Thursday, 9 December 2010

Photographic Reference Constantinople I

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Inside the Hagia Sophia

Emperor Alexius IV - the boy Emperor.

Emperor Alexius III - now deposed

The Hagia Sophia

Thursday, 18 November 2010

The Queen of Cities - Constantinople Summer 1203

Extract from MS Skopje 776.8, also known as The Lost Chronicle of Morea, from here on known as MS Skopje.

The Franks having won the throne for the boy Emperor Alexius did not immediately leave the city and go on to Syria and Egypt as had been their intention. There were great arguments in the army, some wished to leave immediately and join with the others who had not come to Constantinople, but had gone to Syria, so that they might help the Christians there recover Jerusalem. Others said that they should wait for the Emperor to make good his promises to them, for he had promised both 10,000 men as well as a great sum of money to the crusade if they would but wait for him. The Marquis Boniface was quite eager to move on with all speed, while Doge Enrico Dandalo argued for them to stay, since Venice had yet to be repaid. The Count of Flanders remained indecisive and was often away from the city at Scutari.

The former emperor, deposed by the boy had fled the city upon the arrival of the Franks and taken up residence at Adrianipole. There he gathered about him his loyal supporters and those who hated the Franks greatly. He employed many Cuman and Pecheneg auxiliaries and plotted to retake the city, hopefully once the Franks had left for Syria.

There were many Franks in the city at this time, their fleet remaining off shore and their encampment being about Galata. They traveled through the city, worshipping at the many shrines and churches, awed by the riches that were common in our lands but alien to their own.

Fragment of a letter, believed to belong to Subject Alfonzo.

My dearest friend, I hope you will do me the gracious favour of attending a feast, to be held in the Baths of Caracalla, tonight. It is but a simple affair, and I do hope to see you there. All manner of refreshments and entertainments will be served, though if you do wish to provide your own delicacies then all you need do is make mention of it to the servants upon arrival and all will be taken care of. As is the nature of our kind, the rules of Elysium will be in effect at the venue.

The bearer of this letter is to be admitted to the baths only upon this evening, the XXVII of July in the year MCCIII. All courtesies and amenities are to be offered to the bearer of this letter for he is a personal guest of mine. All of their needs are to be met in whatever swiftest manner possible.

Letter 8 between subjects Lucita and Alfonzo.

Most Noble Prince,

I do not wish to bother you at this most busiest of time, but I seek another audience with you. I am afraid that my Sire Luis Moncada must have a reply to the matters upon which he wrote to you most recently. Also the matter concerning the departure of the Crusade of Syria needs to be discussed most urgently. I fear that if it is left hear too long that it shall fall apart and the Holy Land will be even further imperiled. Action is required immediately.

Your servant as ever,

Lucita of Aragon.

August 1st 1203.

Extract from MS Skopje.

Lacking any suitable gold to pay to the Crusaders and thus relieve himself of the burdensome debt owed the Emperor Alexius IV decreed that the gold and silver of the noble families of the city, and the precious items belonging to the Church should be sold or melted down. By this method he hoped that the Franks would be satisfied and so remove themselves from these shores. The nobles and bishops of the empire were most displeased by the news. Gravely insulted were they by the Emperor Alexius. In some places they resisted and refused to hand over their gold and silver. Thus it was necessary to use armed men to retrieve the money. Many great men who had initially welcomed back the young Emperor now turned their affections to the usurper Alexius III, and did visit him at his camp near Adrianipole.

Letter 1 from Subject Magnus to Subject Caius.

Dearest brother I am most perturbed by the continuing miracles and sightings that are being reported about our fair city. Though I do not doubt that some of these ma be signs from the Lord, I am concerned about how such messages are take. For those poorly educated in such matters will be want to attach greater meaning or significance, or great error to them. It has come to my attention that there are rumours currently circulating Galata concerning the miraculous healing powers of angels, bestowed upon some Frankish knight. I have heard it said that the chief Serpent himself has been seen across the Golden Horn. This may be the work of Alfonzo and nothing more, yet it is merely another symptom of the many problems we currently face. I would discuss these matters further with you.


August 4th 1203.

Edict issued by Subject Alfonzo to recipient unknown.

In the future I wish it that those troublemakers Peter and Sarah be kept at least C yards from Elysium at all times. Their continued presence here in my dominions is of a great nuisance to me. You are to be more insistent in your manner or removing them in the future. Let nothing and nobody, no matter their rank, deters you from carrying out these orders or you shall forever regret it.


Letter 18 between subject Vykos and Subject Caius.

Most Noble Caesar Caius,

This is but a formal missive to reiterate the matter previously discussed. The policy taken by your family disturbs our family greatly. It must come to an end let any permanent insult be given. Such a thing would naturally be a shame and lamented by all of our kin who are so often strong in brotherly affection.

Myca Vykos

August 13th 1203.

Extract from MS Skopje.

The citizens of Constantinople, driven and aroused by the endless torment and haughtiness of the insufferable Franks rose in anger against the army of foreigners lying beyond their city. Stirred to violence by the consistent taxation placed upon them by the Emperor Alexius IV, offended by his uncouth and barbarian ways the people of the Queen of cities could stay quiet no longer. Seizing ships the traveled across the Golden Horn and attacked all Franks they found it the region of Galata, burning houses and stealing goods as they went. Then turning back across the Horn they searched the city for any Frankish resident and did murder and torture them most grievously. For days bodies were left hanging from columns and posts about the city as a warning. The Ducas family was called before the Emperor Alexius to explain these matters for reports had come to him that they had encouraged and lead these mobs in the elimination of foreigners.

Spurred on by rage at the crime committed against the Franks crossed the Horn on the 20th of August and did attack the Mosque of the city, killing all Muslims they found there and setting it alight. The people of the city took arms and came to the defence of those pagans who had long been resident in their city, and in the chaos the fire spread further a field, burning all night and all day. Much of the city was damaged, scores were killed or injured. The Hagia Sophia and palace was damaged, as was the Great Bazaar. As the fire died so did the passions of the combatants.

Letter 78 between Subject Gesu and Subject Caius.

Most noble Caesar, reports have com to me via my brethren in the Obertus Monastery that the so called Children of Calomena are once again active in our fair city. Maintaining the interests of our esteemed and beloved father Patriarch Michael I am sure that you will use all means necessary to remove this blight from upon his city. Various members of our kind, including some kindred from the west were attacked not far from the great bazaar this past night. No doubt the fiends were availing themselves of the opportunities created by the great conflagration.

I would also request an audience with you in these coming nights, there is much that concerns both me and my loyal brethren.


August 21st 1203.

Letter 33 between Subject Gesu and Subject Vykos.

My dearest grand-childer, I hope this missive finds you well, and though I know your studies are of great importance to you I fear that these matters must draw you away. It has come to my attention that various tomes. Located in our Obertus Library have gone missing. Not all of them can be accounted for reasoned with losses due to misplacement, cataloging errors or the vicissitudes of time. I fear that there is a thief amongst our order who is removing them. All the missing volumes seem to be rather specific and detailed in their subject, not to mention being relatively rare works themselves. I commend you to investigate this matter internally and see what may come of it. I have already set the neonate Gaius onto the matter, hopefully his inquisitions will prove fruitful.


August 29th 1203.

Fragment of a letter found in Naples Archive of Subject Arbetorius to a Emberto Capriani.

Greetings Lord Capriani, Regent of Azure Rock, Ancona.

All has been secured here, the novice Fletcher has preformed admirably in his assigned tasks. All is now ready. The shipment may proceed immediately. Please send receipt of this message and an estimation of the packages arrival.


House Tremere

Regent of Constantinople

Items from Archive Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni.

September 2nd 1203

Investigations continue, various warded locations have now been identified. Much appears to be old, perhaps former sites of hers, but certainly many I am sure are naught but chaff, the ramblings of inane hedge wizards and long dead sooth-sayers. Three sites remain, I must pin my hopes to these. Guiseppe is sure there is something hiding there, that she maintains something of worth, If I can but find it. Augustus will be most pleased. Wraiths report other activity by their kind, her guardians, I must proceed with caution.

Letter 1 between Subject Luctia of Aragon and Subject Luis Moncada.


I apologise for the lack of communication but it seemks my last missive to you was lost, perhaps way laid by an agent of our kind. I assure you this will not happen again.

I have done all that I can here, but the situation can not be resolved. There is great dissention amongsth the forces of the Crusade, many wish to leave Constantinople and head for Syria and deliver into Christian hands the city of Jerusalem once more. However, many of the leaders, the Marquis of Montferrat, the Count of Flanders and that meddlesome Doge Dandalo will not remove from the city until they have been sufficiently recompensed by the Emperor Alexius IV. I have spread enough information about and certainly those who are capable of leaving have done so.

However many remain, loyal to their lords as they are. It is no secret there that Marcus Musa Giovanni and Alfonzo are working, though not necessarily together for greater Venetian interests. Narses hand is clearly at work. I have received reports of meeting between Alfonzo and the retainers of the Marquis of Montferrat. I shall endeavour to discover more.

The Antonian Ventrue arefractured and Anna Comnena is most outspoken of them, I am not sure if Caius will retain control without the intervention of Michael. The Tzimice are falling away without a doubt. The Assamites are now active in the city and they too wish to keep it here, as they did in Venice last year, and so keep the shores of their lands free.

