MS Lyons 223.64, here after referred to as MS Lyon.
And his majesty in that year MCCXXVI of the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ did take the great city of Cordoba from the Muslims. There he installed a new bishop. And tore down the false idols of the deceiver and erected many new and fine churches, worthy in the praise of the Lord God. Many of the inhabitants who clung to that villainous faith fled the city at the approach of the King and sought refuge in other places of Andalusia. There were so many empty houses and palaces that any soldier might claim it for themselves by hanging their shield above the door and declaring it their possession. Having put the enemy to flight the king distributed the newly conquered lands to his loyal subjects, to hold in service.
Proclamation 1 by Subject Alvar Cardona. I, Alvar Cardona, Prince of the City of Cordoba by almighty God, in the presence of those here assembled, by the hand of Ferdinand of Burgos, do grant the following territory to the Cainites. They shall possess all the land that lies between the New Gate and the market square before the Church of St Mary Magdalene. All that is encompassed by this is under their authority. They hold this land in fief and as loyal Christian vassals of the Prince of Cordoba. They shall do service for this fief in times of war. They shall uphold all the traditions in this fief. If they fail to uphold them then their service hall be made void and forfeit, and the fief shall return to their liege the Prince of Cordoba. They are responsible for the administration of justice in the fief, and will be held accountable for any failings.
Alvar Cardona, Prince of Cordoba
Ferdinand of Burgos
Gaius Menas Pelagius of the Obertus Tzimice.
Xavier Hugo of Clan Cappadocian
Alais of Clan Toreador
Ossias of Clan Brujah
Frederickson Fletcher, Tremere
August 29th 1236
Letter 1 from Subject Enam al-Dimshaq to Subject Alvar CardonaKnow this Franj, his Excellency Prince Hilel does not recognize any grants of land or investiture of territory that you make within the boundaries of his city. All such grants are null and void until approved by his eminence. These dogs that you bring in to lap at the table scraps shall run like true curs when faced with the wolf like grace of Prince Hilel. You are a usurper and nothing more.
Enam al-Dimshaq
Seneschal of Cordoba
September 2nd 1236
Letter 1 from Subject Alvar Cardona to Subject Enam al-Dimshaq.Dearest Lady,
I have been appointed Prince and hold this position by right of conquest and through God’s ordination. I shall dispense with my territories as I see fit. Your cur Hilel may do as he pleases, squandering his resources and conversing with poets. The tide has turned and a new sun is rising.
Alvar Cardona
Prince of Cordoba
September 7th 1236.
Extract from MS LyonChoosing to live in the continued ignorance of their erroneous faith, the followers of Mohammed resisted the word of the Lord God. Violence was done in streets as these Grifons rebelled against their Christian lords. Battle was joined in the streets and the many were slain. To ensure that the faith of those Christians who had lived under heathen rule for so long was pure, the Holy Inquisition was established in the city and did investigate all rumours of heresy.
Letter 1 between Subject Rafi and an unknown recipient.Lord,
I have dispatched these selected works, which I’m sure you will agree are of great importance, with the Lamian Iola Lethra. Her particular talents will make her an excellent courier. If this holds well then much may be saved from the hands of the Tremere, and hopefully away from the Giovanni’s libraries. Xavier Hugo and his associates seem amenable. I hope that they shall stall Jakeem and Nagy in whatever schemes they are concocting.
September 11th 1236
Letter 1 between Subject Ferdinand of Navarre and Subject Alvar Cardona.Esteemed Lord,
I urge caution concerning the matter of these newly arrived knights escorting that Dominican Friar. My sources inform me that the Poor Knights of the Broken Cross are not to be trifled with. It is an expressed command within my own Order of Bitter Ashes to avoid these men, and engage in no dealings with them. Their faith is strong, as many of us felt the other night as they rode by. There is certainly more to them than meets the eye and I urge you and the other members of our Elysium not to underestimate them, or act rashly. This Friar, Walter von Murnau is also another, he disquiets me and others. Perhaps it would be wise not to antagonize.
Ferdinand of Navarre.
