Letter 1 from Subject Elsh to Subject LuciusI Elsh, Lord and Prince of Caesarea and ruler of these lands, do command my vassal, Lucius, Lord of Jerusalem, to lay down arms against me. If he and his followers will not do so then they will be all placed under the Blood Hunt. I offer reprieve to any who wish to come to my city. This they must do within the next two weeks, beyond that they are subject to the above hunt.
Lord of Caesarea
July 10th 1185
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa GiovanniConstancia has arrived, amongst all the pomp and ceremony that her kind is particularly accustomed to. I noted a distinct lack of Gregorious at these proceedings, curious. The woman is a harpy and ingrate of course, she may have age but she lacks the refinement and intellect of my Lord Augustus. Xavier followed her about like a whipped dog. I must put my plans on hold for the time being until she has left, though this may be sooner than planned given Etheria’s clear dislike for the woman.
July 19th 1185
Extract from MS PalermoAfter much protestation did Count Humbert finally accede to come before the Ballie Raymond and the Constable Joscelin. There he put forth his case, expressing no knowledge of the events committed by his men between here and Bait Nuba. He accused his vassal, Simon of Provence, an over eager and zealous man of the crimes. Simon was summoned but found to be nowhere in the Kingdom, having disappeared at night from his lodgings in Bethany. Humbert thus failing to provide the Villain was as his lord ordered to pay recompense to the crown for the crimes committed.
Synagogues were attacked in this month, and many goods from within taken. Many suspected it to be the work of Simon of Provence, but he could not be found.
The Bishop of Carcasonne di pay visit to his ecclesiastical brethren in the diocese of Lydda, Bethlehem, and Nazareth, there he bought relics so that he might endow churches in his own land.
Lord William of Montferrat, grandfather to the young king Baldwin did arrive in the Kingdom, there was much rejoicing and feasting. He traveled from Acreto Jerusalem where he paid visit to his grandson and the grave of his own son, William Longswrod, who had been the husband of Sibylla, before his death in 1177.
Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7
Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa GiovanniSo it seems the Prince is quite mad, in desperate times such as these he is sending away his supporters. Khalida, Sir Godwin, Alais, Amine and that wretch Xavier are to go to Damascus, no doubt the death of the infidel Saleh has caused some trouble between him and Darshuf. Most auspicious indeed.
July 31st 1185
Letter 2 between Subject Elsh and Subject LuciusThe time for clemency and mercy has now passed. However it has always been a primary concern of mine to stem any unnecessary bloodshed. I therefore wish to call a council of elders, to discuss the division of these lands. The meeting is to take place in the city of Nablus within the next month.
Elsh, Lord of Caesarea
August 2nd 1185
Letter 9 between Subject Lucius and Subject DarshufTo Darshuf, Sultan of Damascus and noble brother,
Greetings, I hope this letter finds you well. I have sent to you a group of Ashirra, they are my emissaries, I hope that they will bring our two courts closer together and strengthen the ties of friendship between us. The murder of Saleh was a great blow to our united cause. His remains are being returned by this delegation; I offer my most sincere apologies and assure you that the killer will be brought to justice.
August 11th 1185
Letter 10 between Subject Darshuf and Subject LuciusMost Noble Emir of Al-Quds,
I hope this most unworthy missive finds you in good health. I am pleased to report that your emissaries arrived here in Damascus safe and sound with minimal displeasures coming upon them on the road. I also thank you for your gifts, my most humblest and heartfelt thanks. Indeed I hope this exchange shall go some way to repairing the damage done for the death of Saleh and the many dishonours committed by the kine of your realm. I should also inform you that the Great Sultan Saladin has vowed to strike the head from the shoulders of the serpent Reynald should the vile wretch ever fall into his possession.
Peace be upon you as always brother.
Sultan of Damascus
August 23rd 1185
Letter 2 between Subject Khalida and LuciusLucius
I beg your indulgence to read this letter, as it may very well be the last you receive from me. It brings me a great deal of sorrow to have to put this pen to paper, but it cannot be helped. If I cannot return to you now to speak to you personally, this paper and ink will serve instead.
After our many conversations, I would have hoped that I had learnt your temper by now; but unfortunately things have occurred to the two of us that leave me unable to accurately judge this situation. The exhilaration I felt upon reading your proposal had faded now to a sad sort of fear of losing what I consider so precious. What was once so dear to us both will rot and sour on the vine, before it was ever even realised. If that is your desire, then so be it. I will never feel this way about another as I have felt about you: I will tear my heart from chest and cast it aside so no one can ever make me this weak again.
You were right in your instincts: I have not been honest with you, and it is only now that I understand your intentions that I realise I must be frank with you. I doubt you yourself will have any such outpouring of sentiments as I am, however, the truth will set you free, after all. You will either condemn or forgive me, and I am uncertain which will be more difficult to bear. Nevertheless, I will respect your desires, as I always have.