Lucita of Aragon

September 8th 1203.

Extracts from MS Skopje.

In the autumn while the remains of summer could still be felt in these lands, before the sun would set and eternal night fall upon the queen of the golden horn, the Emperor Alexius IV with the accompaniment of the Count of Flanders and the Marquis of Montferrat and over 2000 of their men left Constantinople. He proceeded about the various territories of his realm, gathering taxes and supplies so as to pay the accursed Franks. Much was he derided by the nobles and prelates of the land. First they must lose their lands and wealth to the pillaging of the former emperor Alexius III and now only lose what remained to the current Emperor Alexius IV. It was at this time that the Ducas family in Constantinople began to gather increasing support about them.

Letter 23 between Subject Vykos and Subject Gesu.


Concerning the matters of the lost books from our library. My investigations have turned up various individuals who could possibly be responsible or at whose feet blame may be justly be laid. I assure you that they have been dealt with, perhaps you saw some at the recent festivities.

However despite my rigorous questioning of these individuals, actual names and culprits have yet to be identified. I can confirm that it is most certainly a kindred of the city, and perhaps one of our own and that they are not working alone.

There is some good new however. Gaius has turned up various leads, he has located an part of the sewer network where he suspects some of these works have been stored for sometime, only then to be moved on elsewhere. I shall seek an audience with Malachite and see what he may be able to inform me of.


September 18th 1203

Letter 4 between Subject Malachite and Subject Petronious.

Most noble and fair Petronious, various things have come to my attention and I wish to make them known to you so that you as a scion of your clan and family in this city might take appropriate action.

Firstly it concerns the muse Gregorious, he despite orders otherwise continues to wander the streets searching out those who have reported visions of the Archangel Michael. Those who attempt to stop him or defy him are dealt with by him in a most brutal manner. I do not think that such things will continue to go unnoticed, despite my best efforts. Unsound of mind he has been for a long while now, but I suggest something be done about him. His bouts of violence are beginning to show through his usual melancholy.

Secondly, Blaise, a member of your family has been seen wandering our sewers these past few weeks. Nothing has yet been done for he has not approached any prohibited areas or broken any of our laws, say perhaps ignorantly stumbling into our territory unannounced. Yet her demeanor and appearance, usually so high and opulent for one fitting her rank and family, appears now quite different. Observations of her have revealed various instances where she has lost control of herself, an action that were it in a more populated area, would undoubtedly be a great cause for alarm. I of course do not have to inform you that there are many more things that inhabit or make use of these sewers than just the members of my clan.


Septmeber 24th 1203.

Photographic Reference Jerusalem III

Plan of the Holy Sepulchre

Christ Pantokrator

Chapel of the Sepulchre

The Rotunda


Friday, 20 August 2010

Holy War - Winter 1185/1186

Extract from MS Palermo

The year came to a close and the celebration of Christmas took place in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The roads south to Bethlehem were choked with pilgrims who had remained in the realm since September. The Templars acted as their guards and guides, offering all assistance against the vile Bedouin who infested the lands. A great celebration in the Palace of Jerusalem with the little king Baldwin, Count Raymond of Tripoli, Count Joscelin of Edessa, Count Reginald of Sidon, Count Baldwin of Ramla, Count Balian of Ibelin, Count Bonifac of Montferrat, Guy de Lusignan, Patriarch Heraclaius and many other members of the Church.

It also happened at thistime that the old Bishop of Nazareth, resident in Nablus caught a fever whilst out riding one day, he took to bed and did not recover. The canons of the Church of Nazareth were much overjoyed by the death of the man they viewed as a usurper to the See. A new candidate was elected and peace restored to the diocese.

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

Constancia and Xavier along with the others have returned from Damascus, their time there was apparently successful, though I’m not sure Lucius was as convinced of their victories as they were, only time will tell on such matters. Constancia did not come to Elysium upon her return though, most interesting, I wonder what she is at. I have learnt from various sources that she has been researching the elders of the Jewish faith, their history; something is brewing between her and Abraham. It should not threaten the advances I have made here though.

December 29th 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Letter 220

My Lord,

Please find below a complete list of properties and lands now belonging to our family and the city of Venice.

I. Twelve houses and a place in the market are to be given to the Giovanni family, merchants of Venice, within the city of Jerusalem

II. Exemption from all tolls and taxes upon the gates of the city for moveable goods entering the city.

III. There they shall inherit property as per the statues of the law.

IV. The houses shall be subject to royal tax as they lie within the royal demesne

V. The market stalls and the goods of the Giovanni sold there shall be exempt from all taxes and fees

VI. At Tel Dair Alla they shall have be granted a further 8 houses, for which they shall pay all owed taxes and rents.

VII. At Tel Dair Alla they are granted the right to build a mill for the production of sugar. The export of this shall be exempt from taxes and customs

VIII. At Tel Dair Alla they may also build an oven and use it in the manner they see fit, receiving payment for its use by villains.

IX. The Casal of Beit Jurbran is also granted to the Giovanni family along with all the lands and people subject to it. There they shall have a church and a fortified tower.

X. In return for the above the representatives of the Giovanni family shall provide for three knight, nine horses and four sergeants to serve when called by the king.

XI The Giovanni also recognize the rights and position of Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem as legitimate lord of the kingdom, set above all others, and will endeavor to assist in the upholding of the peace and customs of the kingdom and its lord.

XII. In the City of Acre, six houses and a place on the market next to the harbour shall also be granted.

XIII. All taxes and tolls on silk, grain, iron, wood and sugar entering or leaving the city shall be waived for the Giovanni.

I hope you find the above most pleasing to you my Lord. I’m afraid I could not prevent some gains being made by the Malatesta or their masters the Tremere, but I have checked their influence at various points. Further work will have to be done to ensure future profits and dominance. I understand the Pactum Warmundi in Tyre is under threat currently; I shall go there and ensure that the city of Venice’s rights remain intact.

Your humble Servant

Marcus Musa Giovanni

January 2nd 1186

Letter 45 between Subject Conrad and Subject Lucius.

My Lord,

Know that now and for the future I remain your loyal servant, tied by common goals, faith as well as our blood. I shall make haste and supply you with all that I can spare for the time being. I shall muster as many sergeants and turcopoles as I can and send them south to you. They should number two to three score. I shall then come myself with my own retinue. I must also warn you that I have received reports that a member of Clan Lasombra has been active in the city. Members of a society calling itself the Manus Nigrum have been caught. I shall confer more with you when we meet next.

Conrad, Prince of Tyre

Januray 16th 1186

Letter 1 between Subject Lucius and Subject Jared.

Jared, I understand that there is a consignment of your brother Hospitallers arriving in the city soon. Go and meet them on the road and send them to Bethgibelin. Make sure none of the great traitor Elsh’s minions are active on the roads, I charge you to make them secure for the coming days activities. Scourge the land of all the insidious foe’s minions. Protect the Ibelins, Elsh has designs on destroying them. He has contacts in Joscelin’s camp. Do whatever you must to secure them and their estates, but do not strike any fatal blows against the Count of Edessa.


January 20th 1186

Proclamation 93 By Subject Lucius.

I do hearby declare that the Kindred known as Elsh, who is illegally occupuying the city of Caesarea, is blood hunted. I call all loyal members of the Courts of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jaffa, Acre and Tyre to assemble with all the forces they are capable of mustering, five nights hence at the town of Bethgibelin. There we shall march on Caesarea and put all traitors to the sword. Elsh had defiled and blasphemed this land too long, his reign of fear and intimidation shall be brought to an end. Deus Vult!

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem.

January 22nd 1186.

Extract from MS Palermo

In the second month of they year MCLXXXVI since the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ, while deep snow lay upon the ground, many a knight did wander the roads of the Kingdom and murder stained the snow red with blood. Near Bethgibelin witches were seen and the fires of Hell opened up and consumed the sinners of the land. The city of Caesarea on the coast, a haunt and den of all vices was rocked by earthquakes and many a tower fell. Walter, lord of the city did come before the Bishop and do penance for the ills that he had brought upon the land. Illegal war had been made by him upon his neighbours the Ibelins, some were killed, but soon the matter was at an end and Walter came before the Baillie Raymond and the Haute Cour to as forgiveness for his actions.

Letter 1 between Subject Lucius and Subject Hakkon

Hakkon, Sheriff of Jerusalem.

The traitor Elsh has been destroyed and met his final death. No doubt he resides now in Hell. When you have recovered sufficiently I require you to ride to Caesarea and secure the city. Conrad and Ekiarties have met their final death at the hand of the traitor and his minions. Jared has recovered, take him and his Hospitallers and do what must be done. Try to recover Lord Walter if you are able, if he I too far gone, then I trust in your judgment. I shall return to Jerusalem via Bethlehem. God speed to you.

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem.

February 2nd 1186.

Extracts from MS Palermo

In the city of Hebron, the people, stirred up against the depravity and vile actions of the Jews of that city, did attack and burn part of the Synagogue, slaying all those they found in side and damaging the ancient Tomb of the Patriarchs and stealing from there many ancient and wonderful treasures that had been hoarded there by that avaricious people.