Order of Bitter Ashes
September 19th 1236
Extracts from the Journal of Enam al-Dimshaq, taken from Tangiers Archive 2.…..These knights who live in the faith of the Christians have taken up residence in a church in the Christian’s quarter. Their presence here unnerves us all. Satuf was most concerned; the look upon his face was memorable if nothing else. It has been a long while since he let his countenance slip. Yet we dare not approach or interfere. I do hope the younger ones of the court obey the expressed instructions given to them. It is unwise to pull an old Lion’s tail…
September 22nd 1236
Letter 1 between Subject Lucita of Aragon and Subject Ambrosio Luis Moncada.Sire,
Work continues here in Cordoba. The city is thick with flies and other carrions eathers, all come to feast upon the corpse of this city. Books and crumbling scrolls are their meat. The Tremere, Assamites, Cappadocians and Brujah all wage a secret war with each other over what scraps they will get. A Greek Tzimice, by the name of Gaius Menus Pelagius has set up an Obertus outpost here in the city. Granted a fief by that fool Cardona no less. Perhaps he hopes to recreate the dream that was Constantinople. I do believe that it is the Nosferatu who will profit the most from this feeding frenzy. I have made contact with the Setites, indeed I seem to be pursued by one of their agents in particular. The Ashirra are secretive and given the arrival of so many Christian Cainites in the city, and the arrival of the Inquisition, are appropriately cautious. I do believe the Assamite called Nazirah will be the most problematic, but by winter I should have acquired a place in the court of Prince Hilel. The Setites will extract a price of course.
Lucita of Aragon.
September 28th 1236.
Extract from MS Lyon.The sin of the people of the city of Cordoba could not begin to be cleansed until all forms of corruption and foul pollution within the city were first purged. Hiding amongst the heathens was the villainous sect of Jews. The people of the city then began to turn on these lowly creatures. Their houses were burnt and the men and women dragged into the street to face the wrath of the crowds. All in all some C were killed over those weeks, their bodies tossed off the bridge and into the river. Some survived the attacks by appealing to friends to hide them in their houses, or by feigning conversion to the Lord Jesus. In return for these great acts in His name God sent a miracle to the Church of St. Mary Magdalene. There a statue of the Magdalene began to weep tears of blood.
Letter 2 between Subject Lucita of Aragon and Subject Ambrosio Luis Moncada.Sire,
The price for the goods has been established, we shall be creditors it seems. The business will soon begin in earnest here. It shall be as you have commanded.
Lucita of Aragon
October 5th 1236
Letter 2 between Subject Ferdinand of Navarre and Subject Alvar Cardona.My Lord,
This matter concerning the Poor Knights of the Broken Cross must be addressed. I can advise you as best I can, and I urge caution. Their encounter with us at Elysium at St. Rafael’s as most unpleasant and disturbing for all involved. They see and they hear it seems. Our true natures are suspect to them, and their faith is strong enough to rile the inner beast. I fear that further investigation by this Friar von Murnau will prove telling on us. If the traditions are to be kept then we must go to ground. I have dispatched correspondence with my brothers throughout the realm to see what they might learn about this humble inquisitor. Though a Dominican he is not here on their Order’s business. I have been able to gather nothing on the III Knights that accompany him. If we can not go to ground then a confrontation must be provoked. This may be to your advantage. Until then the miracle at St. Mary Magdalene’s will act as a suitable distraction for them.
Ferdinand of Navarre
October 8th 1236
Letter 1 between Unknown sender at Ceoris and Subject Viktor Nagy.Viktor.
I hope this letter finds you well. The clan has considered your last report to us. You are to continue on current course with all matters. They are of utmost importance to the progress of the Clan as a whole. As far as a Chantry is concerned, all such matters for the time being shall be delegated to Frederickson Fletcher. You are to assist him in these matters if they do not conflict with your own current objectives. This matter is of secondary importance, we trust in your judgment. News has come to us that the Assamite witch Nazirah is most definitely within the city. Your judgment is also trusted upon this matter.
October 14th 1236
Letter 2 between Subject Rafi and an unknown recipient.Lord,
The Giovanni has reorganized himself and his bid to acquire further works. I fear that the number of books that you shall receive will now dwindle. As such these shall be some of the last to depart with Iola. I shall retain her on an ad hoc basis until matters resolve themselves. The situation is growing worse here everyday. Sooner or later one will triumph over the other. Jakeem continues in his foolish endeavours with Viktor Nagy. It has also come to my attention that the other Tremere, Fletcher has been commanded to build a chantry here in Cordoba. The Usurpers infestation spreads further and soon more will descend upon this cities carcass to strip it clean. I have secured those individuals such as Nahmanides and his associates as best I can. They unlike many of their brethren shall not fall into undesirable hands, whoever they might be.