My god is not your god, nor can he ever be. I am no slave to anyone or their rules. I follow the path I set myself rather than the whims of others. I faced revelations and received enlightenment, and will share it with others when they have proven themselves receptive. I am a Follower of Set, and there is nothing I can do about it. The sins of my sire and clan are not mine to bear alone, and if you revile me after this revelation, then I will taint you no more. I am not disobedient; every time I have not followed direction has been a calculated and deliberate demonstration of my will. I am my own creature, my own person, this is the only way I achieve salvation from the forces of corruption. I will not blindly follow orders as this would damn me eternally to be a slave, which I have been long enough in my life.
You have referred to my clan as foul betrayers in the past, and yet I have been your most ardent supporter, even as the wolves have closed inwards upon you, loyal unto death, and will continue to be so. Lafruey, Viccillin and indeed anyone else can never be as close as I am to you. As bound as we are, you know there is no way I can allow you to come to any harm, by my own hand or any other. Nothing would hurt me so much as hearing you want me no longer, except the fearful news regarding your final night.
I do not worship a demon, no matter what you might believe: rather, just as you attempted to save my soul through the divine love of your god, I attempted to save your soul through your own power as my God taught me. I was not attracted to you because of any weakness you exhibit: rather, I feel in love with the strength you command mastery over. It seems God is not without a sense of irony, setting us up so beautifully opposed like this. If you understood, perhaps, how I have suffered without you, maybe you would believe my sincerity. As it happens, there is no way for either of us to know for certain until you allow me to return to Jerusalem. You need only trust the power of the blood we shared.
If I do not hear word from you within 10 days, I shall presume you do not wish to see me again. I shall no longer waste your time, but return to face the wrath of my sire and peers for sins committed in your name. Your memory will warm me, even as I am reduce to the slave of my sire once more.
Remember me fondly, if all we have left are these memories. If not, I await your response with hope.
Always and Forever
Khalidah ibna Badiya,
Childe of Jafar, Chosen of Maatkare
August 31st 1185
Letter 1 between subject Lucius and subject KhalidahDear Khalidah,
Stay the course.
September 7th 1185
Letter between subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of MosulMy Lord, I have arrived in Damascus and have begun the work on which you sent me. I have made contact with the Franj emissaries in the city who seem willing to take up arms against our common foe. I hope that they may convince their own lords that the cause is noble and worthy and that our fair city may soon be free of the threat of Saladin. I shall send further word in due course, but I hope to find many here who are willing to take up the sword against the usurper. It would also appear the Caliph has sent his own advisers to the city in Saladin’s absence.
September 18th 1185
Unaddressed letter from subject Brenda the RavenSire, I have done as the Clan bids. It would seem that the lay of the land here in Damascus is most fertile, it shall soon I hope be returned to the loving embrace of Baghdad once more. Darshuf is beset by many problems; it would appear that his own childer Manal is the real mover here, though the Banu Haqim are certainly a force to be reckoned with. I have approached a group of Franj, sent from Al-Quds, and have set them the task of discovering the whereabouts of Tirhan. I hope my trust in them will be well received as I envision an appropriate response. In return I have promised to ask the Clan concerning the one called Paliuro, a Christian member of the Amiciis Noctis, present in Jerusalem and causing great concern there. Is there anything that the Court of Blood might be able to achieve? Rumour has it that he has contact with the Tal' Mahe’Ra. I await your response.
September 27th 1185
Letter 1 between subject Anwar and subject Layla.Dearest friend, I have news that I shall be returning to our fair city within the next week. I have much to tell of events in Tanis and of course the gifts you asked for. Not only this but I am also accompanied by our old acquaintance Andreas who wishes to spend some time in the city. Make sure all is prepared.
Kindest rgards
October 10th 1185
Letter 11 between Subject Darshuf and Subject Lucius.Lucius, Emir of Al-Quds,
It is with the greatest regrets that this most unworthy missive finds you. It has come to our most serene notice that the vile and traitorous dog Reynald de Chatillion, formerly the prince of Antioch and now lord of Kerak has raided, raped and murdered the members or a caravan heading from Cairo to here in Damascus. Such brutality and violence in contravention to the treaty which you King Baldwin has made with Saladin. I demand on behalf of the Great Sultan reparations for the damages, good and lives stolen by that serpent Reynald. I must also demand that this man be punished for his crimes. Indeed all must not suffer for the faults of one.