Fragment of a Letter Found in Damascus Archive 2

……in short then, I agree to the terms, so long as the devices are handed over I and my Order shall ensure their continued safety from those who wish to use them for ill. Solomon’s works will not be used by members of the bloodline. Restoration of the Tomb and word shall be sent to our Jewish cousins on the matter. Please refrain from contacting us again, the next welcome you receive may be too warm for you.

Guibert de Grenmensil,

House Bonnisagus

February 18th 1186.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Damascus Photographic Reference


The Great Umayad Mosque

Court of the Umayad Mosque

Old Roman Gate of Damascus

Roman Triumphal Arch

The Madrasa of Nur al-Din Zangi

Thursday, 17 June 2010

To Damascus - Damascus Summer - Winter 1185

Letter 1 from Subject Elsh to Subject Lucius

I Elsh, Lord and Prince of Caesarea and ruler of these lands, do command my vassal, Lucius, Lord of Jerusalem, to lay down arms against me. If he and his followers will not do so then they will be all placed under the Blood Hunt. I offer reprieve to any who wish to come to my city. This they must do within the next two weeks, beyond that they are subject to the above hunt.



Lord of Caesarea

July 10th 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

Constancia has arrived, amongst all the pomp and ceremony that her kind is particularly accustomed to. I noted a distinct lack of Gregorious at these proceedings, curious. The woman is a harpy and ingrate of course, she may have age but she lacks the refinement and intellect of my Lord Augustus. Xavier followed her about like a whipped dog. I must put my plans on hold for the time being until she has left, though this may be sooner than planned given Etheria’s clear dislike for the woman.

July 19th 1185

Extract from MS Palermo

After much protestation did Count Humbert finally accede to come before the Ballie Raymond and the Constable Joscelin. There he put forth his case, expressing no knowledge of the events committed by his men between here and Bait Nuba. He accused his vassal, Simon of Provence, an over eager and zealous man of the crimes. Simon was summoned but found to be nowhere in the Kingdom, having disappeared at night from his lodgings in Bethany. Humbert thus failing to provide the Villain was as his lord ordered to pay recompense to the crown for the crimes committed.

Synagogues were attacked in this month, and many goods from within taken. Many suspected it to be the work of Simon of Provence, but he could not be found.

The Bishop of Carcasonne di pay visit to his ecclesiastical brethren in the diocese of Lydda, Bethlehem, and Nazareth, there he bought relics so that he might endow churches in his own land.

Lord William of Montferrat, grandfather to the young king Baldwin did arrive in the Kingdom, there was much rejoicing and feasting. He traveled from Acreto Jerusalem where he paid visit to his grandson and the grave of his own son, William Longswrod, who had been the husband of Sibylla, before his death in 1177.

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

So it seems the Prince is quite mad, in desperate times such as these he is sending away his supporters. Khalida, Sir Godwin, Alais, Amine and that wretch Xavier are to go to Damascus, no doubt the death of the infidel Saleh has caused some trouble between him and Darshuf. Most auspicious indeed.

July 31st 1185

Letter 2 between Subject Elsh and Subject Lucius

The time for clemency and mercy has now passed. However it has always been a primary concern of mine to stem any unnecessary bloodshed. I therefore wish to call a council of elders, to discuss the division of these lands. The meeting is to take place in the city of Nablus within the next month.


Elsh, Lord of Caesarea

August 2nd 1185

Letter 9 between Subject Lucius and Subject Darshuf

To Darshuf, Sultan of Damascus and noble brother,

Greetings, I hope this letter finds you well. I have sent to you a group of Ashirra, they are my emissaries, I hope that they will bring our two courts closer together and strengthen the ties of friendship between us. The murder of Saleh was a great blow to our united cause. His remains are being returned by this delegation; I offer my most sincere apologies and assure you that the killer will be brought to justice.



August 11th 1185

Letter 10 between Subject Darshuf and Subject Lucius

Most Noble Emir of Al-Quds,

I hope this most unworthy missive finds you in good health. I am pleased to report that your emissaries arrived here in Damascus safe and sound with minimal displeasures coming upon them on the road. I also thank you for your gifts, my most humblest and heartfelt thanks. Indeed I hope this exchange shall go some way to repairing the damage done for the death of Saleh and the many dishonours committed by the kine of your realm. I should also inform you that the Great Sultan Saladin has vowed to strike the head from the shoulders of the serpent Reynald should the vile wretch ever fall into his possession.

Peace be upon you as always brother.


Sultan of Damascus

August 23rd 1185

Letter 2 between Subject Khalida and Lucius


I beg your indulgence to read this letter, as it may very well be the last you receive from me. It brings me a great deal of sorrow to have to put this pen to paper, but it cannot be helped. If I cannot return to you now to speak to you personally, this paper and ink will serve instead.

After our many conversations, I would have hoped that I had learnt your temper by now; but unfortunately things have occurred to the two of us that leave me unable to accurately judge this situation. The exhilaration I felt upon reading your proposal had faded now to a sad sort of fear of losing what I consider so precious. What was once so dear to us both will rot and sour on the vine, before it was ever even realised. If that is your desire, then so be it. I will never feel this way about another as I have felt about you: I will tear my heart from chest and cast it aside so no one can ever make me this weak again.

You were right in your instincts: I have not been honest with you, and it is only now that I understand your intentions that I realise I must be frank with you. I doubt you yourself will have any such outpouring of sentiments as I am, however, the truth will set you free, after all. You will either condemn or forgive me, and I am uncertain which will be more difficult to bear. Nevertheless, I will respect your desires, as I always have.

My god is not your god, nor can he ever be. I am no slave to anyone or their rules. I follow the path I set myself rather than the whims of others. I faced revelations and received enlightenment, and will share it with others when they have proven themselves receptive. I am a Follower of Set, and there is nothing I can do about it. The sins of my sire and clan are not mine to bear alone, and if you revile me after this revelation, then I will taint you no more. I am not disobedient; every time I have not followed direction has been a calculated and deliberate demonstration of my will. I am my own creature, my own person, this is the only way I achieve salvation from the forces of corruption. I will not blindly follow orders as this would damn me eternally to be a slave, which I have been long enough in my life.

You have referred to my clan as foul betrayers in the past, and yet I have been your most ardent supporter, even as the wolves have closed inwards upon you, loyal unto death, and will continue to be so. Lafruey, Viccillin and indeed anyone else can never be as close as I am to you. As bound as we are, you know there is no way I can allow you to come to any harm, by my own hand or any other. Nothing would hurt me so much as hearing you want me no longer, except the fearful news regarding your final night.

I do not worship a demon, no matter what you might believe: rather, just as you attempted to save my soul through the divine love of your god, I attempted to save your soul through your own power as my God taught me. I was not attracted to you because of any weakness you exhibit: rather, I feel in love with the strength you command mastery over. It seems God is not without a sense of irony, setting us up so beautifully opposed like this. If you understood, perhaps, how I have suffered without you, maybe you would believe my sincerity. As it happens, there is no way for either of us to know for certain until you allow me to return to Jerusalem. You need only trust the power of the blood we shared.

If I do not hear word from you within 10 days, I shall presume you do not wish to see me again. I shall no longer waste your time, but return to face the wrath of my sire and peers for sins committed in your name. Your memory will warm me, even as I am reduce to the slave of my sire once more.

Remember me fondly, if all we have left are these memories. If not, I await your response with hope.

Always and Forever

Khalidah ibna Badiya,
Childe of Jafar, Chosen of Maatkare

August 31st 1185

Letter 1 between subject Lucius and subject Khalidah

Dear Khalidah,

Stay the course.


September 7th 1185

Letter between subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of Mosul

My Lord, I have arrived in Damascus and have begun the work on which you sent me. I have made contact with the Franj emissaries in the city who seem willing to take up arms against our common foe. I hope that they may convince their own lords that the cause is noble and worthy and that our fair city may soon be free of the threat of Saladin. I shall send further word in due course, but I hope to find many here who are willing to take up the sword against the usurper. It would also appear the Caliph has sent his own advisers to the city in Saladin’s absence.


September 18th 1185

Unaddressed letter from subject Brenda the Raven

Sire, I have done as the Clan bids. It would seem that the lay of the land here in Damascus is most fertile, it shall soon I hope be returned to the loving embrace of Baghdad once more. Darshuf is beset by many problems; it would appear that his own childer Manal is the real mover here, though the Banu Haqim are certainly a force to be reckoned with. I have approached a group of Franj, sent from Al-Quds, and have set them the task of discovering the whereabouts of Tirhan. I hope my trust in them will be well received as I envision an appropriate response. In return I have promised to ask the Clan concerning the one called Paliuro, a Christian member of the Amiciis Noctis, present in Jerusalem and causing great concern there. Is there anything that the Court of Blood might be able to achieve? Rumour has it that he has contact with the Tal' Mahe’Ra. I await your response.


September 27th 1185

Letter 1 between subject Anwar and subject Layla.

Dearest friend, I have news that I shall be returning to our fair city within the next week. I have much to tell of events in Tanis and of course the gifts you asked for. Not only this but I am also accompanied by our old acquaintance Andreas who wishes to spend some time in the city. Make sure all is prepared.

Kindest rgards


October 10th 1185

Letter 11 between Subject Darshuf and Subject Lucius.

