerusalem, only one significant target remains. Then the matter will be ended. Xavier despite my pleas I fear will be of no use in gaining greater access to Abraham or Gregoroius, I must persevere in other ways.
June 25th 1185.
Proclamation 92 by Subject Lucius.It has become apparent to all members of this court that Xavier, of Clan Cappadocian is planning and aiding a plot of insurrection against the governance of this most Holy City. I therefore in the interests of the safety and prosperity of the Kindred residing here do call a Blood Hunt upon Xavier. It is to take effect immediately. Any who harbour him or provide him with assistance whilst in the cities territories will also be subject to such a fate.
Signed Lucius
July 2nd 1185
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa GiovanniSo the High Lady Constancia will be arriving in the city within the next month. A most curious turn of events no doubt, though I wonder what exactly could have stirred her so greatly that she felt bound to leave Cappadocious’s side and travel all the way here. Most curious, something of great note must be afoot to roused her.
Xavier blood hunted as well, this I fear is a case of poor luck and coincidence, though I do not always believe in coincidences. Has he something to do with Constancia, or is he merely some pawn of his elders? There is greater intrigue here, he is apparently aligned to some witches in the city, though that is most likely hyperbole.
July 8th 1185
Extract from MS PalermoSo it came to pass that in the month of July there was great disorder in the lands about the city. In the regions of Bait Nuba where under the command of Count Humbert of Aguillers many of the Muslim heresy were rounded up and executed, so as to free the land of God from their foul taint. Though of good intensions this act was a transgression of the laws of the land. Count Joscelin immediately sent word for Humbert to present himself before the High Court, which he did. Nevertheless he left his vassals under the Bishop of Carcasonne, who in his absence continued his work.
Work upon the castle of Jacobs Ford ground to halt as many of the masons and labourers there were filled with the divine love of Christ. They eschewed the world and material possessions, laying down their tools they took vows and entered monastic orders.
In Caesarea by the sea many beautiful buildings were seen to have been constructed and repaired so that the city once more shone with the glory and splendor that had existed in Rome. All the fairest and comeliest of people of the land were attracted to this new splendor and took up residence within that city.