Sultan of Damascus
October 16th 1185
Unaddressed letter from Brenda the Raven
Sire, I hope this finds you. The city of Damascus has now been besieged by a sandstorm for the past six weeks. There is no let up or abatement in the ferocity of the winds. Sand covers all and people are beginning to talk of sorcery. I have little doubt in my mind that this storm is not the work of something beyond the forces of nature, but I have no place to start any such investigation. Matters progress well here, the Franj sent by Lucius have certainly made a name for themselves, the Walid Set Khalidah managed to discover a lair of the despised Baali. It was located in the catacombs deep below the Mosque of Omar, between them they were able to dispatch it. However the Baali are like a swarm of vermin, no doub there will be many more tha infest and infect this city. It may be wise to delay plans and hope the Reyeen al Fen may do the greater part of the work for us. Work on cleansing the mosque of any taint left by those infernalists must begin soon, I am sure Manal will see to it, she has proven to be the real power here as I suspected. Work continues with the Banu Haqim but they are slow in the uptake, Bishtaq appears to be waiting for something, though I know not what.
October 22nd 1185
Letter 1 between Subject Layla and Subject AndreaAndreas,
I am most concerned about the recent series of events. I have not been resident in Egypt for sometime but even I can recall the tales told to me by my Sire concerning the Amenti. Is it not a wise idea for us it leave this city under the cover of this storm? Surely if we maintain a presence here it will track us down and dispatch us as it did to Anwar? Can these foul beasts of Osiris be over come? I understand that you are more knowledgeable in these matters, what do you suggest be done about this?
October 28th 1185
Letter 1 between Subject Andreas and Subject Layla.
Your are right to be concerned, the Amenti are most formidable foes but they were never many. I believe that between us, despite the loss of Anwar, but with the assistance of Khlaida and the Franj she associates with, or the Banu Haqim we should be able to overcome the beast. It will no doubt attempt to track us down, but Cainites attract its attention as much as we. I have become aware of disappearances from amongst some of my own as well as Anwars associates. I believe it will come to us once it considers us weakened and scared. If we can over power it the threat will be removed, at least for a considerable period of time. Arm yourself and shield yourself in faith of Set.
Novemebr 1st 1185.
Letter between Subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of MosulMost gracious Lord,
I know that the traitor Saladin presses you and our people hard and without mercy, but I have made successful contact with the Franj, I believe this will be a most beneficial arrangement to both our houses. God willing they will be able to relieve some of the pressure placed upon our city. I shall write again to inform you of how matters progress.
November 9th 1185
Unaddressed Letter from Subject Manal.I understand that the prisoners were your responsibility but the Sultan had informed us that the place of execution for the Templars was not to be in the main square but beyond the walls of the city. You have defied his orders and we are greatly displeased with you. However your noted successes against the Franj hold you in good stead, do not let such simple matters cause such great distress for our city again. Otherwise there will be repercussions for yourself and your family. The heads of the Templars who would not hear the words of Allah are to be placed on spikes above the city gates. There should be more than enough. After this is accomplished you had best prepare to move your regiment to Mosul, you are needed there.
November 18th 1185
Unaddressed Letter of Subject Brenda the RavenSire I wish to inform you of the various matters that have occurred in the city over the past month. Firstly the accursed sand storm has finally abated, it is now possible to walk the streets again without fear of muggings or murders. Commerce and trade might one again flourish, certainly the poorer sections of the city have been hit hard by the lack of recent markets and produce entering the city as the sand storms result. I believe the Rayeen al Fen are responsible, though perhaps it was the Banu Haqim for a raid upon Franj territory recently, twenty Templars were captured. They were offered conversion but all of them spat and cursed us. The Sufi’s were brough forwards and severed their heads from their shoulders in all sorts of manners. I know the Franj are weakened currently but I do not think the Master Ridefort will stand for such things. There will be retaliations, I shall lay plans accordingly.
There was a riot in the city, Eskut and Suleiman I responsible, since it appears they are also the murderers of Demetrius. The Walid Set Khlaidah attempted to lay blame elsewhere, perhaps she is covering. His presence and calming manner upon the Christians of the city will be missed. Attacks and murders of Imams and other prominent citizens have taken place, a mob itself descended on the citadel before Manal saw it off, and matters are certainly becoming worse.
The Qalibat al Mawt Constancia, childe of Cappadocious also arrived in the city. My investigations have yet to uncover what but I understand she required the use of Othman Gazi’s librabry. I shall write more when matters become clearer.
November 27th 1185
Letter between Subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of MosulMost serene Lord,
It is with glad tidings that this letter finds you. Your most humble servant has met with numerous success in Damascus. Tension in the city is rife and likely to spill out into actual violence, Saladin’s eye will soon be turned from you, he will have to dispatch other regiments from the siege to make sure the city remains under his control. I myself have managed to acquire the services of various emirs dissatisfied with the petulant Kurds rule. I shall soon be departing Damascus and joining the Franj re turning to Al Quds, I hope to accomplish more there. I shall inform you of any further developments as they occur.
December 11th 1185