Lucius, Emir of Al-Quds,

It is with the greatest regrets that this most unworthy missive finds you. It has come to our most serene notice that the vile and traitorous dog Reynald de Chatillion, formerly the prince of Antioch and now lord of Kerak has raided, raped and murdered the members or a caravan heading from Cairo to here in Damascus. Such brutality and violence in contravention to the treaty which you King Baldwin has made with Saladin. I demand on behalf of the Great Sultan reparations for the damages, good and lives stolen by that serpent Reynald. I must also demand that this man be punished for his crimes. Indeed all must not suffer for the faults of one.


Sultan of Damascus

October 16th 1185

Unaddressed letter from Brenda the Rave

Sire, I hope this finds you. The city of Damascus has now been besieged by a sandstorm for the past six weeks. There is no let up or abatement in the ferocity of the winds. Sand covers all and people are beginning to talk of sorcery. I have little doubt in my mind that this storm is not the work of something beyond the forces of nature, but I have no place to start any such investigation. Matters progress well here, the Franj sent by Lucius have certainly made a name for themselves, the Walid Set Khalidah managed to discover a lair of the despised Baali. It was located in the catacombs deep below the Mosque of Omar, between them they were able to dispatch it. However the Baali are like a swarm of vermin, no doub there will be many more tha infest and infect this city. It may be wise to delay plans and hope the Reyeen al Fen may do the greater part of the work for us. Work on cleansing the mosque of any taint left by those infernalists must begin soon, I am sure Manal will see to it, she has proven to be the real power here as I suspected. Work continues with the Banu Haqim but they are slow in the uptake, Bishtaq appears to be waiting for something, though I know not what.


October 22nd 1185

Letter 1 between Subject Layla and Subject Andrea


I am most concerned about the recent series of events. I have not been resident in Egypt for sometime but even I can recall the tales told to me by my Sire concerning the Amenti. Is it not a wise idea for us it leave this city under the cover of this storm? Surely if we maintain a presence here it will track us down and dispatch us as it did to Anwar? Can these foul beasts of Osiris be over come? I understand that you are more knowledgeable in these matters, what do you suggest be done about this?


October 28th 1185

Letter 1 between Subject Andreas and Subject Layla


Your are right to be concerned, the Amenti are most formidable foes but they were never many. I believe that between us, despite the loss of Anwar, but with the assistance of Khlaida and the Franj she associates with, or the Banu Haqim we should be able to overcome the beast. It will no doubt attempt to track us down, but Cainites attract its attention as much as we. I have become aware of disappearances from amongst some of my own as well as Anwars associates. I believe it will come to us once it considers us weakened and scared. If we can over power it the threat will be removed, at least for a considerable period of time. Arm yourself and shield yourself in faith of Set.


Novemebr 1st 1185.

Letter between Subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of Mosul

Most gracious Lord,

I know that the traitor Saladin presses you and our people hard and without mercy, but I have made successful contact with the Franj, I believe this will be a most beneficial arrangement to both our houses. God willing they will be able to relieve some of the pressure placed upon our city. I shall write again to inform you of how matters progress.


November 9th 1185

Unaddressed Letter from Subject Manal.

I understand that the prisoners were your responsibility but the Sultan had informed us that the place of execution for the Templars was not to be in the main square but beyond the walls of the city. You have defied his orders and we are greatly displeased with you. However your noted successes against the Franj hold you in good stead, do not let such simple matters cause such great distress for our city again. Otherwise there will be repercussions for yourself and your family. The heads of the Templars who would not hear the words of Allah are to be placed on spikes above the city gates. There should be more than enough. After this is accomplished you had best prepare to move your regiment to Mosul, you are needed there.


November 18th 1185

Unaddressed Letter of Subject Brenda the Raven

Sire I wish to inform you of the various matters that have occurred in the city over the past month. Firstly the accursed sand storm has finally abated, it is now possible to walk the streets again without fear of muggings or murders. Commerce and trade might one again flourish, certainly the poorer sections of the city have been hit hard by the lack of recent markets and produce entering the city as the sand storms result. I believe the Rayeen al Fen are responsible, though perhaps it was the Banu Haqim for a raid upon Franj territory recently, twenty Templars were captured. They were offered conversion but all of them spat and cursed us. The Sufi’s were brough forwards and severed their heads from their shoulders in all sorts of manners. I know the Franj are weakened currently but I do not think the Master Ridefort will stand for such things. There will be retaliations, I shall lay plans accordingly.

There was a riot in the city, Eskut and Suleiman I responsible, since it appears they are also the murderers of Demetrius. The Walid Set Khlaidah attempted to lay blame elsewhere, perhaps she is covering. His presence and calming manner upon the Christians of the city will be missed. Attacks and murders of Imams and other prominent citizens have taken place, a mob itself descended on the citadel before Manal saw it off, and matters are certainly becoming worse.

The Qalibat al Mawt Constancia, childe of Cappadocious also arrived in the city. My investigations have yet to uncover what but I understand she required the use of Othman Gazi’s librabry. I shall write more when matters become clearer.


November 27th 1185

Letter between Subject Gokbori and Izz al-Din Lord of Mosul

Most serene Lord,

It is with glad tidings that this letter finds you. Your most humble servant has met with numerous success in Damascus. Tension in the city is rife and likely to spill out into actual violence, Saladin’s eye will soon be turned from you, he will have to dispatch other regiments from the siege to make sure the city remains under his control. I myself have managed to acquire the services of various emirs dissatisfied with the petulant Kurds rule. I shall soon be departing Damascus and joining the Franj re turning to Al Quds, I hope to accomplish more there. I shall inform you of any further developments as they occur.


December 11th 1185

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Photographic Reference Jerusalem III

The Death of Baldwin IV and the Coronation of Baldwin V.

The Seal of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Seal of Count Raumond III of Tripoli.

Knights Hospitaller of the Order of St. John.

Friday, 23 April 2010

The King is Dead. Long Live the King - Jerusalem Summer 1185

Extract from MS Palermo

On the 16th day of May in MCLXXXV since the incarnation of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, our King Baldwin, IV of that name and VI King of Jerusalem died from the disease of leprosy, a disease which he had been afflicted with since childhood, cursed by God as punishment for the many sins of the land. He died aged 23. There was much grief in the realm at his death, for though he had been cursed by God for the people’s sins, he was a beloved ruler.

His nephew the young price Baldwin succeeded him. As he was under the age of maturity it was he was left in the care of his mother Sibylla, the leper’s sister, and her husband Guy de Lusignan. Joscelin lord of Edessa having recovered from his wounds carried the boy into the city of Jerusalem in his arms whilst riding on horseback. There were great celebrations and much shouting and applauding from the burgesses of the city who saw the little king go by. Raymond the Count of Tripoli had retired to Tiberias, where his wife Eschiva ruled. He was worried about what people would say if he were to remain as Baillie and the young king were to die. Thus he stayed away and left the main share of administering the Kingdom of Lord Joscelin.

It was also said at this time that upon the old King’s death lightning did strike the scriptorium of the Hospital of St John in the city, causing the wall to give way and collapse and for many manuscript to be lost. It was rumored that members of the Order had blasphemed against the Lord and cursed the memory of the late King Baldwin. As punishment God sent a bolt of lightning from the heavens and the errant brothers were suitably chastised for their wicked ways.

The body of a man was also discovered before the Church of St Martin had been so brutally killed and repositioned that he resembled a doll that a child might have. He was taken away and buried outside the city. None knew who he was but many suspected it to be the work of the Old Man of the Mountain.

Letter 4 between Subject Jared and Subject Lucius.

Most Glorious Prince,

I must complain most heartily about the events that occurred within the wall of the House of St John this past evening. Upon going about my rounds as is the custom of my position within the Order I discovered Sir Godwin of Bath, covered in night soil and reeking of the latrine, sneeking about areas of the Hospital which are off limits to visitors. I questioned him as to his purpose in the area and his current state, but he proved most rude and fled the hospital without giving any suitable answer. As Prince and a member of his clan I ask you therefore to discover what exactly is going on and whether or not Sir Godwin had anything to do with the vandalism and attack upon the Order’s Scriptorium that night

Kindest Regards

Brother Jared, Knight of the Order of St. John.

May 20th 1185

Proclamation 89 by Subject Lucius.

To all brothers and sisters currently residing with in the city and lands of Jerusalem, I hear by as Prince decree that Hakkon, a member of the Gangrel lineage is to be the new Sheriff. He is to administer Justice throughout the lands with my authority. Anyone who raises a hand against him raises it against me. If there is a complaint against him then it must be brought before me.



May 21st 1185

Proclamation 90 by Subject Lucius.

Let be known throughout all the lands that, the Toreador known as Elsh, who currently resides within the city of Caesarea by the Sea is to be Blood Hunted. Any who grant assistance or aid this individual will themselves be subject to the Blood Hunt. Upon his capture the victor has the right to commit Amaranth if they so wish. No dishonour shall fall upon them.

Also subject to this Ezio Auditore is given special dispensation to hunt down and exterminate the villain Elsh.



May 22nd 1185.

Extract from MS Palermo.

The Holy City of Jerusalem where our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified and died for our sins only to be resurrected was filled with the sounds of laughter and joy. Fires were lit in the streets and mummers performed their shows, songs were sung and music floated across the city. Celebrations over the ascension of the young King Baldwin, the VIIth King of Jerusalem were taking places.