October 29th 1236
Extracts from the Journal of Enam al-Dimshaq, taken from Tangiers Archive 2. It was not until the old Rabbi had gone from his house on the corner near the orange seller that it really became apparent to me. The Children of Israel are disappearing from this city. While some might be put down to natural causes or the brutality of the Christians, there is another hand at work here. Like rats fleeing a ship before it sinks beneath the waves. Are they just hiding or are they fleeing to protect something. Their community has always been most secretive, but always loyal and personable. Certainly they have held the admiration of he Viziers for sometime. What are they at?
October 31st 1236
Letter 3 between Subject Lucita of Aragon and Subject Ambrosio Luis Moncada.Sire,
I have completed negotiations with the Setites as instructed. I shall soon be meeting with our brethren in Cordoba. If there are any further instructions you or the rest of the Elders might wish me to impart then I urge you to hasten it. The time is unknown but it fast approaches. Much is transpiring here in the city, those Knights of the Broken Cross have been most troublesome but I have managed to evade their notice. The Dominican Walter von Murnau however is another matter. The mans persistent nosebleeds are most distracting. It is as though he can smell out our kind like a hound coursing for rabbits or foxes. Speaking of little foxes, how in your experience might one suitably disentangle oneself from Setities, one seems most keen on pursuing me in particular.
Lucita of Aragon
November 4th 1236
Proclomation 2 by Subject Alvar Cardona.Be it known that this turbulent friar and his lackies who masquerade as pious knights of the Lord will be tolerated in my demesnes no longer. To whomever removes this blot upon our realm will be rewarded in status and s gift of M bezants from our own funds.
Alvar Cardona
Prince of Cordoba
November 12th 1236
Proclamation 3 by Subject Alvar Cardona.Be it known that the Setite known as Khalida is henceforth banished from our Elysium, and will be punished upon pain of Blood Hunt should she return. Her crimes and actions stand before all as a testament to this decree.
Alvar Cardona
Prince of Cordoba
November 13th 1236
Extracts from the Journal of Enam al-Dimshaq, taken from Tangiers Archive 2.The fools! What have they done, all that has been worked for over the last year has been brought to naught. Now the city shall be reduced to ashes and the fires shall consume us all! It is to be war then. Alvar will not survive, the rebels of the court are too powerful for me to hold back any longer. Satuf and his comrades will have their way.
November 15th 1236
Extract from MS Lyons.The wicked Muslims, hating all that God has created rose up in rebellion against his ministers. They attacked the Church of St. Rafael and did burn it. There they found a Friar sent by the Bishop to root out heresy in the city. Overcoming him and his guards the did murder them and mutilate their bodies. From there word went out to their heathen cohorts who surged through the streets killing and burning all that stood before them. Aware of the troubles face in the city, his Majesty King Ferdinand III sent yet more knights to the city with their sergeants to quell the mob. This they did and the streets did flow with blood.
Proclomation 4 by Subject Alvar Cardona.Be it known that I as Prince of the City of Cordoba, do hereby appoint Junius of Clan Ventrue as Dux Bellorum until peace is once again re-established in these lands.
Alvar Cardona
Prince of Cordoba
November 20th 1236
From the journal of Xavier Hugo of Clan Cappadocian; Cordoba 1236.Damnable pots! Several pages of my journal - destroyed by a flaw in the ceramics! What was the last page?
So, yes, we were given a fiefdom. And, largely, things proceed well in that part of my life - Gaius and Osaiis have taken over the majority of the burden of running the place. Osaiis works at getting guards, while Gaius (predictably) is concentrating on the religious community. For myself, I have claimed a small baths left abandoned since the invasion; here I have stored my note books and tomes, as well as housing Gilliam and my herd - they usefully act also as caretakers for the baths.
For the last two months, however, I have been making my home in Gaius' Abbey, the better to hide from the Inquisition. Last night, however, these ceased to be a problem: on the orders of the Prince, we removed the friar and his knights. He knew of us - he was a danger, there was no choice.
Gaius' choice of tactics, however, have started a civil war: the Muslim mortals have risen up against the Christian invaders, and I do not doubt that this will soon spill over into the Kindred world - and as lords of a fiefdom, we will inevitably be drawn in to the chaos.
I have still to deal with Joachim, who is gifting books from the city libraries to the Tremere, Victor Nagy. I have additionally been asked to protect one Rabbi Nahmanides, a Jewish "source of great knowledge," according to the one who asked me to protect him.
A point of interest: the Inquisitors soul, Osaiis' first chosen of one hundred, journeyed to the end of the black road in a day.