Friday, 20 August 2010

Holy War - Winter 1185/1186

Extract from MS Palermo

The year came to a close and the celebration of Christmas took place in the Holy City of Jerusalem. The roads south to Bethlehem were choked with pilgrims who had remained in the realm since September. The Templars acted as their guards and guides, offering all assistance against the vile Bedouin who infested the lands. A great celebration in the Palace of Jerusalem with the little king Baldwin, Count Raymond of Tripoli, Count Joscelin of Edessa, Count Reginald of Sidon, Count Baldwin of Ramla, Count Balian of Ibelin, Count Bonifac of Montferrat, Guy de Lusignan, Patriarch Heraclaius and many other members of the Church.

It also happened at thistime that the old Bishop of Nazareth, resident in Nablus caught a fever whilst out riding one day, he took to bed and did not recover. The canons of the Church of Nazareth were much overjoyed by the death of the man they viewed as a usurper to the See. A new candidate was elected and peace restored to the diocese.

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Extract from the Journal of Subject Marcus Musa Giovanni

Constancia and Xavier along with the others have returned from Damascus, their time there was apparently successful, though I’m not sure Lucius was as convinced of their victories as they were, only time will tell on such matters. Constancia did not come to Elysium upon her return though, most interesting, I wonder what she is at. I have learnt from various sources that she has been researching the elders of the Jewish faith, their history; something is brewing between her and Abraham. It should not threaten the advances I have made here though.

December 29th 1185

Items from Venetian Archive: Giovanni 7

Letter 220

My Lord,

Please find below a complete list of properties and lands now belonging to our family and the city of Venice.

I. Twelve houses and a place in the market are to be given to the Giovanni family, merchants of Venice, within the city of Jerusalem

II. Exemption from all tolls and taxes upon the gates of the city for moveable goods entering the city.

III. There they shall inherit property as per the statues of the law.

IV. The houses shall be subject to royal tax as they lie within the royal demesne

V. The market stalls and the goods of the Giovanni sold there shall be exempt from all taxes and fees

VI. At Tel Dair Alla they shall have be granted a further 8 houses, for which they shall pay all owed taxes and rents.

VII. At Tel Dair Alla they are granted the right to build a mill for the production of sugar. The export of this shall be exempt from taxes and customs

VIII. At Tel Dair Alla they may also build an oven and use it in the manner they see fit, receiving payment for its use by villains.

IX. The Casal of Beit Jurbran is also granted to the Giovanni family along with all the lands and people subject to it. There they shall have a church and a fortified tower.

X. In return for the above the representatives of the Giovanni family shall provide for three knight, nine horses and four sergeants to serve when called by the king.

XI The Giovanni also recognize the rights and position of Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem as legitimate lord of the kingdom, set above all others, and will endeavor to assist in the upholding of the peace and customs of the kingdom and its lord.

XII. In the City of Acre, six houses and a place on the market next to the harbour shall also be granted.

XIII. All taxes and tolls on silk, grain, iron, wood and sugar entering or leaving the city shall be waived for the Giovanni.

I hope you find the above most pleasing to you my Lord. I’m afraid I could not prevent some gains being made by the Malatesta or their masters the Tremere, but I have checked their influence at various points. Further work will have to be done to ensure future profits and dominance. I understand the Pactum Warmundi in Tyre is under threat currently; I shall go there and ensure that the city of Venice’s rights remain intact.

Your humble Servant

Marcus Musa Giovanni

January 2nd 1186

Letter 45 between Subject Conrad and Subject Lucius.

My Lord,

Know that now and for the future I remain your loyal servant, tied by common goals, faith as well as our blood. I shall make haste and supply you with all that I can spare for the time being. I shall muster as many sergeants and turcopoles as I can and send them south to you. They should number two to three score. I shall then come myself with my own retinue. I must also warn you that I have received reports that a member of Clan Lasombra has been active in the city. Members of a society calling itself the Manus Nigrum have been caught. I shall confer more with you when we meet next.

Conrad, Prince of Tyre

Januray 16th 1186

Letter 1 between Subject Lucius and Subject Jared.

Jared, I understand that there is a consignment of your brother Hospitallers arriving in the city soon. Go and meet them on the road and send them to Bethgibelin. Make sure none of the great traitor Elsh’s minions are active on the roads, I charge you to make them secure for the coming days activities. Scourge the land of all the insidious foe’s minions. Protect the Ibelins, Elsh has designs on destroying them. He has contacts in Joscelin’s camp. Do whatever you must to secure them and their estates, but do not strike any fatal blows against the Count of Edessa.


January 20th 1186

Proclamation 93 By Subject Lucius.

I do hearby declare that the Kindred known as Elsh, who is illegally occupuying the city of Caesarea, is blood hunted. I call all loyal members of the Courts of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jaffa, Acre and Tyre to assemble with all the forces they are capable of mustering, five nights hence at the town of Bethgibelin. There we shall march on Caesarea and put all traitors to the sword. Elsh had defiled and blasphemed this land too long, his reign of fear and intimidation shall be brought to an end. Deus Vult!

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem.

January 22nd 1186.

Extract from MS Palermo

In the second month of they year MCLXXXVI since the incarnation of our lord Jesus Christ, while deep snow lay upon the ground, many a knight did wander the roads of the Kingdom and murder stained the snow red with blood. Near Bethgibelin witches were seen and the fires of Hell opened up and consumed the sinners of the land. The city of Caesarea on the coast, a haunt and den of all vices was rocked by earthquakes and many a tower fell. Walter, lord of the city did come before the Bishop and do penance for the ills that he had brought upon the land. Illegal war had been made by him upon his neighbours the Ibelins, some were killed, but soon the matter was at an end and Walter came before the Baillie Raymond and the Haute Cour to as forgiveness for his actions.

Letter 1 between Subject Lucius and Subject Hakkon

Hakkon, Sheriff of Jerusalem.

The traitor Elsh has been destroyed and met his final death. No doubt he resides now in Hell. When you have recovered sufficiently I require you to ride to Caesarea and secure the city. Conrad and Ekiarties have met their final death at the hand of the traitor and his minions. Jared has recovered, take him and his Hospitallers and do what must be done. Try to recover Lord Walter if you are able, if he I too far gone, then I trust in your judgment. I shall return to Jerusalem via Bethlehem. God speed to you.

Lucius, Prince of Jerusalem.

February 2nd 1186.

Extracts from MS Palermo

In the city of Hebron, the people, stirred up against the depravity and vile actions of the Jews of that city, did attack and burn part of the Synagogue, slaying all those they found in side and damaging the ancient Tomb of the Patriarchs and stealing from there many ancient and wonderful treasures that had been hoarded there by that avaricious people.

Fragment of a Letter Found in Damascus Archive 2

……in short then, I agree to the terms, so long as the devices are handed over I and my Order shall ensure their continued safety from those who wish to use them for ill. Solomon’s works will not be used by members of the bloodline. Restoration of the Tomb and word shall be sent to our Jewish cousins on the matter. Please refrain from contacting us again, the next welcome you receive may be too warm for you.

Guibert de Grenmensil,

House Bonnisagus

February 18th 1186.

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