After much disruption the people of Nazareth finally accepted the rule of their Archbishop. Returning to his cathedral from the city of Nablus he at once took up his role in the city and began to administer to the needs of his flock. Those who had been the most vocal amongst the cannons and burgesses to defy him, and who would not now seek peace with this man of God were duly excommunicated.

Construction work was commanded to begin upon the ruined Templar fortress of Vadum Jakob, which had been destroyed in the past by the nefarious Saladin. Stone was quarried from the nearby hills of Galilee and taken to the site. However bandits, under one called the Desert Judge were known to be operation in the realm. His men were seen on the roads near Nablus, Jericho, Tiberias, Nazareth and Tyre. Pilgrims and merchants were stopped by roadblocks and relived of ther goods and chattels. Neither the knights of the king nor the Templars could discover the whereabouts of these perfidious villains.

Letter 5 between Subject Lucius and Subject Jared.

Salutations Jared.

I hope this missive finds you well. I wish to assuage any fears that you have concerning the surprise revelation of the presence of Narum ben Enosh. I wish to assure you that his obfuscation and chicanery were no doubt justified in his mind for fears of his own safety. He wished to ‘retire’ from our society. I myself had believed him dead and gone for these past two centuries. He is however a most skilled scholar and an excellent physician, very skilled in that most noble of arts. He will continue to be an excellent servant of the needy and unfortunate. Assisted by him and Brother Bernardus I am sure you will be most efficient in duties. He is of course concerned about Elsh, and with good cause I might add. I have taken steps to ensure that he does not flee or go into hiding again.


May 26th 1185.

Letter 20 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.

Etheria, I must let you know that Narum has returned to the city. He was not deceased as we thought, rather he has been in hiding, in the Hospital of St John for the last LXXX years or so. I hope you will be able to restrain yourself if you should meet with him again. I have taken measures to ensure he remains resident and known with in my demesne. He will be needed in the coming struggle with his former pupil Elsh.


May 27th 1185.

Extract from MS Palermo

Throughout the land no traveler was safe to walk the roads. Brigands struck fear into the hearts of pilgrims everywhere. Then one night the ruler of these ruffians did call out to Sir Godwin of Bath, Lord of Bait Nuba and Jacobs Ford. He issued to him a challenge for possession of the river crossing near to the ruined castle. They did battle and though Sir Godwin was seriously wounded and close to offering up his soul to God. Inspired with divine strength he was able to over come the villain and struck him low, thus ridding the land of a man many had come to fear. His followers were caught and hanged.

There also arrived in the city at this time Simon, Bishop of Carcassonne accompanied by Count Humbert of Aguillers and many other pilgrims from that land.

In Caesarea by the sea Lord Walter began to rebuild many of the ruins of the city that had once been glorious during the days of the Roman Empire. Stone was quarried and brought from far a field to restore the city to its once former glory. The work was expected to cost many thousands of bezants, and Lord Walter was forced to sell the rents and rights to many of his possessions to accomplish this noble task.

There was a tragic death amongst the community of Pisans and Genoese in the city. Pietro Embriaccho and Pandolfo Vincente both died from falls. One from his tower the other whilst visiting friends in the hospital. There was great sorrow at the news.

Letter 21 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.


I know you are concerned about the return of Narum, however until the matter with Elsh is resolved I can not permit him to leave the city, lest he disappear for good this time. I ask you to remain patient. All will be resolved in due course and matters that have lain dormant these past two centuries will be put to rights.


May 31st 1185

Letter between Subject Lucius and Reynald de Chatillion

Lord Reynald, Prince of Antioch and Lord of Oultrejordain,

Greeting, I wish to reiterate my words to you from the previous evening. Saleh is here as an envoy from the Sultan of Damascus, he is an emir and though he is an idolater he must be treated with the appropriate respect accorded to his rank and purpose. I urge restraint. Though you may be lord in Kerak you are still subject to the King, and I know Lord Joscelin was most perturbed by your belligerent display. He has however received world from Lord Balian of Ibelin stating that he bares you no grudge concerning the remake about his wife and wished to make peace with you.


June 3rd 1185.

Extract from MS Palermo

Filled with hatred at the despoilment of God’s holy land the Provencal pilgrims did gather on street corners and in the squares of the city, determined to help cleanse the land of the perfidious taint of Greek heresy. They followed many members of the Eastern Church and did strike thme blows with feet, hands and staves. Many were severely injured. Houses and places of worship of the Greek rite were broken into and their possessions removed. Meanwhile the land was plagued with bandits who did continue to attack pilgrims and Christians no matter where they traveled.

Letter 1 between Subject Xavier and Subject Godwin.

To Sir Godwin of Bath

I send to you a full set of accoutrements, with my compliments. They are appropriate apparel for a member of my clan, and should allow you to pass relatively unnoticed about the city - Sir Godwin is most recognisable by his armour, and I have come to realise that people rarely pay attention to faces when garments are such a convenient method by which to identify someone. The robs are fitted to permit you to wear your armour beneath them; I would caution, however, that your coming is quite often preceded by the step of metal boots and the scrape of plating, and would suggest you avoid wearing it more than necessary.

That said, perhaps in the nights to come, we could all do with as much protection as we can obtain.

Good fortune with your ploy.

Xavier, of Clan Capadocian"

Letter 1 between Subject Khalidah and Subject Lucius.

My dearest Prince, Lucius

I must thank you wholeheartedly for your thoughtful gift, but I am afraid I cannot accept it: after our last conversation, I would not have you think that you could merely buy my acquiescence with trinkets. Though we have disagreed before, I am not sure I can so easily stomach your unwillingness to allow me to choose my own destiny. Your opinion of me must indeed by disastrously low if you thought I would trade my integrity for pretty gems.

As prince, you have the right to demand whatever it is you wish from me, and I have always given exactly as you have asked, but I cannot and will not stand by and do nothing with regards to this matter, when my intervention could mean the difference for those I care about. The idea I have had is more than enough to deal with the problem posed, and I am working on further amendments to make it even more difficult for Elsh to manoeuvre out of.

Your original idea to employ Ezio Auditore, thwarted by his abandonment of the city, may yet yield fruit. There is one final descendant of Haqim in your city, and he has promised his aid in dealing with the member of the clan of the Rose causing you such despair. I am sure you are more than aware of the many ways his particular talents can be put to good use: do you believe Sir Godwin would have thought to ask the Damascene emissary for such aid? I am not highlighting any particular fault in him, except perhaps his unwillingness to allow anyone else to partake in what must be done. Perhaps it is a flaw of your clan, to shoulder the burden and refuse to allow the rest of us to pull our weight. Needless to say, I doubt he would have faced Elsh correctly prepared in the way that the emissary can assist with.

I have survived assassinations, foiling attempts on the lives of others; I have also put myself in harms way to prevent coups against yourself and others: my abilities have been proven time and again. With the recent capture and return of Lafreuy, I had hoped you would consider me competent enough to deal with these issues you pass to the neonates to resolve. I would not have others call me a coward, yet by keeping me so safe, how can I avoid such accusations? How can you justify sending my friends and fellow neonates to dispatch Elsh, yet hold me back like a chastised child? I am not your childe, and it has been many years since I have been kept under the yoke of an elder kindred. I appreciate that this is an oversimplification of our relationship, but you cannot so easily expect me to surrender what was so recently attained.

You defend yourself by blaming it upon my sex: yet would you level such accusations towards Prince Etheria? I do not imagine she would react nearly as calmly as I. As I mentioned earlier in my writing, I am your obedient servant: I will obey you in all things. However, if you do truly care about me and my feelings, you would not stand in the way of my attempts to protect you and that which I know you care more about: please know that I do not do this selfishly, but out of a desire to make the world a safer place.

I do not wish to offend you: believe me when I say that I could not live with myself if I did so, and it grieves me to be apart from you for this long, or to consider the possibility of your displeasure. I want nothing more than to resolve this dispute and move forwards towards our similar goal of ending the misery Elsh is putting your court through.


Letter 29 between Patriarch Heraclaius and Subject Paliuro.

My Noblest friend,

I have received a particular item from a young gentleman calling at my door, who introduced himself by the name of Elsh. He proceeded to hand me a crucifix, one of fine workmanship and exquisite beauty in its depiction of the martyrdom of our lord Christ. He asked that I should forward it to you with great haste and inform you that it was in fact a gift from him. I know not your relationship to this young man but I have sent you the gift nonetheless.

As far as my acitivites upon my recent tour of the West, I fear that good Master Roger de Moulins and I do not quite see eye to eye. I did as you suggested and offered the throne of the Kingdom to one of the sons of King Henry of England. Indeed one of his sons, John Lackland, came forward and proceeded to plead most earnestly for the honour, but his father would hear none of it and stoutly refused. The Tour remained successful though. Traveling through Rome, Paris and Aachen before arriving at London, support for Jerusalem was promised and many gifts were given. I am sure we can expect more support from our friends and kinsmen across the sea in due course.

Your friend in Christ

Heraclaius, Patriarch of Jerusalem.

June 8th 1185

Letter 57 between Subject Paliuro and Subject Pacifico.


Dire news my friend, it would appear that Elsh the self styled Prince of Caesarea, has murdered poor Magdalena and desecrated her body in the heinous manner that he did to Kleon. May God strike him down for such cruelties! I fear we will have little success in bringing him round to our way of thinking. Not only has he murdered but also he has stolen. He has taken the money that King Henry of England had sent for the defence of the Holy Places in this land. Fortunately the Templars have amassed enough to cover the loss, from their own funds. My sources in Jerusalem indicate that after committing the crime he paid a visit to the Patriarch. We must act carefully from here on out.

Pacifico, Archbishop

June 10th 1185.

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

I have done as my family has commanded me. However I fear that the other members of my clan are becoming suspicious of my activities. II Pisnas, II Gonoese I Amalfian and I Messinian all dead through accident and murder are beginning to draw just a little too much attention. No fear though, soon all will be replaced by Giovanni friends and my business for the most part shall be concluded. Xavier, always watching, sitting in the corner of Elysium like a hawk, is the only one I need fear, Gregorius and Abraham are far to caught up in their own little schemings and research to pay much attention. I have yet to discover what there game is. Umberto Malatesta and that witch Mara must be dealt with as well.

June 11th 1185

Proclomation 91 by Subject Lucius.

I Lucius do hear by decree that the members of my court, Varsik and Al Hakim to be traitors and banned from returning to the city. Any who should encounter them and arrest them, bringing them either to myself of Sheriff Hakkon for punishment. An appropriate reward will be given for their capture. Punishments and banishments will al be levied against any other Kindred who assists the traitor Elsh.



June 15th 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Letter to Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni from Subject Xavier.

Marcus Musa Giovanni.

I would much like to speak more with you on matters of our clan, and particularly the recent unusual activity. If, three nights hence, you could come to my house in the Syrian Quarter you would be made most welcome.

Xavier, of the Clan Capadocian.

June 20th 1185

Letter 1 between Subject Xavier and Subject Alais.


Much as I know you must be busy in these troubled nights, I regret I must ask your assistance again, in dealing with Marcus Musa Giovanni. If you could come to my town house three nights hence, as early as is possible, I would be most grateful.


June 21st 1185

Reply to Letter 1 from Subject Alais.


Certainly, three nights hence is most agreeable. I shall endeavour to arrive as early as possible, and leave the care of any who come to my door requiring aid to my assistants.


June 22nd 1185.

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

So it appears that the wretch Xavier has discovered my plans. His attempts at conveying his displeasure at my activities has been made perfectly clear, fortunately I have accomplished virtually all of what my family have required of me here in Jerusalem, only one significant target remains. Then the matter will be ended. Xavier despite my pleas I fear will be of no use in gaining greater access to Abraham or Gregoroius, I must persevere in other ways.

June 25th 1185.

Proclamation 92 by Subject Lucius.

It has become apparent to all members of this court that Xavier, of Clan Cappadocian is planning and aiding a plot of insurrection against the governance of this most Holy City. I therefore in the interests of the safety and prosperity of the Kindred residing here do call a Blood Hunt upon Xavier. It is to take effect immediately. Any who harbour him or provide him with assistance whilst in the cities territories will also be subject to such a fate.

Signed Lucius

July 2nd 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

So the High Lady Constancia will be arriving in the city within the next month. A most curious turn of events no doubt, though I wonder what exactly could have stirred her so greatly that she felt bound to leave Cappadocious’s side and travel all the way here. Most curious, something of great note must be afoot to roused her.

Xavier blood hunted as well, this I fear is a case of poor luck and coincidence, though I do not always believe in coincidences. Has he something to do with Constancia, or is he merely some pawn of his elders? There is greater intrigue here, he is apparently aligned to some witches in the city, though that is most likely hyperbole.

July 8th 1185

Extract from MS Palermo

So it came to pass that in the month of July there was great disorder in the lands about the city. In the regions of Bait Nuba where under the command of Count Humbert of Aguillers many of the Muslim heresy were rounded up and executed, so as to free the land of God from their foul taint. Though of good intensions this act was a transgression of the laws of the land. Count Joscelin immediately sent word for Humbert to present himself before the High Court, which he did. Nevertheless he left his vassals under the Bishop of Carcasonne, who in his absence continued his work.

Work upon the castle of Jacobs Ford ground to halt as many of the masons and labourers there were filled with the divine love of Christ. They eschewed the world and material possessions, laying down their tools they took vows and entered monastic orders.

In Caesarea by the sea many beautiful buildings were seen to have been constructed and repaired so that the city once more shone with the glory and splendor that had existed in Rome. All the fairest and comeliest of people of the land were attracted to this new splendor and took up residence within that city.

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Photographic Reference Jerusalem II

The Coat of Arms of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

A gold bezant of the Kingdom of Jerusalem

The detection of leporasy in Baldwin IV

Guy de Lusignan

The marriage of Sibylla to Guy de Lusignan

Roger de Moulins, Grandmaster of the Hospital of St. John

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Unto the Heavenly City - Jerusalem Spring 1185

Letter discovered in Alexandria Archive 57, concerning Subject Khalidah

I greet you, fellow follower of the true way, with all the respect entitled to you and your line, wishing you the greatest of success in your endeavours and praying that God see fit to grant you continual life through the gift of his divine blood. I greet you a second time as my mentor, to whom I owe a debt of enlightenment and education, and I only hope that the fruits of your labour, my success, pleases you. I greet you a third time, finally as your admirer and lover: who sees your face as I lie in dreamless torment during the light, who ardently desires your presence and attention as I walk alone through the sand and loneliness of the world.

My ventures into the spiritual abyss between you and our spiritual home have not been entirely useless: there is none of our kind forthcoming in these wastes, only innumerable fools using their religion as a shield and sword against the others. This place is as beautiful as it is dangerous: pitfalls of the pretender faiths lay tempting traps for the weak of mind and those not strong in their faith. There are those whom think me a convert to their flimsy belief: let me assure you, any rumours of such changes in my faith are merely the fruits of my deception. I shudder, with satisfaction more than anything, to imagine the look on your face should you hear I now believe in Christ.

In my efforts I have nearly died twice: both times at the hand of a Banu Haqim armed with crossbow bolts and poison. Thanks to my perseverance, I have successively secured a life boon from one Qabilat al-Khayal, Magdalena, who is here in Jerusalem for reasons pertaining to undermining her own clan. It would seem the Qabilat al-Khayal, who so tightly grip the throat of the Catholic Church, have competition from the Bay't Mushakis. Arguably, a push at the right time could bring the entirety of their network down around them. Alternatively, I may leave them to their own devices, allowing their foolishness to destroy them and then showing them the true light.

I am working towards placating my Sire and Ma’atkare with sorcery; I am laying the foundations for others of our clan to move into the area. How I am to placate you and your ilk, I am unsure: you will certainly have something in your mind, and your nest will surely have more…twisted notions. Be warned; I do not fear my Sire, and I certainly do not fear you. I welcome your advances, if you think you can truly best me.

The distance between us only seems to deepen as the nights draw on; I consider the irony of our situation and cannot help but smile as I give daily reverence to the Dark One. I whisper your name as I bring him into myself, laughing my prayer as I understand we can never truly be together, at least not this side of the river. Not completely, and not truly: you will almost certainly consume me with your desires. I welcome them, so long as they spring truthfully from within you.

The truth cannot be denied


Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

I have arrived in the East, the food stinks and the people are even worse, I can not abide them. However I am here now and I must persist. The first thing that struck me upon arriving off the coast of Syria was the aura that surrounded Acre. It was immense. It started out as a throbbing in the back of my mind, but grew increasingly to a fear, so great that it encompassed my entire being. Only be exertion of my will could I have remained at the railing of the ship. The sensation was incredible. It reminded me much of the sensation of walking upon hallowed ground or facing a true believer in the Lord, but on a scale that could hardly be conceived of. I have heard rumours that Acre may very well possess some relic from the times of Jesus. This prevents the local kindred community from actually residing in the city itself, and as such they live among the manors of Haifa, below the shade of Mt. Carmel. This effect merits further investigation once my initial plans are concluded, assuming that I can get anywhere near the city. I have also heard from some of the Ashirra in Egypt that a similar effect can be found if one travels through the land of Arabia, something concerning their acred stone in Mecca. Possibly these two are linked.

March 29th 1185

Charter concerning Subject Godwin et al.

Here in the presence of God and witnesses the following terms were agreed between the people of the city of Venice and Godwin of Bath, lord of Bait Nuba and Jacobs Ford. Lord Godwin has promised to grant to the people of city of Venice, for now and all time, one third of the revenues of all the villages subject to the fief of Jacobs Ford, and a permission to establish a house there for the purposes of commerce. The people of Venice promise to pay a stipend of 500 bezants to the lord Jacobs Ford, currently Lord Godwin, in perpetuity so long as their above rights and privileges are maintained.


Godwin of Bath

Marcus Musa Giovanni

Witnessed by

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem

Viccilin, Knight of Jerusaelm

March 31st 1185

Charter for the Greek Orthodox Church concerning Subjects Etheria and Boniface et al.

I Lucius, kindred Prince of Jerusalem and lord of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, do declare illegal the seizures and taking of land, properties and chattels from the Syrian and Greek Churches though out my demesnes and fiefs, and the rest of the Kingdom, as perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church, by the manipulation of other kindred. These lands and chattels are to be returned immediately to their rightful owners and the Greek right to be restored to them and the Greek right to be practiced in them. All seizues that have taken place since the beginning of the year 1182 are to be returned immediately. All those who do not comply with this order and resist the rule of law shall be declared out law, their fiefs to be removed and their goods confiscated.


Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem


Etheria, Prince of Bethlehem

Boniface, Priest of St. Ekatrin

Viccilin, Kinght of Jerusalem.

X (Signature of Xavier)


March 31st 1185.

Extract from MS Palermo

The city of Jerusalem was filled with people in the kalends of April. The city was swollen with pilgrims, here to visit the holy sites, having come on the spring passage from the cities of France and Italy. There were also many preparations being made for the coronation of the young prince Baldwin. At this time Reynald de Chatillion was in Acre for he was still at odds with the King. Guy de Lusignan and Joscelin, Seneschal of the Kingdom and Lord of Edessa, went there to try and make peace with him to bring harmony between him and the King once more.

The master of the Temple also gave orders at this time that the brother knights were to seize lands and possessions of the heretic churches of the Greeks in the land, for fear that they were in league with Saladin and storing provisions in their monasteries to aid in his attacks upon the land of the Christians. The Hospitallers, raised a voice against the action but no agreement in the High Court could be made, it was decided to wait till the return of the Patriarch Heraclaius from across the sea, and for him to call a council of prelates.

The Archbishop of Tyre did set up his inquisition into the errors of the faith amongst the clergy in Jerusalem. Canons of the Sepulcher and many other monks and priests from institutions across the region were brought before it to give evidence and denounce the heretics amongst them. A group of Cathars was discovered amongst the pilgrims in the city and they too were cast into prison, and thence given the chance for repentance. Psalms were sung in the city and services of thanksgiving were held.

Bandits on the Damascus road attacked a procession of royal knights, killing them and Gerard Le Puy, a Templar commander, and took from them the money which they were escorting to the Sultan Saladin. These 30,000 bezants were reparations for the rioting and killing of Muslims across the city in the previous months. Fortunately the money was recovered by agents of the crown. The money had been taken by the bandits to Nablus by Italian merchants, who planned to transport it in casks of wine.

Extract from MS Palermo

So it came to pass to the month of April. The Skies opened and the heavens gave forth their water to irrigate the land of God once more. Like the rains and in as great a number, pilgrims from the lands of Europe came, setting foot in Christ’s Patrimony. There to follow in his and his Apostle’s footsteps, to repent their sins and achieve salvation.

As had been heralded the coronation of the young Prince Baldwin took place. Joscius, Archbishop of Tyre, anointed the young boy, crowning him as he sat alongside his leprous uncle. There was much rejoicing in the city, the streets were giving over to feasting and much merry making. A holiday was declared and glad times were enjoyed by all.

Like wolves stealing into a flock of sheep, those perfidious Greeks came from across the sea, envious of the prosperity and piety of our land; they wished to bring us down. They snuck inside the city walls, murdering guards in their sleep and replacing them on the walls and gates. The tried to gain entrance to the palace but and abduct the young Baldwin form his bed, to speed him off to their city of vice and corruption. These vipers were stopped. The actions of the Hospitallers, and other brave and loyal knights of the realm, such as Sir Godwin of Bath, put a stop to their nefarious plans.

It also occurred at this time that Count Joscelin of Edessa was banished from the city of Jerusalem to his estates about the city of Acre, by the King, for he would not yield or swear fealty to the young Baldwin as his uncle desired.

The Archbishop of Tyre also continued his inquisition into the churches and monasteries of the city at this time. There he continued to find many a heretic. Most of who were lead astray through ignorance or by the wiles of villainous men. Thos that repented and submitted to God were sent back amongst their friends. Those who stubbornly clung to their false doctrines were kept in the care of the Tower of David.

Near Ramleh there was a conflict, the household of the Barons of Bethsan, traveling from their lands about Ascalon did engage in combat with the household of the Barons of Ibelin. Six were killed in this confrontation, that angered God for Christian should not kill Christian, before they withdrew back to their own lands.

Letter 32 between Subjects Lucius and Subjects Paliuro.

My Dearest Archbishop Paliuro,

It grieves me greatly to do this considering your loyal service to the city of Jerusalem and the cause of the Holy Land over the past decades but I as of this day do declare a Blood Hunt to be in effect upon you, Pacifico you assistant and Magdalena your clan mate. This Blood Hunt is to take effect throughout the Kingdom of Jerusalem immediately. All who offer aid or shelter to you will likewise fall under this ban. I know full well that you are responsible for the attempted coup against me, that Joscelin was just your puppet. I shall not stand for such a challenge to my authority. Just as a See may only have one Bishop, a city may only have one Prince, and God has seen fit to appoint me.

Lucius Trebius Rufus

April 3rd 1185

Letter 66 between Subjects Ettiene and Subjects Lucius


Though I have put a Blood Hunt upon the Lasombra who attempted to wrest control of the city and control of the government of the Kingdom of Jerusalem from my hands, for you I offer only exile. Despite the evidence provided by Alais, Khalida and Xavier against you, which I found hard to doubt give the circumstances, it is not enough to condemn you. Know that should you set foot within the City of Jerusalem again you will be subject to Blood Hunt and if I am to learn of this then I shall appoint a Harpy to deal with said matter. The only exception to this is if I offer you safe passage. This I shall honour upon my immortal soul. Acre and Hiafa are still your domains and subject to your laws, that is your right as Prince. Know that I shall be conversing with both Etheria and Conrad soon over these most troubling matters.


April 3rd 1185

Note found appended to letter.

“If a kingdom is divided against itself, then that kingdom can not stand.”

Gospel according to Mark 3.24.

Extract from Ms Palermo.

Displeased greatly and moved by the agents of the Adversary, who is always trying to cause strife between men and tear down God’s creations, Joscelin of Courtenay, Reynald de Chatillion, Aimery de Lusignan and many other great men of the Kingdom did call together their vassals and march together to the city of Bethlehem, with the intent of making war upon the king. Raymond the Count of Tripoli at the behest of the invalided king did gather the army of the kingdom and meeting with the Ibelin family and Walter, Lord Caesarea, and proceeded to Bethlehem, arriving before the army of rebels. Camp was made there and after much negotiation and the exchange of hostages the rebels dispersed back to their own lands. The High Court was to be convened one month hence in the city of Caesarea which lies on the coast between Jaffa and Acre. There the rebels would plead their case before the king and their peers. Thus by Gods wisdom bloodshed was averted and harmony restored temporarily to the lands.

Also at this time the Archbishop of Nazareth was forced from his cathedral by an angry mob of the city. Fleeing he took refuge in Acre.

Along the roads and in the fields between the city of Jerusalem and the town of Bethany, where Lazarus was raised from the dead by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, many lions were seen, and they did attack travelers upon the road, being ferocious and unafraid of men. A knight of the Temple was killed by them, Robert de Lyons. A hunt was organized by the brethren to rid the area of these beasts, but none were found.

Also in this month, Agnes, former Queen of Jerusalem, the wife of the late King Amalric, mother to King Baldwin and Sibylla, died and was delivered unto the Lord.

Letter 18 between Subject Lucius and Subject Etheria.


As trusting in the wisdom and benevolence of the Lord God as I am and I know you equally to be, I do not hold much faith in the acts of men, who are made fallible and weak. What more need I say, your faith that has been placed in the hands of the rebels in unwise. A meeting of the Haute Cour has been called but they shall not abide by its rules, and no doubt shall endeavour to sway its decision through intimidation and blackmail. The pockets of the Lasombra are deep. This is an issue that will not easily pass. I hope you are ready to deal with the consequences. Paliuro is not a man to back down and from what Alais, Khalidah and Xavier saw in the encampment, his hold over many of the barons remains strong. Alternative methods may be required to cut out the festering flesh of his wound, so as to save the body.


Prince of Bethlehem

April 11th 1185

Charter of Subject Lucius concerning Subjects Godwin et al.

I Lucius, by God’s grace, Prince of the city of Jerusalem and its environs, do hearby grant the quarter of the city of Jerusalem that lies between Spanish Street, Jehosaphat Street and the city’s walls to the following. They are to enjoy the freedom of that quarter. There they may enjoy the rights of domain and feeding within these bounds. In return they are to ensure the duties of shepherding the flock and maintaining the Sixth Tradition, the Silence of the Blood. This charter is to last until such a time as either it is revoked by the Prince, or the below mentioned have been gone from the city for more than five years, lest they be on an errand of the Prince.

Sir Godwin of Bath
Father Amine
Etzio Auditore

Sealed by Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem

April 12th 1185

Letter between the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre and Raymond III Count of Tripoli.

Most noble Count of Tripoli

We the brothers and members of the community of the Holy Sepulchre do write to you to inform you and lay bear our worries and misgivings concerning recent actions by the heretical churches of the perfidious Greeks and effeminate Syrians. The Latin right has now been stopped in many different houses of the lord and the guardianship of their relics handed over to these tainted and untrustworthy hands. As ballie of the Kingdom it is to you who we must plead. Do not bring down God’s wrath upon the Kingdom by allowing such actions to continue. There is only one way to salvation and that is through the Lord Jesus. No god shall come of the dispossessions of the Latin clergy and those heretics now in charge will corrupt, despoil and profane the holiest of places. We implore you therefore to return all the lands and churches of the realm to those who will honour the Lord God best.

April 14th 1185

Letter discovered Alexandria Archive 57 between Subject Khalidah and Guy de Lusignan Count of Jaffa.

My most Noble Count

It is with wholehearted sincerity that I thank you for the hospitality you graced me with a few days ago. Please allow me to express my pleasure and gratitude for your gracious invitation, and assure you of the enjoyment both I and my chaperone received from your company that night.

Permit me in response to offer you a similar invitation to dine at my table at your next convenience: though I cannot match the rich variety of your household, I can promise you honest fare and pleasant company, should this arrangement be to your liking.

Furthermore, I’d like to thank you for your generous gift, although I have to confess, I rarely find Frankish fashion to my taste, I must commend your exquisite eye. Though I doubt I can match you a familiar gift, still being unfamiliar with your intimate character, I still hope that in time I will be able to grant you such an appropriate token.

Until then, please accept my prayers for your continued good health, and that of your family and the kingdom.

Your devoted servant

K. i. B

April 14th 1185.

Extract from MS Palermo

Easter was celebrated throughout the land. Countless numbers of pilgrims filled our land, coming in numberless ships from across the sea. Tens of thousands did proceed down to the banks of the River Jordan, protected by the brethren of the Temple, and there were baptized. The trees of the region were stripped bear for their palm leaves were needed for the processions. The Archbishops of Tyre and Caesarea lead the host about the city, many barefoot, until at last they came to the Sepulcher of our Lord. Amongst the Pilgrims were many great nobles and magnates from the Kingdoms of France, England and the Empire of the Germans. They were feasted by Raymond, Count of Tripoli, the Baillie, in the palace of the King.

Though it was the time of the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, his holy patrimony was not at peace. Unfamiliar with the laws and customs of Outremer many a pilgrim did cause offence or insult a burgher of the city. Fights and arguments were frequent and occasionally came to serious injury and harm.

Charter between Subject Lucius and Subject Marcus, Venetian Privileges.

I Lucius, by the grace of God, Prince of Jerusalem and the lands across the Sea, do hereby grant to the Giovanni Family of Venice and their representatives, for now and for the rest of time, certain privileges within the walls of the City of Jerusalem and its Kingdom. These are here recorded in writing and witnessed so that none may argue as to what is right and so that no privileges may be lost or broken in the course of time.

I. Four houses and a place in the market are to be given to the Giovanni family, merchants of Venice, within the city of Jerusaelm
II. There they shall inherit property as per the statues of the law.
III. The houses shall be subject to royal tax as they lie within the royal demesne
IV. The market stalls and the goods of the Giovanni sold there shall be exempt from all taxes
V. At Tel Dair Alla they shall have be granted a further 4 houses, for which they shall pay all owed taxes and rents.
VI. At Tel Dair Alla they are granted the right to build a mill for the production of sugar. The export of this shall be exempt from taxes and customs
VII. In return for the above the representatives of the Giovanni family shall provide for one knight, three horses and two sergeants to serve when called by the king.
VIII. The Giovanni also recognize the rights and position of Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem as legitimate lord of the kingdom, set above all others, and will endeavor to assist in the upholding of the peace and customs of the kingdom and its lord.

Signed and Sealed by

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem
Marcus Musa Giovanni
Viccilin of Marseilles
Boniface, a priest of Nablus.

At the Tower of David April 19th 1185

Letter from Venetian archive: Giovanni 7

Letter 219

My Lord,

It is with great pleasure that I write to inform you that my mission here in Outremer has been successful. I have acquired for the family trading rights and property in the city of Jerusalem itself and the neighbouring countryside. I have appended a copy of the charter for you perusal. I hope that this will please you and that in time a fruitful return will be received from the investment.

Whilst attending the court of Prince Lucius it has become apparent to me that he is greatly concerned about his position as lord of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Presently he is locked in a struggle against the faction of lords lead by Clan Lasombra, and has been weakened by a number of disappearances of close friends and clan mates. Certainly he has received little if no help from the low clans of the city. He is however supported by the Brujah, who have a deep hatred for the Lasombra here, or so I have learnt. Perhaps greater footholds and privileges may be gained in return for greater support and assistance to the Prince. A meeting of the High Court is to be convened in Caesarea soon to decide upon various matters that have split and divided the Kingdom in recent months.

It must also be noted that the Tremere are active here in the city and it was only through Gods’ intervention that I managed secure the rights that I did, stealing them away and relieving the prince from the Usurpers honeyed words. There is, as far as I know, only one present in the Kingdom and she is resident in Haifa at the court of Prince Etienne, though she surrounds herself with loyal ghouls. It seems the Tremere have wrought their way into the Malatesta family.

I shall do my utmost to discover more, until I receive word back from you.

Humbly your servant

Marcus Musa Giovanni

April 20th 1185

Letter between Umberto Malatesta and Subject Mara

My Lady,

I am afraid that I was not able to secure what you asked. Those vile gutter rats of ill bred Giovanni have used their poisoned words and cunning tricks to undo me. They stole what was almost within my grasp and now Prince Lucius has agreed a charter with them. I beg your forgiveness in failing you. I shall accept whatever punishment you deem necessary.

Umberto Malatesta

April 20th 1185

Reply to Letter from Subject Mara

Dearest Umberto,

Fear not, for I know you have worked you hardest upon the matters assigned to you and that you have done all that was within your power. Indeed you would be no match for a kindred negotiator like Marcus Giovanni. Things have progressed well here in Acre and success has also been achieved in Tyre and Beirut. The Giovanni may have their brief victory, for now remain at the side of the Prince and assure him of the clans support and trust in him.

Mara of House Tremere

April 28th 1185

Extract from MS Palermo

So it came to pass that the barons and prelates of the Kingdom of Jerusalem came together in the city of Caesarea by the sea, and there in the citadel overlooking the harbour did discuss the many ills that faced the kingdom. The king, struck down by his illness remained in Jerusalem, the lord Walter of Caesarea took charge. Barons at length discussed the ballie Raymond and who should have the right to administer the realm in the event of King Baldwin’s death while his heir also named Baldwin was still a minor. After much arguing and debate it was resolved that Raymond the Count of Tripoli would remain as baillie for the King and that if he were to die whilst his heir was still a minor, then the regency would pass to the boys mother Sibylla and her husband Guy. The Count of Tripoli feared that the barons would think he would try and usurp the throne, or treat him with great suspicion if the boy were also to die whilst he was ballie. As regards to Joscelin the Count of Edessa, he was to pay reparations to the King for damages caused during his recent uprising, though it was recognized that it had occurred because of their love and loyalty to the boy Baldwin and fears for his future. However there were some loyal to Raymond, those who desired to see him set up as king, and who despised the Lord Joscelin. Hugh of Beard did attempt to kill the Count of Edessa whilst hiding in a privy. By God’s grace the blow to Joscelin did not prove fatal and the attacker was struck down by the Count’s retainers.

During the meeting Guy of Nablus surrendered his soul unto God. Having consumed too much wine, which is prone to make all men weak, he fell whilst passing by a window, he struck his head against the stones of the wall and then fell unconscious into the harbour below, drowning. Likewise Richard le Petit who also intoxicated did strike a Genoese sailor, who then proceeded to fight with him. Other sailors came to their friend’s assistance and Richard was killed.

Letter 19 between Subjects Lucius and Etheria

Etheria, be it known, Elsh has returned. The wolf is amongst the sheep.


April 30th 1185

Letter 25 between Subjects Boniface and Lucius

My Dearest Prince

I must apologize to you again with every fibre of my being for the actions of my friend and clan mate Taurus. It is most unlike him to give into the beast whilst in the confines of the designated Elysium. I assure you that there was no conspiracy on behalf of Clan Brujah involved. We are as ever loyal to your leadership and cause as ever before. I fear that the uncharacteristic behaviour of Taurus may be a ploy by the Lasombra to divide us. This can not be allowed to happen. I know Taurus, who has recently emerged from his Slumber, induced by Sir Godwin, and will write to you soon to offer any further assurances that you may require. He also wished it to be known that he holds no grudge or hate for Sir Godwin or any other who incapacitated him in Caesarea, but he does respect them and love them more for their prudence.


May 7th 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

I awoke in a house on the edge of the ity of Caesarea, not far from the old Roman walls. I had been taken there by Gregorious, a member of my clan with whom I had only the briefest contact, even though I had been seeking him out. He informed me that I had give into my inner beast and let it take control of me at Elysium and attempted to do harm to many of the other there. Whilst under the beasts control I proved most troublesome to restrain, give as my clan is for its unusual hardiness. He had removed the stake that held me in that limbo for so long. Im afraid I can recall little of what occurred after subduing the Brujah Taurus. I was not enraged or attacked as such that would normally bring the beast to the fore, all I recall is feeling drained and week and noticing a considerable sum of blood about, though that may have come from the violence of Taurus.

Having now made a greater acquaintance with the members of the clan here in the east I shall endeavour to create a better reputation for the Giovanni family. Such actions as a loss of self control are not conducive to building a good name. There is much to be done before the arrival of further family members. If only Grregorious and his associate Abraham were more forthcoming, they still shut themselves away and hide in their havens, pursuing who knows what agenda. Perhaps they could prove more informative on the matters at hand.

Also no further news on Viccilin, rumours that he may have joined with the hidden Lafruy, wherever that may be.

May 9th 1185